Manual de instrucciones de Stovax REGENCY 1002

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Stovax REGENCY 1002

Aparato: Stovax REGENCY 1002
Categoría: Cocina
Fabricante: Stovax
Tamaño: 1.16 MB
Fecha de añadido: 2/25/2013
Número de páginas: 26
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Stovax REGENCY 1002 Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Free Standing Stove
Models : 1000/1001/1002
Instructions for Use,
Installation and servicing
For use in Great Britain and Republic of Ireland
This appliance has been certified for use in countries other than those stated. To install this appliance in these countries, it is essential to obtain the translated
instructions and in some cases the appliance will require modification. Contact Stovax for further information.
*excludes 1002
This appliance will become hot whilst in op

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

CoVeRING THe FolloWING Models: 1000/1001/1002 APPlIANCe CoMMIssIo NING CHeCKlIsT 3 CoMMIssIoNING 21 UseR INsTRUCTIoNs 4 MAINTeNANCe & seRVICING 22 General Points 4 Annual Service 22 Using the appliance for the first time 6 Removal of Baffle & Grate 23 Recommended Fuels 6 Lighting the appliance 7 Running the appliance 7 Burning Tips 7 BAsIC sPARe PARTs lIsT 23 Ash Removal 8 Over night burning 9 seRVICe ReCoRds 24 Over-Firing 9 Chimney Fire 9 eC deClARATIoN oF CoNFoRMITY 260 General Cleaning 9

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

APPlIANCe CoMMIssIoNING CHeCKlIsT To assist us in any guarantee claim please complete the following information:- stovax dealer appliance was purchased from Name: ................................................................................................................................................................. Address: ............................................................................................................................................................... .....

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

UseR INsTRUCTIoNs 1. GeNeRAl PoINTs 1.1 Before use of this appliance please read these Data Plate instructions fully. 1.2 All local regulations, including those referring to national and european standards need to be complied with when installing the appliance. 1.3 Only use for domestic heating in accordance with these operating instructions. 1.4 You must burn only approved fuels. Do not use with liquid PR7221R fuels or as an incinerator. 1.5 Appliance surfaces become very hot when in u

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

UseR INsTRUCTIoNs Flue Adapter Stovax Part No. 4819 (Not included with appliance) Ash pan Ash lip Blanking plate rear view bottom view 5

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

UseR INsTRUCTIoNs do not burn construction timber, painted, impregnated WARNING / treated wood, manufactured board products or pallet wood. Properly installed, operated and maintained this 3.2 solid fuel: appliance will not emit fumes into the room. • Burn only anthracite or manufactured briquette smokeless fuels listed as suitable for use with open heating appliances Occasional fumes from de-ashing and refuelling may occur. do not burn bituminous coal, ‘petro-coke’ or o

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

UseR INsTRUCTIoNs • Open the doors fully for a few minutes before re-fuelling 4. lIGHTING THe APPlIANCe • Rake the embers evenly over the fire bed 4.1 For best results: • Burn new logs at high output for a few minutes before • F u l l y o p e n t h e d o o r s adjusting the Air Inlet controls. Refuel little and often for clean, efficient burning. • Place firelighters or paper and dry kindling wood on the grate • Experience establis

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

UseR INsTRUCTIoNs — Smoke and small flames Weather Conditions Problem effect — Dirty firebricks Windy days Buildings/Obstacles Smoky Appliance — Short life span for grate, baffles and internal firebricks cause turbulent air around chimney. 6.3 Air inlets puffing smoke Calm days Oversized Chimney. Smoky Appliance Combustion gases build up in the firebox and ignite as small explosions, causing smoke to puff out of the air inlets and damp / Rainy days Flue temperature Lighting and other op

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

UseR INsTRUCTIoNs 7.3 Remove Ashpan carefully. Heat can remain long after use, 11. GeNeRAl CleANING See Diagram 12 11.1 Allow appliance to cool thoroughly to avoid risk of • Use gloves, or place the ash into a Stovax Ash Caddy burns: (Stovax Part No. 4227) • Clean regularly, according to the level of use • Remove ash at least once every week when burning wood • Give attention to the baffle system, flue ways and • Do not place hot ash in

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

UseR INsTRUCTIoNs 14. seAsoNAl Use 13. CARe oF APPlIANCe Stovax has a range of cleaning and maintenance products and 14.1 Clean and service the appliance if it is not used during the warmer periods of the year as detailed in the Maintenance accessories to keep your appliance in good working condition. Your Stovax retailer can provide full details but here is a brief list of and Servicing section useful items: 14.2 Set the air controls 50% open to keep the appliance ventilated and stop the bu

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

TeCHNICAl sPeCIFICATIoN ReGeNCY 1000/1001/1002 Model Regency 1000/10 01/1002* 5 12 12 Wood kW Nominal Heat Output 4 5 6 Solid Fuel kW 1.25 1.25 1.25 mm All Fuels Flue Draught at Nominal Heat Output 0.05 0.05 0.05 inch Wg 39 42 N/A Wood g/s Flue Gas Mass Flow Solid 45 45 N/A g/s Fuel 331 N/A 211 Wood °C Flue Gas Temperature at Spigot/Socket 211 331 N/A Solid Fuel °C 200 200 200 mm Flue Outlet Size (Top or Rear Option) inch 8 8 8 Weight kg 114 136 150 Wood Seasoned wood (less than 20% moistu

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

TeCHNICAl sPeCIFICATIoN ReGeNCY dIMeNsIoNs d G I e A H B C F PR7215R description Model A B C d e F G H I 1000 Small Regency 930mm 760mm 140mm 850mm 740mm 296mm 350mm 650mm 120mm Medium Regency 1001 960mm 800mm 140mm 950mm 840mm 296mm 400mm 690mm 120mm Large Regency 1002 960mm 800mm 140mm 1050mm 930mm 296mm 400mm 690mm 120mm All dimensions in mm. (25.4 mm = 1”) 12

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

sITe ReQUIReMeNTs 1.5 You must sweep and inspect the flue when the appliance is 1. FlUe oR CHIMNeY installed. 1.6 You must check the flue draught with all windows and 1.1 The flue or chimney system must be in good condition. doors closed and any extraction fans in this or adjoining It must be inspected by a competent person and passed for rooms running at maximum speed. (See next section for use with the appliance before installation additional ventilation requirements) Products of combus

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

sITe ReQUIReMeNTs 1. FlUe oUTleT PosITIoNs Horizontal Terminal Measurement Flue 150mm Vertical max Measurement Adjacent Building Insulation The vertical measurement is the lowest from either the point of discharge or 150mm above insulation. Position on Roof Minimum Clearances IMPORTANT: Seek specialist On ridge or within 600mm 600mm above ridge A advice if installing in a dwelling with a thatched roof Elsewhere on roof 2300mm horizontally from roof surface and: B a) 1000mm above highest p

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

sITe ReQUIReMeNTs 3. WAlls NeXT To A HeARTH Solid, non-combustible Thickness W material e.g. masonry or concrete H C 150mm minimum 150mm C minimum PR7217R Position of Appliance & Hearth in relation to walls Requirement for the walls distance of hearth from wall distance of Appliance to wall Min thickness of Wall Min height of wall 'C' 'W' 'H' 0mm 0mm - 50mm 200mm Height of appliance + 300mm Or 1200mm from the hearth (take largest 0mm 51mm - 300mm 75mm dimension) 0 - 150mm 150mm + 75mm 1200mm

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

PRe-INsTAllATIoN CHeCKs 1. VeNTIlATIoN Model Small Regency - 1000 Medium Regency - 1001 Large Regency - 1002 200 200 200 mm Without liner system round (diameter) 8 8 8 inch 180 180 180 mm Flue/Chimney Without liner system (square) minimum dimension Size 7 7 7 inch 200 200 200 mm With liner or factory made system (diameter) installed in accordance with manufacturers instructions 8 8 8 inch 4.5 4.5 4.5 m Flue/Chimney minimum height* 15 15 feet 15 * When measured from the top of the appliance to

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

PRe-INsTAllATIoN CHeCKs 2. AddITIoNAl VeNTIlATIoN 2.2 Extractor fans or cooker hoods must not be placed in the 2.1 Additional ventilation will be required to comply with the requirements of the Building Regulations. This should be same room or space as this can cause the appliance to emit provided using a permanently open air vent, of the size fumes into the room. listed, which is positioned so that it is not liable to be 2.3 If any of these checks reveal problems do not proceed blocked b

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

INsTAllATIoN INsTRUCTIoNs • Open the doors and remove the carton containing the leGAl ReQUIReMeNTs following items: Flue pipe adaptor 3 Legs Before installation of this product please read these Blanking plate instructions fully. Screws • Remove the grate and ash pan It is very important to understand the requirements of the national • Lay the appliance carefully on it's back Building Regulations* and standards**, along with any local

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

INsTAllATIoN INsTRUCTIoNs Seal collar with fire cement Flue Adapter Flue Pipe 915mm (3ft) Self tapping screw Size Stovax Part No. Size Stovax Part No. 8" 4819 *5" 4502 6" 4602 Tee Size Stovax Part No. Self tappping 8" 4817 screw at rear Flue Adapter Cap Seal flue collar Size Stovax Part No. with Fire Cement 8" 4819 PR7219R PR7218R To chimney connection Elbow with access cover Elbow with access cover as detailed in building Size Stovax Part No. Size Stovax Part No. regulations 8" 4812 8" 4812

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

INsTAllATIoN INsTRUCTIoNs 3. FITTING ANd ReMoVAl oF THe GRATe 3.1 The grate must be fitted for the burning of all fuels. 3.2 To fit the grate place on the runners on the side of the firebox. 3.3 Place ashpan under the grate. 3.4 Removal is the reverse of the above procedure 4. oPTIoNA l AddITIoN s The appliance comes with the additional option of a cast iron Bean Pot 4.1 Seasoning Cast Iron Cookware Seasoning cast iron pans makes them nonstick and increases longevity. When new they are g

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