Manual de instrucciones de Roland VIMA JM-5

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Roland VIMA JM-5

Aparato: Roland VIMA JM-5
Categoría: Equipo de DJ
Fabricante: Roland
Tamaño: 0.59 MB
Fecha de añadido: 3/18/2014
Número de páginas: 20
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Model: JM-5
Date: July 2011
Version: 1.00
MIDI Implementation
❍ Data Entry (Controller number 6, 38)
1. Received data
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 06H mmH
■ Channel Voice Messages
BnH 26H llH
● Note off
n= MIDI channel number: 0H~FH (Ch.1~16)
mm, ll= the value of the parameter specified by RPN/NRPN
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
mm= MSB, ll= LSB
8nH kkH ccH
9nH kkH 00H
❍ Volume (Controller number 7)
n= MIDI channel number: 0H~FH (Ch.1~16)
Status 2nd byte 3rd

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

JM-5 MIDI Implementation ❍ Soft (Controller number 67) ❍ Portamento control (Controller number 84) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 43H vvH BnH 54H kkH n= MIDI channel number: 0H~FH (Ch.1~16) n= MIDI channel number: 0H~FH (Ch.1~16) vv= Control value: 00H~7FH (0~127) 0~63= OFF, 64~127= ON kk= source note number: 00H~7FH (0~127) •Not received when “Soft” RX Event is Off. •A Note-on received immediately after a Portamento Control message wi

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

JM-5 MIDI Implementation On the JM-5, RPN can be used to modify the following parameters. 01H 21H mmH TVF Resonance (relative change) RPN Data entry mm: 00H~40H~7FH (-64~0~+63) 01H 63H mmH TVF&TVA Envelope Attack Time (rel. change) MSB LSB MSB LSB Explanation mm: 00H~40H~7FH (-64~0~+63) 00H 00H mmH —- Pitch Bend Sensitivity 01H 64H mmH TVF&TVA Envelope Decay Time (rel. change) mm: 00H~18H (0~24 semitones) mm: 00H~40H~7FH (-64~0~+63) Initial value= 02H (2 semitones) 0

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

JM-5 MIDI Implementation Modulation 0 (off) ■ System Realtime Messages Expression 127 (max) ● Active Sensing Hold 1 0 (off) Status Portamento 0 (off) FEH Sostenuto 0 (off) •When Active Sensing is received, the unit will begin monitoring the inter- Soft 0 (off) vals of all further messages. While monitoring, if the interval between RPN unset; previously set data do not change messages exceeds 420 ms, the same processing will be carried out as NRPN unset;

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

JM-5 MIDI Implementation ❍ GS reset ■ System Exclusive Messages GS Reset is a command message that resets the internal settings of a device Status Data byte Status to the GS initial state. This message appears at the beginning of GS music F0H iiH, ddH, ......,eeH F7H data, and a GS device that receives this message will automatically be set to F0H: System Exclusive Message status the proper state to correctly play back GS music data. ii= ID number: an ID number (manu

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

JM-5 MIDI Implementation ❍ Master Fine Tuning pp=0 Chorus Type Status Data byte Status vv=0 Chorus1 vv=1 Chorus2 F0H 7FH,7FH,04H,03H,llH,mmH F7H vv=2 Chorus3 Byte Explanation vv=3 Chorus4 F0H Exclusive status vv=4 FB Chorus 7FH ID number (universal realtime message) vv=5 Flanger 7FH Device ID (Broadcast) pp=1 Mod Rate 04H Sub ID#1 (Device Control) vv= 00H~7FH 0~127 03H Sub ID#2 (Master Fine Tuning) pp=2 Mod Depth llH Master Fine Tuning LSB vv= 00H~7FH 0~127 mmH Master Fine Tun

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

JM-5 MIDI Implementation ❍ Scale/Octave Tuning Adjust 2. Transmitted data Status Data byte Status Data transmission is only possible when theJM-5 is connected to the USB– F0H 7EH, 7FH, 08H, 08H, ffH, ggH, hhH, ssH… F7 MIDI socket and after selecting the MENU→ ADVANCED→ MIDI→ “SONG PART” preset. Byte Explanation F0H Exclusive status ■ Channel Voice Messages 7EH ID number (Universal Non-realtime Message) 7FH Device ID (Broadcast) ● Note off 08H Sub ID#1 (MI

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

JM-5 MIDI Implementation ❍ Expression (Controller number 11) ❍ Cutoff (Controller number 74) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 0BH vvH BnH 4AH vvH n= MIDI channel number: 0H~FH (Ch.1~16) n= MIDI channel number: 0H~FH (Ch.1~16) vv= Expression: 00H~7FH (0~127), Initial value= 7FH (127) vv= Cutoff value 00H~7FH(-64~0~+63), (relative change): Initial value= 40H (no change) • This adjusts the volume of a Part. It can be used indepen

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

JM-5 MIDI Implementation On GS instruments, NRPN can be used to modify the following parameters. ON theJM-5, RPN can be used to modify the following parameters. The range of values for relative change parameters will be different with certain RPN Data entry models. Please see the explanation that follows the chart.: MSB LSB MSB LSB Explanation NRPN Data entry 00H 00H mmH —- Pitch Bend Sensitivity MSB LSB MSB Function and range mm: 00H~18H (0~24 semitones) 01H 08H mmH V

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

JM-5 MIDI Implementation ● POLY (Controller number 127) ■ System Exclusive Messages Status 2nd byte 3rd byte Status Data byte Status BnH 7FH 00H F0H iiH, ddH, ......,eeH F7H F0H: System Exclusive Message status n= MIDI channel number: 0H~FH (Ch.1~16) ii= ID number: an ID number (manufacturer ID) to indicate the • The corresponding channel is set to Mode 3. manufacturer whose Exclusive message this is. Roland 's man- ufacturer ID is 41H. ID numbers 7EH and 7FH are extensions of the M

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

JM-5 MIDI Implementation ● Patch parameters ❍ Patch common parameters Parameters that apply to all Parts of each module are called “Patch Common” parameters. Address(H) Size(H) Data (H) Parameter Description Default Value (H) Description 40 00 00 00 00 04 0018~07E8 MASTER TUNE -100.0~+100.0 [cents] 00 04 00 00 0 [cents] 40 00 01# Use nibblized data. 40 00 02# 40 00 03# •Refer to “About the Tuning” on page 15. 40 00 04 00 00 01 00~7F MASTER VOLUME 0~127 7F 127 (= F0 7F 7F 04 01 00 vv F7) 40 00 05

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

JM-5 MIDI Implementation ❍ Patch Part parameters The JM-5 has 19 Parts: 3 parts assigned to External In, and 16 parts for Songs. For External part control, use the address [50 xx xx] For Song part control, use the address [40 xx xx] The 19 Parts are: External In parts Song parts Track Name MIDI channel Track Name MIDI channel SysEx X= 1Tone 1 1 1 Part 1 1 X= 1 2Tone 2 2 2 Part 2 2 X= 2 3Tone 3 3 3 Part 3 3 X= 3 4— —4 Part 4 4 X= 4 5— —5 Part 5 5 X= 5 6— —6 Part 6 6 X= 6 7— —7 Part 7 7 X= 7 8— —8

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

JM-5 MIDI Implementation 40 1x 1E 00 00 01 00~7F KEYBOARD RANGE HIGH (C-1)~(G9) 7F G9 40 1x 1F 00 00 01 00~5F CC1 CONTROLLER NUMBER 0~95 10 16 40 1x 20 00 00 01 00~5F CC2 CONTROLLER NUMBER 0~95 11 17 40 1x 21 00 00 01 00~7F CHORUS SEND LEVEL 0~127 00 0 (=CC# 93) 40 1x 22 00 00 01 00~7F REVERB SEND LEVEL 0~127 28 40 (=CC# 91) 40 1x 23 00 00 01 00~01 Rx.BANK SELECT OFF/ON 01 ON 40 1x 24 00 00 01 00~01 RX BANK SELECT LSB OFF/ON 01 ON 40 1x 2A 00 00 02 00 00~40 PITCH FINE TUNE -100~0~+100 [cents] 40

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

JM-5 MIDI Implementation 40 2x 28 00 00 01 00~7F CAf LFO2 PITCH DEPTH 0~600 [cents] 00 0 [cents] 40 2x 29 00 00 01 00~7F CAf LFO2 TVF DEPTH 0~2400 [cents] 00 0 [cents] 40 2x 2A 00 00 01 00~7F CAf LFO2 TVA DEPTH 0~100.0 [%] 00 0 [%] 40 2x 30 00 00 01 28~58 PAf PITCH CONTROL -24~+24 [semitones] 40 0 [semitones] 40 2x 31 00 00 01 00~7F PAf TVF CUTOFF CONTROL -9600~+9600 [cents] 40 0 [cents] 40 2x 32 00 00 01 00~7F PAf AMPLITUDE CONTROL -100.0~+100.0 [%] 40 0 [%] 40 2x 33 00 00 01 00~7F PAf LFO1 RAT

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

JM-5 MIDI Implementation [Example 2] Setting REVERB LEVEL to “12” (B3) 26 00 (MIDI ch.4) lower byte of parameter value: 00H According to the “Patch parameters” on page 11, the REVERB LEVEL Address (B3) 64 7F (MIDI ch.4) lower byte of RPN parameter number: 7FH is “40 01 33H”, and the parameter value is “0CH”. Thus, (B3) 65 7F (MIDI ch.4) upper byte of RPN parameter number: 7FH F0 41 10 42 12 40 01 33 0C ?? F7 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) address data checksum (6) In other words, the above messages specif

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

JM-5 MIDI Implementation #10 00 72 15 0000 aaaa INDIVIDUAL PARAMETER TRANSMIS- 0000 bbbb SION XV GENERATION 0000 cccc 0000 dddd MFX A Parameter 2 (12768~52768) (Model ID JM-5 = 00H, 00H, 08H) –20000~+20000 Individual Parameter Transmission transmits data (or requests data) for one #10 00 72 19 0000 aaaa parameter as one exclusive message (one packet of “F0…F7”). 0000 bbbb In Individual Parameter Transmission, you must use the Address and Size list- 0000 cccc ed in the following “Parameter Addre

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

JM-5 MIDI Implementation #10 00 72 59 0000 aaaa 10 00 74 09 0aaa aaaa MFX B Control 3 Source (0 - 101) 0000 bbbb OFF, CC01 - CC31, CC33 - CC95, BEND, 0000 cccc AFT, SYS1 - SYS4 0000 dddd MFX A Parameter 19 (12768~52768) 10 00 74 0A 0aaa aaaa MFX B Control 3 Sens (1 - 127) –20000~+20000 -63 - +63 #10 00 72 5D 0000 aaaa 10 00 74 0B 0aaa aaaa MFX B Control 4 Source (0 - 101) 0000 bbbb OFF, CC01 - CC31, CC33 - CC95, BEND, 0000 cccc AFT, SYS1 - SYS4 0000 dddd MFX A Parameter 20 (12768~52768) 10 00

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

JM-5 MIDI Implementation #10 00 74 49 0000 aaaa #10 00 75 0D 0000 aaaa 0000 bbbb 0000 bbbb 0000 cccc 0000 cccc 0000 dddd MFX B Parameter 15 (12768~52768) 0000 dddd MFX B Parameter 32 (12768~52768) –20000~+20000 –20000~+20000 #10 00 74 4D 0000 aaaa ❍ Common MFX C 0000 bbbb 0000 cccc Offset Address Description 0000 dddd MFX B Parameter 16 (12768~52768) 10 00 76 00 0aaa aaaa MFX C Type (0 - 83) –20000~+20000 10 00 76 01 0aaa aaaa MFX C Dry Send Level (0 - 127) #10 00 74 51 0000 aaaa 10 00 76 02 0a

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

JM-5 MIDI Implementation #10 00 76 39 0000 aaaa #10 00 76 7D 0000 aaaa 0000 bbbb 0000 bbbb 0000 cccc 0000 cccc 0000 dddd MFX C Parameter 11 (12768~52768) 0000 dddd MFX C Parameter 28 (12768~52768) –20000~+20000 –20000~+20000 #10 00 76 3D 0000 aaaa #10 00 77 01 0000 aaaa 0000 bbbb 0000 bbbb 0000 cccc 0000 cccc 0000 dddd MFX C Parameter 12 (12768~52768) 0000 dddd MFX C Parameter 29 (12768~52768) –20000~+20000 –20000~+20000 #10 00 76 41 0000 aaaa #10 00 77 05 0000 aaaa 0000 bbbb 0000 bbbb 0000 cccc

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

JM-5 MIDI Implementation MIDI Implementation Chart [VIMA] Date: July 2011 Model: JM-5 Version: 1.00 Function... Transmitted Recognized Remarks Basic Default 1~16 1~16 16 parts (SMF songs) 3 parts (External In) Channel Changed 1~16, Off 1~16, Off Default Mode 3 Mode 3 Mode Message Mode 3, 4 (M=1) Mode 3, 4 (M=1) *2 Altered ***** Note 0~127 0~127 Number True Voice ***** 0~127 Note ON O*1O*1 Velocity Note OFF X X After Key’s O O*1 Touch Ch’s O O*1 Pitch Bend O *1 O *1 0,32O*1O *1 Bank Select 1O*1O*

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