Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
Contact Center Anywhere
Installation Guide
Version 8.1
March 2007
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
Copyright © 2005, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent, and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability with other independently creat
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Contents Chapter 1: What’s New in This Release Chapter 2: CCA Overview and Requirements CCA Architecture Overview 5 Tier Zero 6 Tier One 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tier Two 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tier Three 8 Software Requirements 8 CCA Installation Overview 10 Installing Required Software 10 Configuring Database for CCA 10 Installin
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Contents ■ Using the Network Manager to Manage CCA Resources 25 Adding Shared and Dedicated Server Resources 26 Configuring Resources Using Network Manager 28 Starting and stopping TCPIPBus 34 Starting and Stopping CCA Resources 34 Chapter 5: Configuring the Web Server Deploying CCA Web Applications on Oracle 10g Application Server (OAS 10g) 35 Creating JDBC Connection Pool on OAS 10g 36 Creating JDBC Data Source on OAS 10g 37 Deploying CCA Web Applications on OAS 10g 37 Deploying CCA Web Appli
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1 What’s New in This Release What’s New in Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide, Version 8.1 Table 1-1 lists changes of the documentation described in this version to support release 8.1 of the software. Table 1-1. New Product Features in Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide, Version 8.1 Topic Description Deploying CCA Web Applications CCA web applications now can be deployed on Oracle 10g on Oracle 10g Application Server Application Server. (OAS 10g) on page 35 Creating a TNS Nam
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What’s New in This Release ■ 4 Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1
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2 CCA Overview and Requirements This chapter describes the architecture overview of the CCA application and the software requirements to run a CCA system. It also describes a brief overview of the CCA installation procedures described in later chapters. This chapter includes the following topics: ■ CCA Architecture Overview ■ Tier Zero ■ Tier One ■ Tier Two ■ Tier Three ■ Software Requirements ■ CCA Installation Overview ■ Installing Required Software ■ Configuring Database for CCA ■ Installi
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CCA Overview and Requirements ■ CCA Architecture Overview Architecturally, CCA is split into four tiers, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. CA Architecture Overview Tier Zero Tier Zero is also referred to as the Internet Zone or the User Zone. This is where agents, supervisors, and administrators reside along with their respective interfaces. There are several communication threads that connect CCA to these users. For example, there is a session established between their PCs, using their Web-ba
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CCA Overview and Requirements ■ CCA Architecture Overview Tier One In reality, this is an optional tier that can be collapsed together into the Tier Two/DMZ zone. It shows how CCA fits into an overall multi-tiered communications infrastructure used by many companies. For example, many companies with distributed users and multiple sites, use a set of HTTP servers as the user interface to their DMZ zone, where various Web-based session servers reside. There are two reasons for doing this; nam
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CCA Overview and Requirements ■ Software Requirements ■ A Web services library and interpretive layer. The Web Services interpretive layer acts as a standard interface to the CCA native Web container. In larger environments, such as overlay networks or service provider deployments, it is best to have separate physical servers set up as Report Servers. These serve all customers reports and extract data from secondary databases. The Tier Two/DMZ zone is also a typical zone to house corporate ma
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CCA Overview and Requirements ■ Software Requirements Table 2. Software Requirements Item Requirement Operating system One of the following operating system versions: ■ Microsoft Windows 2000 Server ■ Microsoft Windows 2003 Server(32-bit) ■ Sun Solaris 9 (32-bit or 64-bit) ■ Sun Solaris 10 (5.10) ■ Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS4 for x86 Database server One of the following database servers: ■ Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 ■ Oracle 9i Database Server ■ Oracle 10g Database Server Web serv
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CCA Overview and Requirements ■ CCA Installation Overview CCA Installation Overview The CCA installation process consists of following phases: Installing Required Software Before installing CCA, make sure that all required software listed in “Software Requirements” on page 8 section are installed. Table 3 provides reference links to some softwares required by CCA. Table 3. Some Required Software Reference Links Software Reference Link Microsoft SQL Server 2000
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3 Configuring the Database This chapter describes how to create a new database or upgrade an existing database previously used by Contact Center Anywhere. It includes the following topics: ■ Database Configuration Options ■ Configuring an Oracle 9i Database for CCA ■ Creating a New Oracle 9i Database ■ Upgrading an Older Oracle 9i Database for CCA ■ Configuring a MS SQL Server 2000 Database ■ Creating a New Database on MS SQL Server 2000 ■ Upgrading Database on MS SQL Server 2000 Database Confi
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Configuring the Database ■ Configuring an Oracle 9i Database for CCA To create a new Oracle 9i database 1 Copy the database\Oracle\Automated directory from the CCA installation package to the host you use to run database creation scripts. 2 Edit the UseMe.sql file to reflect the correct information necessary to create the database by using the following guidelines: NOTE: Keep the quotation marks (‘’) surrounding the parameters’ value. ■ Replace &1 with the password of the sys user. ■ Replace
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Configuring the Database ■ Configuring an Oracle 9i Database for CCA -- &4 - PathTableSpace Path for the TAW Table Space -- &5 - TableSpaceSize 500M Initial size of the Table Space -- &6 - TWTableSpaceTemp TAW Temporary Table Space -- &7 - PathTableSpaceTemp Path for the TAW Temporary Table Space -- &8 - TableSpaceTempSize 50M Initial size of the Temporary Table Space -- &9 - TableSpaceTempGrowthSize 10M Temporary Table Space Growtrh Size -- &10 - TWRole TWRole -- &11 - ADMINCC81 (Admin Us
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Configuring the Database ■ Configuring a MS SQL Server 2000 Database ■ Replace &3 with the name of the database user that the current CCA system uses to access the database. ■ Replace &4 with the password of the user used in parameter &3. ■ Replace &5 with the database TNS name of the database server. ■ Replace &6 with the host name of the database server. ■ Replace &7 with the database service name (SID). ■ Replace &8 with the listening port of the database server. By default, Oracle 9i dat
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Configuring the Database ■ Configuring a MS SQL Server 2000 Database 2 The database creation procedure can be completed by running the useMe70LatinLanguage.bat file. Before running, edit the batch file to reflect the correct information that is necessary to create the database by using the following guidelines: NOTE: If you are installing the Chinese and Japanese languages, use the corresponding batch file. ■ Replace %1 with the host name of the database server. ■ Replace %2 with the sa usern
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Configuring the Database ■ Configuring a MS SQL Server 2000 Database After editing the batch file, it returns to the following: echo off CHCP 437 rem %1 rem %2 rem %3 rem %4 rem %5 rem %6 rem %7 rem %8 rem %9
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Configuring the Database ■ Configuring a MS SQL Server 2000 Database ■ Replace %3 with the password for the sa user. ■ Replace %4 with the name of the CCA database that you are upgrading. ■ Replace %5 with the name of the user who has access to the CCA database that you are upgrading. ■ Replace %6 with the password of the user declared in previous parameter. ■ Replace %7 with the port number used by Ms SQL Server to listen for new connections. By default, Ms SQL Server listens in on the port 1
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Configuring the Database ■ Configuring a MS SQL Server 2000 Database 18 Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1