Bedienungsanleitung Blodgett CNV14E

Bedienungsanleitung für das Gerät Blodgett CNV14E

Gerät: Blodgett CNV14E
Kategorie: Konvektionsofen
Produzent: Blodgett
Größe: 1.1 MB
Datum des Hinzufügens: 10/5/2014
Seitenanzahl: 53
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Blodgett CNV14E Handbuch - Online PDF
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Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1

50 Lakeside Avenue, Box 586, Burlington, Vermont 05402 USA Telephone (800) 331-5842, (802) 860-3700 Fax: (802)864-0183
PN R10144 Rev A (10/01)
E2001 --- Blodgett Combi

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2

A PERSONALWORD FROM BLODGETT COMBI QUELQUES MOTS DEBLODGETT COMBI CongratulationsonyourpurchaseofaBLODGETTCombiappliance.We firmlybelievethatyourchoicehasbeenawiseone,andtrustyouwillre- ceive many years of excellent service from your new Combi. You will find that cooking with Combi appliances saves time, labor and extensive cleaning of both the kitchen and the unit. With Combiappliances thequality, taste, consistency, andlook ofyour foodareimproved,thusendorsingthepolicytowhichwe’vealwaysad- her

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3


Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4

Model/Modèl: Your Service Agency’s Address: Adressedevotreagencedeservice: Serial Number/Numéro de série: Your appliance was installed by/ Installateur de votre four: Your oven’s installation was checked by/ Contrôleur de l’installation de votre four:

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5

TableofContents/TabledesMatières Introduction Introduction Description of the Blodgett Combi Description du four à convection Combi . 25 Convection Oven ..................... 2 Installation Installation Certifications ......................... 26 Agency Approvals .................... 3 Responsabilités du propriétaire......... 27 Owner’s Responsibilities............... 4 Emplacement du four et mise de Oven Location and Ventilation .......... 5 niveau et Ventilation................... 28 Leg Attac

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6

Introduction DescriptionoftheBlodgettCombiConvectionOven Cooking in the Combi Convection Oven differs Thetwospeedfan,whichisguardedagainstacci- from cooking in a traditional deck or range oven dentalfingercontact,isdrivenbyaquietandpow- sinceheatedairisconstantlyrecirculatedoverthe erful motor. product by a fan in an enclosed chamber. The Theuseofhighqualityinsulationimpedesexces- movingaircontinuallystripsawaythelayerofcool sive heat radiation and saves energy. air surrounding the product, quic

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7

Installation AgencyApprovals THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CON- U.S.andCanadianInstallations TAINED HEREIN ARE FOR THE USE OF QUALI- Installation must conform with local codes, or in FIEDINSTALLATIONANDSERVICEPERSONNEL theabsenceoflocalcodes, withthe NationalFuel ONLY. INSTALLATION OR SERVICE BY OTHER Gas Code, NFPA54/ANSI Z223.1---Latest Edition, THAN QUALIFIED PERSONNEL MAY RESULT IN the Natural Gas Installation Code CAN/CGA- DAMAGE TO THE OVEN AND/OR INJURY TO B149.1 or the Propane Installati

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8

Installation Owner’sResponsibilities Installation responsibilities prior to service 1. Oven(s)areuncrated,stacked(ifapplies)and startup inspection put in place. NOTE: Please refer to Leg Attachment and You are entitled to a free start-up inspection ser- Stacking. vice by our factory ASAP. Before a factory repre- sentative arrives to perform a startup procedure, Maximum shelf loading -- 100lbs(45.5Kg) the owner must already have satisfied the follow- ing requirements. RATINGS -- GAS APPLIANCES --

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9

Installation OvenLocationandVentilation OVENLOCATION VENTILATION The well planned and proper placement of your The necessity for a properly designed and in- ovenwillresultinlongtermoperatorconvenience stalledventilationsystem cannot be overempha- and satisfactory performance. sized. The ventilation system will allow the unit to function properly while removing unwanted vapors Certain minimum clearancesmust bemaintained and products of combustion from the operating between the oven and any combus

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10

Installation LegAttachment LEG OPTIONS ATTACHMENT 1. Align the threaded stud on one of the front Legs are available in 4” (101mm), 6” (152mm) or legstotheboltholelocatedinthebottomcor- 25” (635mm) lengths or low profile casters. ner of the appliance. Turn the leg clockwise D The4”(101mm)legsmaybeusedwhenmount- and tighten to the nearest full turn. ing on a counter. 2. Align the leg plate holes with the bolt holes. D The 6” (152.4mm) legs are used on the lower Secure with the two 1/2” bolts provi

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11

Installation Stacking 5. GAS APPLIANCES ONLY: Attach the flue WARNING!! ventsasshown. NOTE: For electric appliances proceed to Stacking should be performed by quali- step 6. fied installation personnel only. The ap- pliancesareheavy.Takecaretouseprop- 6. Replace the drip pan. er tools and techniques when lifting and 7. Connectthegas (ifapplicable)andelectrical. stacking appliances. Refer to pages 10---13. 1. Remove the drip pan fromthe topappliance. NOTE: Anoptionalgasmanifoldmaybepurchased 2. A

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 12

Installation OvenLeveling OVEN LEVELING Thisovenshouldbesetup inplace. Withanystandoroven,becertainthatthesurface Maximum is level, even and solid. A slopedor unevenbase Adjustment may cause the appliance to function improperly. 1-3/8” (35mm) Minorunevenness canbecorrected byadjusting Leg themetallegfeet.Themaximumadjustmentofthe leg feet is 1-3/8” (35mm). Foot Figure 5 8

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 13

Installation PlumbingConnections WATER CONNECTION -- CNV14EONLY DRAINCONNECTION NOTE: Hot water maximizes steam production but The steam vent assemblies areconstructed of2” isnotrequired.Coldwatermaybesupplied DWVcopperpipingreducedto1-1/2DWVpipe.If the vent system is not purchased as an option to both inlets if hot water is not available. (R9381), Blodgett Combi recommends plumbing Connecttheappliancetoqualitywatervia apres- the oven as shown in Figure 7. sure hose with 3/4” (19mm) couplings. S

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14

Installation ElectricalConnections All Models Electric Models NOTE: Electricalconnectionsmustbeperformed A strain relief for the power supplycord isrequired. Theinstallermustsupplyacordbushingthatmeets by a qualified installer only. all Local and National installation standards. Before making any electrical connections to these GasModels appliances, check that the power supply is ade- quateforthevoltage,amperage,andphaserequire- U.S.andCanadianInstallations ments stated on the rating nameplate m

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 15

Installation GasConnections GASPIPING Maximum Capacity of Iron Pipe in Cubic Feet of Natural GasPerHour Aproperlysizedgassupplysystemisessentialfor (Pressure drop of 0.5 Inch W.C.) maximum oven performance. Piping should be sizedtoprovidea supplyofgassufficient tomeet Pipe Nominal Size, Inches themaximumdemandofallappliancesontheline L Leeng ngtth h 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 2” without loss of pressure at the equipment. (ft) Example: 10 360 680 1400 2100 3950 20 250 465 950 1460 2750 NOTE: BTU value

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 16

Installation GasConnections PRESSUREREGULATIONAND TESTING shutoff valve during any pressure testing of the gas pipingsystemat test pressures equal orless The gas pressure to the appliancemust berated than 1/2 psig (3.45kPa). for eachappliancewhiletheburnersareon.Asuf- Prior to connecting the appliance, gas lines ficientgaspressuremustbepresentattheinletto satisfy these conditions. Refer to the table below should be thoroughly purged of all metal filings, for correct gas pressure. shavings, pipe

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 17

Installation GasHoseRestraint Iftheapplianceismountedoncasters,acommer- U.S.andCanadianinstallations cialflexibleconnectorwithaminimumof3/4”(1.9 Theconnectormustcomplywiththe Standardfor cm) inside diameter must be used along with a Connectors for Movable Gas Appliances, ANSI quick connect device. Z21.69 or Connectors For Moveable Gas Ap- Therestraint,suppliedwiththeappliance,mustbe pliances CAN/CGA-6.16 and a quick disconnect usedtolimitthemovementoftheappliancesothat device that complies with

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 18

Installation Adjustments Beforeapplyingpowertotheapplianceforthefirst DOOR ADJUSTMENT time, check for the following conditions: Thedoorcatchmaybeadjustedintwodirections, j All electrical safety provisions have been ad- inandout, andupand down, using thefollowing hered to and the electrical connections are procedure: correct. 1. Adjust up and down by loosening the two j The bake enhancer and holder are in their bolts holding the catch to the face of the ap- pliance. See Figure 10 (A). proper posi

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 19

Installation FinalCheckLists OVEN OPERATIONALTESTS WARNING!! NOTE: Checkstobemadebycustomerorautho- Final check list must be performed by a rized service agent. qualified installer only. Cool Down Mode ELECTRICALCONTROLCOMPARTMENT j Check that the fan runs with the door open. j Voltage to appliance matches rating plate HotAirMode PLUMBING FINALCHECK -- CNV14EONLY Turn to HOT AIR mode and set thermostat to 400_F (204_C) and verify: j Incomingwaterpressurewithinappliancesof specification j Heat de

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 20

Operation SafetyInformationforGasUnits THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SEC- Whatto do in the eventof a power failure: TIONISPROVIDEDFORTHEUSEOFQUALIFIED D Turn all switches to off. OPERATINGPERSONNEL.QUALIFIEDOPERAT- D DONOTattempt to operatethe applianceuntil ING PERSONNEL ARE THOSE WHO HAVE the power is restored. CAREFULLY READ THE INFORMATION CON- NOTE: Intheeventofashut-downofanykind,al- TAINED IN THIS MANUAL, ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE FUNCTIONS OF THE OVEN AND/OR HAVE lowafive(5)minuteshutoff

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