Bedienungsanleitung Blodgett RE Series

Bedienungsanleitung für das Gerät Blodgett RE Series

Gerät: Blodgett RE Series
Kategorie: Konvektionsofen
Produzent: Blodgett
Größe: 0.89 MB
Datum des Hinzufügens: 10/5/2014
Seitenanzahl: 53
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Blodgett RE Series Handbuch - Online PDF
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Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1

44 Lakeside Avenue, Burlington, Vermont 05401 USA Telephone (800) 331-5842, (802) 860-3700 Fax: (802)864-0183
PN 90139 Rev J (6/01)
E2001 --- G.S. Blodgett Corporation

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2


Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3

THEREPUTATIONYOUCANCOUNTON UNERÉPUTATIONSURLAQUELLEVOUSPOUVEZCOMPTER Foroveracenturyandahalf,TheBlodgettOvenCompanyhasbeenbuilding ovensandnothingbutovens.We’vesettheindustry’squalitystandardforall kindsofovensforeveryfoodserviceoperationregardlessofsize,application orbudget. Infact, no oneoffers moremodels, sizes, and ovenapplications thanBlodgett;gasandelectric,full-size,half-size,countertopanddeck,con- vection, Cook’n Hold, Combi-Ovens andthe industry’s highest qualityPizza Ovenline.Formorein

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4

Model/Modèl: Your Service Agency’s Address: Adressedevotreagencedeservice: Serial Number/Numéro de série: Your oven was installed by/ Installateur de votre four: Your oven’s installation was checked by/ Contrôleur de l’installation de votre four:

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5

TableofContents/TabledesMatières Introduction Introduction Oven Description and Specifications .... 2 Description et Spécifications du Four.... 26 Oven Components.................... 3 Éléments du Four..................... 27 Installation Installation Delivery and Location ................. 4 Livraison et Implantation............... 28 Oven Assembly ...................... 5 Montage du Four ..................... 29 NSF Bolts .......................... 5 Boulons NSF ....................... 29 Leg

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6

Introduction OvenDescriptionandSpecifications Cookinginaconvectionovendiffersfromcooking inaconventionaldeckorrangeovensinceheated air is constantly recirculated over the product by afaninanenclosedchamber.Themovingaircon- tinually stripsaway thelayer ofcool airsurround- ingtheproduct,quicklyallowingtheheattopene- trate. Theresult is a highquality product, cooked atalowertemperatureinashorteramountoftime. Blodgettconvectionovensrepresentthelatestad- vancement in energy efficiency, reliability, a

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7

Introduction OvenComponents Combustion Cover --- provides access to the RackSupports --- hold oven racks. combustion compartment on gas ovens. BlowerWheelCover---locatedonthebackinteri- CombustionCompartment --- containscombus- or wall of the oven. Protects the blower wheel. tion burners on gas ovens. Blower Wheel --- spins to circulate hot air in the CombustionBurners --- provideheat to thebak- baking chamber. ing chamber on gas ovens. Convection Motor --- provides power to turn the ControlPane

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8

Installation DeliveryandLocation DELIVERYAND INSPECTION It is essential that an adequate air supply to the oven be maintained toprovide a sufficient flow of All Blodgett ovens are shipped in containers to combustion and ventilation air. preventdamage.Upondeliveryofyournewoven: D Place the oven in an area that is free of drafts. D Inspecttheshippingcontainerforexternaldam- D Keeptheovenareafreeandclearofallcombus- age.Anyevidenceofdamageshouldbenoted tiblessuchaspaper,cardboard,andflammable onthe

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9

Installation OvenAssembly NSFBOLTS D any holes in stacked units not used formount- ing stacking brackets. Thesebolts arerequired byNSF toblock anyex- 1. Locatethe5/16”bolts thatwereshippedwith posedholeonthebackofanoven.Thisincludes: the oven. D anyunit,singleorstacked,withoutabackpanel. 2. InstalltheboltsasshowninFigure3. DoubleStacked Units Units withoutbackpanels Figure 3 5

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10

Installation OvenAssembly LEG ATTACHMENT CASTER ASSEMBLY 1. Lay the oven on its back. NOTE: Install the locking casters on the front of theoven.Installthenon-lockingcasterson 2. Align the threaded stud in each leg with the nut located inside each bottom corner of the the back of the oven. ovenframe.Turnthelegsclockwiseandtight- NOTE: Use a gas hose restraint on all units with en to the nearest full turn. casters. See page 13. 3. Align the two leg plate holes in each leg with CastersforSingleandD

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11

Installation OvenAssembly DOUBLESECTIONASSEMBLY 3. Attach the stacking brackets using the re- maining 5/16” bolts shipped with the ovens. NOTE: Oldstyleovensrefertounitswithpaintedex- 4. Drill a clearance hole for a 5/16” bolt in the posed rear angle. New style ovens refer to angleironoftheoldstyleoven.Usetheholes units with rear angle iron enclosed in steel. in the stacking brackets as a pilot. The following instructions apply to stacking two 5. Attach the stacking brackets to the old style new

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 12

Installation Ventilation Ongasmodelstheinstallationofaproperventila- CANOPYTYPEEXHAUST HOOD tionsystemcannotbeoveremphasized.Thissys- Amechanicallydriven,canopytypeexhausthood tem removes unwanted vapors and products of is the preferred method of ventilation. combustion from the operating area. Thehoodshouldbesizedtocompletelycoverthe This oven may be vented using either: equipmentplusanoverhangofatleast6”(15cm) D A mechanically driven, canopy type, exhaust on all sides not adjacent to a wall. T

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 13

Installation Ventilation DIRECT FLUEARRANGEMENT Installing thedrafthood Whentheinstallationofamechanicallydrivenex- Ovensorderedfordirectventingaresuppliedwith hausthoodisimpracticaltheovenmaybevented a draft hood. Install the draft hood as follows: by a direct flue arrangement. 1. Place the draft hood over the flue connector. SeeFigure9. WARNING!! 2. Securebothendswiththesheetmetalscrews provided. It is essential that the direct flue be installedasfollows.Incorrectinstallation will result in un

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14

Installation UtilityConnections --- StandardsandCodes THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CON- U.S.and Canadianinstallations TAINED HEREIN ARE FOR THE USE OF QUALI- Installation must conform with local codes, or in FIEDINSTALLATIONANDSERVICEPERSONNEL theabsenceoflocalcodes, withthe NationalFuel ONLY. INSTALLATION OR SERVICE BY OTHER Gas Code, NFPA54/ANSI Z223.1---Latest Edition, THAN QUALIFIED PERSONNEL MAY RESULT IN the Natural Gas Installation Code CAN/CGA- DAMAGE TO THE OVEN AND/OR INJURY TO B149.1

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 15

Installation GasConnection GAS PIPING Maximum Capacity of Iron Pipe in Cubic Feet of Natural GasPerHour Aproperlysizedgassupplysystemisessentialfor (Pressure drop of 0.5 Inch W.C.) maximum oven performance. Piping should be sizedtoprovidea supplyofgassufficient tomeet Pip pe Nominal Size, Inches themaximumdemandofallappliancesontheline Le L ngth h((fft)) 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/4” 2” without loss of pressure at the equipment. 10 360 680 1400 2100 3950 Example: 20 250 465 950 1460 2750 NOTE: BTU value

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 16

Installation GasConnection PRESSUREREGULATIONAND TESTING Eachovenissuppliedwitharegulatortomaintain thepropergaspressure.Theregulatorisessen- Zephaire-G ovens are rated at 60,000 BTU/Hr. tial to the proper operation of the oven and (17.6kW)(63MJ)persection.Eachovenhas shouldnotberemoved.Itispresettoprovidethe been adjusted at the factory to operate with the ovenwith3.5”W.C.(0.87kPa)fornaturalgasand type of gas specified on the rating plate. 10.5”W.C.(2.50kPa)forPropaneatthemanifold. DONOT INSTAL

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 17

Installation GasConnection GASHOSERESTRAINT WARNING!! If the oven is mounted on casters, a commercial If the restraint is disconnected for any flexibleconnectorwithaminimumof3/4”(1.9cm) reason it must be reconnected when the inside diameter must be used along with a quick oven is returned to its original position. connect device. U.S.and Canadianinstallations The restraint, supplied with the oven, must be used to limit the movement of the unit so that no Theconnectormustcomplywiththe Standardfor

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 18

Installation ElectricalConnection Wiring diagrams are located in the control WARNING!! compartment and on the back of the oven. This appliance is equipped with three This oven is supplied for connection to 115 volt pronggroundingtype plugfor your grounded circuits. The electric motor, indicator protection against shock hazard and lightsandrelatedswitchesareconnectedthrough shouldbepluggeddirectlyintoaproperly the6’ electricsupplycordfoundat therearofthe grounded three prong receptacle. DO oven.

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 19

Installation InitialStartup The following is a check-list to be completed by ADJUSTMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH INITIAL qualified personnel prior to turning on the INSTALLATION applianceforthefirsttime. Each oven, and its component parts, have been j Open the manual shut-off valve at the rear of thoroughly tested and inspected prior to ship- the oven. ment.However,itisoftennecessarytofurthertest oradjust theovenaspart ofa normalandproper j Remove the control panel and combustion installation. These adj

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 20

Operation SafetyInformation THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SEC- Whatto do in the eventof a power failure: TIONISPROVIDEDFORTHEUSEOFQUALIFIED D Turn all switches to off. OPERATINGPERSONNEL.QUALIFIEDOPERAT- D DO NOT attempt to operate the oven until the ING PERSONNEL ARE THOSE WHO HAVE power is restored. CAREFULLY READ THE INFORMATION CON- NOTE: Intheeventofashut-downofanykind,al- TAINED IN THIS MANUAL, ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE FUNCTIONS OF THE OVEN AND/OR HAVE lowafive(5)minuteshutoffperiodbefore

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