Manual de instrucciones de Krell Industries RS-232

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Krell Industries RS-232

Aparato: Krell Industries RS-232
Categoría: Televisión CRT
Fabricante: Krell Industries
Tamaño: 0.04 MB
Fecha de añadido: 5/10/2014
Número de páginas: 8
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

SACD Standard
Super Audio
Compact Disc Player
RS-232 Port: Sending Commands
and Interpreting Data
RC-6 Remote: Commands
Developer’s Reference

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

SACD Standard Super Audio Compact Disc Player Developer’s Reference v 03.0 CONTACT Krell Industries, Inc. 45 Connair Road INFORMATION Orange, CT 06477-3650 USA TEL 203-799-9954 FAX 203-891-2028 E-MAIL WEBSITE ® This product is manufactured in the United States of America. Krell is a registered trademark of Krell Industries, Inc., and is restricted for use by Krell Industries, Inc., its subsidiaries, and authorized agents. All other trademarks

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Overview This document is designed for application developers who want to control the SACD Standard using an external computer-based device. The document contains five sections: 1 Connecting to the RS-232 Port, including the RS-232 connector diagram, and RS-232 Port Protocols, on page 4 2 RS-232 Commands, on page 5 3 RS-232 Status Feedback Description, on page 6 4 RS-232 Status Block Descriptions, showing how the SACD Standard reports operational status, on pages 6-7 5 RC-6 Commands, descri

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Connecting to the RS-232 Port A 9-pin RS-232 port is located on the right-hand side of the SACD Standard back panel. Make sure the clamping screws (or thumb- screws) securely fasten the connection cable from the external computer-based device to the RS-232 port on the SACD Standard. Refer to the operating manual of your external computer-based device for instructions on connecting to the SACD Standard. To wire the male connector, follow these steps: WIRING THE MALE RS-232 PORT 1. Locate the pin

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

RS-232 Commands for the SACD Standard COMMAND RS-232 CODE Power On 1PWRZ Power Off 0PWRZ Toggles the Power PWRZ Open / Close Transport OPNZ Reverse Search RSCHZ Forward Search FSCHZ Play PLYZ Forward Track FTRKZ Reverse Track RTRKZ Re-start Track STRKZ Pause PAUSZ Stop STPZ Area AREAZ Display DISPZ Dim DIMZ Scan SCANZ Shuffle SFFLZ Repeat RPTZ A-B Repeat ABRZ Number 1 ONEZ Number 2 TWOZ Number 3 TREZ Number 4 FORZ Number 5 FIVZ Number 6 SIXZ Number 7 SEVZ Number 8 ATEZ Number 9 NINZ Number 0 NU

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

RS-232 Status Feedback Description for the SACD Standard The SACD Standard reports its operational status by transmitting a block of status data via the RS-232 connector. The block is configured as three 8-bit words. The first and last word always contains hexadecimal code 55 to facilitate message framing and synchronization. When the data block is sent through an RS-232 port, each 8-bit word transmitted will also have 1 stop bit associated with it. The exact RS-232 protocol settings for bot

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

RS-232 Status Block Descriptions, continued Word 3: End of Message Bit 76 543 2 1 0 Description 01 010 1 0 1 Bit 7 – 0: Hexadecimal 55 7 Krell SACD Standard Developer’s Reference

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

RC-6 Commands for the SACD Standard The following codes are used for controlling the SACD Standard via IR. SYSTEM SYSTEM COMMAND COMMAND KEY (HEX) (DEC) (HEX) (DEC) COMMAND 04 04 0C 12 SACD Power 04 04 31 49 Stop 04 04 50 80 Sound Mode 04 04 2C 44 Play 04 04 29 41 Reverse 04 04 30 48 Pause 04 04 22 34 Slow 04 04 28 40 Forward 04 04 21 33 Previous 04 04 D7 215 Resume 04 04 20 32 Next 04 04 54 84 Disc 04 04 48 72 Display 04 04 01 1 1 04 04 02 2 2 04 04 03 3 3 04 04 04 4 4 04 04 05 5 5 04 04 06 6

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