Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
First Edition: February 4, 1999
Second Edition: July 16, 1999
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................ ................................ ........... 1 LISTS OF COMMANDS, STATEMENTS, AND FUNCTIONS ............................... 3 ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 9 ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... ................................ ................................ ...........
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................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... LINE ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... LOF ........................
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CONSTANTS A string which is 255 digits or less including alphanumeric, Kana, symbol, and Kanji, enclosed in double quotation marks (”). If a double quotation mark (”) is used in the character string, the Decimal format : Hexadecimal format : HFFFF Single-precision fixed-point format (Entry digits: 7, Effective digits: 6) Single-precision floating-point format (Entry digits: 7, Effective digits: 6) A variable name should be a max. of 10 characters, including with a letter. The max. number of
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Arithmetic operators: ^ - *, / Multiplication, Real division ¥ Integer division (The quotient is output.) MOD Integer division (The remainder is output.) +, - Addition, Subtraction = <>, >< < > <=, =< >=, => NOT OR Exclusive-OR - 2 - XOR Logic OR Logic product AND Negation Operation Operator Checks more conditions, performs bit handling. Logic operators: Greater than or equal to Less than or equal to Greater than Less than equal to Not Equal to Operation Operator Compares between two values. T
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Statement Format Initializes a variable. DIM Format DIM ( [, ] ···) [, ( [, ] ···) ] ··· Specifies the max. number of array elements, and allocates the memory area in the memory. Format ERASE [, ] ··· Erases the specified array from the program. Format REM [ ] Enters a comment into the program. STOP Format STOP Terminates the execution of the program, and returns to the command lev
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IF ~ THEN ~ Format ] IF GOTO ] FOR ~ NEXT Format FOR = TO [STEP ] NEXT [ [, ] ···] Executes the statements included from the FOR statement to the NEXT WHILE Format WHILE ~ WEND WEND Repeats the statements included between the WHILE statement and the WEND statement for as long as the given conditions ar
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8
Statement Format ASC ( ) Provides the character code (ASCII) for the first character of the Format CHR$ ( [, ] ··· ) Converts the character code (ASCII and internal sequential code) to a RIGHT$ Format RIGHT$ ( , ) Provides a character string of the length specified on the right side of the Format LEFT$ ( , ) Provides a character string of the length specified
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Statement Format ON ERROR GOTO Declares that the interrupt for the error process is enabled, and declares Format [0] Format Provides the line number in which an error occurs ( ERL) and the error Statement Format PRINT Format PRINT [ ] [;] ? [ ] [;] Format LOCATE [ ] [, [ ] [, < ] ] ] Statement Format Statement INPUT Format INPUT [;] [” ” ; ] [, ] ··· Reads a numeric v
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Communication input/output Statement OPEN COM Format OPEN ” COM : [communication condition] ” AS # Opens the communication file. ON COM (n) Format ON COM ( ) GOSUB Declares an interrupt which occurs when the data is input into the communication buffer, and declares the start line number for the COM (n) Format COM ( ) ON/STOP Enables/Stops an interrupt from the communication file. Format COM1. Statement ON TIMER Format ON TIMER
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File input/output Statement Format OPEN [FOR ] AS [#] [ LEN= ] Opens a file. Format CLOSE [ [#] [, [#] ] ···] Closes a file. Format INPUT# , [, ] ··· Reads data from the sequential file, and assigns it to a variable. LINE Format LINE INPUT# , Reads one whole line (record) (max. 255 characters) from the sequential file. Format INPUT$ (
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Provides the absolute value. Format ABS ( ) Explanation The absolute value for (0 or a positive value) is provided as a function value. - 9 - Function ABS
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Provides the character code (ASCII) for the first character of the character string. Format ASC ( ) Explanation The character code for the first character (left side) of is provided. If is a null string, an error occurs. - - 10 Function ASC
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Format Explanation - - 11 The internal buzzer is sounded for 100 ms. BEEP Sounds the internal buzzer. Function BEEP
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Format CHAIN [, ALL] Term : The program file to be executed should be specified. (The file name should be included.) Explanation The program designated in is executed. If the ALL option is de signated, all variables are passed. If it is necessary to pass - - 12 The CHAIN statement holds any file which has already been opened as is. PROG2”, ALL CHAIN ” variables when the ALL option is omitted, the COMMON statement should be used. Program
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Format CHR$ ( [, ] ···) Term : (&H0 to & HFF) indicating ASCII code Explanation The CHR$ function regards a value for as ASCII code, and converts it to a character. The ASC function. - - 13 CHR$ is the opposite of the The numeric expression within the range between 0 and 255 Converts the character code (ASCII and internal sequence code) to a character. Function CHR$
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CINT Provides the integer value to which a real value is converted. Format CINT ( ) Explanation The value for is rounded off to the nearest whole number, making it into an integer. - - 14 Function
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Initializes a variable. Format Explanation The memory used for storing data is freed without deleting any programs in the memory. After the CLEAR statement is executed, all numeric variables and character variables become 0 and null strings (“”), respectively. The array declaration becomes invalid. All files are closed. All files are closed. All COMMON statements and user variables are initialized. The ERASE statement is similar to the CLEAR statement. For the CLEAR statement, all variables
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Close a file. Format CLOSE [ [#] [, [#] ] ···] Term : The number assigned to the file or the device by the OPEN Explanation The file corresponding to is closed. One or more s can be specified once in the CLOSE statement. If is omitted, all opened files are closed. Once a file has been closed, its number can be used for opening another file. The closed file can be opened by specifying the same file number as the
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CLS Format - - 17 CLS Clears the screen. Function