Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
Upgrade Guide
PATRIOTcompliance Solution
Version 2.2
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
DOCUMENT ID: DC00148-01-0220-01 LAST REVISED: August 2004 Copyright © 2002-2004 by Sybase, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication pertains to Sybase software and to any subsequent release until otherwise indicated in new editions or technical notes. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software described herein is furnished under a license agreement, and it may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of that agreement. To order additional docume
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Contents About This Book ............................................................................................................................ v CHAPTER 1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 1 PATRIOTcompliance Solution overview .......................................... 2 CHAPTER 2 Upgrading to version 2.2 ................................................................ 3 Overview .............................................
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Contents iv PATRIOTcompliance Starter Kit
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About This Book This book describes how to upgrade and configure products in the PATRIOTcompliance Solution. Audience Sybase Professional Services is the principal audience for this book. How to use this book This book contains the following chapters: • Chapter 1, “Introduction,” briefly describes the PATRIOTcompliance Starter Kit and its components. Chapter 2, “Upgrading to version 2.2,” provides detailed upgrade instructions. Related documents New Era of Networks Process Server 3.9.1 Ins
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2 Click MySybase and create a MySybase profile. Sybase EBFs and software maintenance ❖ Finding the latest information on EBFs and software maintenance 1 Point your Web browser to the Sybase Support Page at 2 Select EBFs/Maintenance. Enter user name and password information, if prompted (for existing Web accounts) or create a new account (a free service). 3 Select a product. 4 Specify a time frame and click Go. 5 Click the Info icon to display the EBF/Mainten
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CH A P TE R 1 Introduction This chapter introduces Sybase PATRIOTcompliance Solution to financial institutions. Upgrade Guide 1
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PATRIOTcompliance Solution overview PATRIOTcompliance Solution overview The Sybase PATRIOTcompliance Solution allows financial institutions to automate name filtering, intra-day and historical transaction filtering, and enterprise wide customer activity monitoring to meet the requirements of the USA PATRIOT (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism) legislation. The PATRIOTcompliance Starter Kit provides the infrastructure
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CH A P TE R 2 Upgrading to version 2.2 This chapter tells you how to upgrade your system to version 2.2 of the PATRIOTcompliance Solution. Heading Page Overview 4 Verifying system environment variables 7 Upgrading the PATRIOT database 8 Upgrading Process Server process definitions 11 Upgrading formats 12 Upgrading EAServer components 13 Configuring Portlets 20 Upgrade Guide 3
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Overview Overview This upgrade to the PATRIOTcompliance Solution includes an updated ROLLUP version of the PATRIOT Compliance Starter Kit. Sybase recommends that you install this updated Software Release as soon as possible. This upgrade is distributed as a zip file and is available for download from the EBFs/Maintenance page at Warning! Sybase strongly recommends that a backup of all components be done before you begin this upgrade. You must re-create any
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CHAPTER 2 Upgrading to version 2.2 CR# Description CR# 333653 PATRIOTcompliance Starter Kit 2.2 includes a script which creates a mechanism for customers who want to make their EP instance use non-sa database logins. These logins include sufficient permissions to let EP applications(s) connect to the patriot database, portal interface, and search cache Adding a non-sa user connection involves running a script, ep_login.sql, that creates three new login names PATRIOTdbConnection, PortalI
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Overview Contents of the 2.2 release Refer to the descriptions of the files below for individual installation instructions. Directory paths below are in UNIX notation. For Windows, change the forward slashes to back slashes. Target directory Filename \.. patnfg22.pdf pat_upgrade.pdf pat_cop.pdf patsag.pdf EBF1208x_README.HTML EBF1208x_Buglist.txt EBF1208x_Filelist.txt \database ep_login.sql PatriotDB2.2_Upgrade.sql \edl pPostFilter.edl lPatriot.edl \formats custcomp.exp stdcustrecformats.ex
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CHAPTER 2 Upgrading to version 2.2 %JAGUAR%\html\classes\com\sybase\ep\portalinterface\tasks %JAGUAR%\Repository\IDL\com\sybase\patriotact\filter 2 Extract the PATRIOT EBF files into a temporary location. The target directory of unzipping the EBF archive will be the installation directory of PATRIOT (%PATRIOT% for Windows; $PATRIOT for Solaris) 3 Make sure you have ASE and EAServer up and running. Verifying system environment variables Follow these steps to verify or set the environmen
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Upgrading the PATRIOT database Windows example: JAVA_HOME=$JAGUAR\shared\sun\jdk\jdk.3 6 Set the PATRIOT environment variable. This is the directory where you initially copied the contents of the PATRIOTcompliance Starter Kit Solution Template CD. Solaris example: PATRIOT=$PATRIOT Windows example: PATRIOT=%PATRIOT% Upgrading the PATRIOT database Release 2.2 includes scripts that allow you to upgrade the PATRIOT database (Patriotdb) and New Era of Networks database (NNSYdb). There are separat
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CHAPTER 2 Upgrading to version 2.2 Modifying PATRIOT connection caches PATRIOTcompliance Starter Kit 2.2 includes a script which creates a mechanism for customers who want to make their EP instance use non-sa database logins. These logins include sufficient permissions to let EP applications(s) connect to the patriot database, portal interface, and search cache. Adding a non-sa user connection involves running a script, ep_login.sql, that creates three new login names PATRIOTdbConnection
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Upgrading the PATRIOT database ❖ Adding the PATRIOTdbConnection 1 Connect to Jaguar Manager as jagadmin. 2Expand Jaguar Manager | Connection Caches. 3 Right-click PATRIOTdbConnection, choose Connection Cache Properties. When the Connection Cache Properties sheet appears, the General tab is in focus. 4In the User Name box, change the sa user name to patriotlogin. 5In the Password box, type password. 6 Click Refresh, then click Ping to test the connection. 7 Click OK to return to Jaguar Manage
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CHAPTER 2 Upgrading to version 2.2 Although there is a work around, this issue has been logged in QTS as CR# 361596 and will be addressed in a future release. ❖ Granting an sso_role to a patriot db connection user 1 Open a command window, and run the following statements: isql -S -U sa -P 2 Run the following scripts: use master go grant role sso_role to patriotlogin go 3 Shut down and restart Jaguar Server. Upgrading Process Server process definitions This pr
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Upgrading formats EDLUtil put ..\edl\lPatriot.edl EDLUtil put ..\edl\pPostFilter.edl Upgrading formats The standard money transaction and customer record formats have changed for this release. The following files have been updated. custcomp.exp stdcustrecformats.exp stdcustrecformatscomp.exp stdmoneytransformats.exp stdmoneytransformatscomp.exp Importing the new formats You will need to import the new formats. Make sure you set NNSY_ROOT to the %SYBASE%\nnsy (Windows) or $SYBAS
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CHAPTER 2 Upgrading to version 2.2 Solaris Use these instructions if you are importing the formats to a Solaris-based installation. Perform this step if you have not updated your formats 1 Create the directory $SYBASE/nnsy/formats if it does not already exist. 2 Copy the format files from the $PATRIOT/Release2.2/formats/* directory to the $SYBASE/nnsy/formats directory. 3 Open a command window, and change to the $SYBASE/nnsy directory. 4 Run the following commands: NNFie -i formats\custsco
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Upgrading EAServer components 6 Right click Scheduler, choose Remove Service, then click OK to remove the scheduler. 7Expand Jaguar Manager | Servers | Jaguar and select Shutdown. 8 Right-click Jaguar, choose Shutdown. Make sure the %JAGUAR%\Repository\Component\PatriotAct directory (Windows) or $JAGUAR/Repository/Component/PatriotAct (Solaris) directory does not exist. If it does, start Jaguar again and redo steps 1 - 7. 9 Start Jaguar Server. ❖ Deploying the new dispatcher.jar to Jaguar Im