Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
Compaq TP Desktop Connector
for ACMS
Client Services Reference Manual
Order Number: AA–PVNFG–TE
May 2002
This manual describes the services and commands needed to create and
maintain TP Desktop Connector client programs that use the portable API.
Revision Update Information: This is a revised manual.
Operating System: Compaq OpenVMS VAX
Compaq OpenVMS Alpha
Software Version: Compaq TP Desktop Connector
for ACMS Version 3.2
Compaq Computer Corporation
Houston, Texas
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
© 2002 Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. Compaq, the Compaq logo, ACMS, ACMS Desktop, ACMSxp, DECnet, the DIGITAL logo, OpenVMS, and VMScluster are trademarks of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and Visual C++ are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc., in the U.S. and other countr
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Contents Preface ..................................................... vii 1 Service Format 1.1 Routine Names . . .................................... 1–1 1.2 Format . ............................................ 1–1 1.3 Parameters ......................................... 1–1 1.3.1 Type Entry....................................... 1–2 1.3.2 Access .......................................... 1–3 1.3.3 Mechanism....................................... 1–3 1.4 Return Status .........................
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2.11 acmsdi_sign_in....................................... 2–26 2.12 acmsdi_sign_out...................................... 2–29 3 Portable API Presentation Procedures 3.1 Summary of Portable API Presentation Procedures........... 3–1 3.1.1 Return Status Values Expected from Presentation Procedures....................................... 3–2 3.1.2 ACMSDI_FORM_RECORD Structure and Macro Call...... 3–3 3.1.3 Prototypes and Code for Presentation Procedures and Version Routines . .....................
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4.13 acmsdi_poll ......................................... 4–30 5 System Management Service on OpenVMS 5.1 ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO . . .................... 5–2 6 Data Compression Monitor Commands 6.1 EXIT . . ............................................ 6–2 6.2 HELP. . ............................................ 6–3 6.3 LIST............................................... 6–4 6.4 RENEW ............................................ 6–9 6.5 SELECT............................................ 6–10
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Figures 5–1 Submitter Item Descriptor Format .................... 5–3 Tables 1–1 Services Description Parameters ...................... 1–1 1–2 Parameter Data Types.............................. 1–2 1–3 Called Routine Access Methods ....................... 1–3 1–4 Parameter-Passing Mechanisms ...................... 1–4 1–5 Matrix of Services and Environments . ................. 1–5 2–1 Summary of Portable API Client Services ............... 2–1 2–2 acmsdi_call_task Return Status Values .........
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Preface This manual provides reference information for the TP Desktop Connector client services, formerly known as the ACMS Desktop Portable API. Intended Audience This guide is intended for application programmers, application designers, and system managers. Manual Structure This manual has the following structure: Chapter Description Chapter 1 Explains the format of the reference information. Chapters 2, 3, 4, Contain the reference information on TP Desktop Connector client and 5 services, pre
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• Compaq TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Installation Guide Provides the steps needed to install a TP Desktop Connector gateway on an OpenVMS system and the TP Desktop Connector software on the desktop client system. • Compaq TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Gateway Management Guide Contains information about the system management and administration of the TP Desktop Connector gateway. It also includes information on the methodology of the use of network transports. • Compaq TP Desktop Connector for
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Conventions This guide uses the following conventions and symbols: TP Desktop Connector Refers to the Compaq TP Desktop Connector for ACMS software. User Input In examples, user input is highlighted with bold type. $ The dollar sign indicates a generic command line prompt. This prompt may be different on your system. Return A key name in a box indicates that you press that key on the keyboard. Ctrl/x Press the Ctrl (control) key and hold it down while pressing the specified key (indicated here by
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italics Italics are used for emphasis and for parameters in text. Titles of manuals are also italicized. [] In format descriptions, square brackets surround a choice of options; select none, one, several, or all of the choices. . . A vertical ellipsis in an example means that information not . directly related to the example has been omitted. Windows When used alone, Windows indicates any supported member of the family of Microsoft Windows operating systems. Where necessary, specific Windows oper
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1 Service Format This chapter describes the format and elements of the service descriptions provided in following chapters. This chapter also provides a list of the services and the appropriate session environments in which each service may be used. 1.1 Routine Names The TP Desktop Connector service names and OpenVMS action routines are shown in C-language format. The OpenVMS system management services are shown in the OpenVMS services format. 1.2 Format The format section describes the C functi
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1.3.1 Type Entry Table 1–2 lists the C-language data types used in the TP Desktop Connector services. Table 1–2 Parameter Data Types Data Type Description ACMSDI_CALL_ID Identification returned by the acmsdi_call_task service ACMSDI_FORM_RECORD Structure defined in the ACMSDI.H include file (see Section 3.1.2) ACMSDI_FORM_RECORD_ Structure defined in the ACMSDI.H and BIND ACMSDI.BAS include files (see Section 4.1.1) ACMSDI_FORMS_SESSION_ID Structure defined in the ACMSDI.H include file (see Section 3.5
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Table 1–2 (Cont.) Parameter Data Types Data Type Description longword 32-bit unsigned integer ptr Longword pointer to data buffer short Synonym for short int short int 16-bit signed integer unsigned long int 32-bit unsigned integer void * Pointer to object of unknown type 1.3.2 Access Access describes the way in which the called routine accesses the data specified by the parameter. The access methods are described in Table 1–3. Table 1–3 Called Routine Access Methods Access Method Description Rea
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Table 1–4 Parameter-Passing Mechanisms Mechanism Description By value The parameter contains a copy of the data to be used by the routine. By reference The parameter contains the address of the data to be used by the routine. The parameter is a pointer to the data. Because C supports only call by value, write parameters other than arrays and structures must be passed as pointers. References to names of arrays and structures are converted by the compiler to pointer expressions. For information on
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In a forced nonblocking environment, service routines provide a method of polling that is used to determine the type of message sent from the back-end server. This message type may then be used to determine the appropriate action (for example, process the call completion or exchange step). The forced nonblocking software provides additional routines to access call completion and exchange step arguments. These session environments are explained in more depth in Chapter 2 and in Compaq TP Desktop
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Table 1–5 (Cont.) Matrix of Services and Environments Service Availability within Environment Blocking Nonblocking Forced Nonblocking acmsdi_bind_receive_args - - yes See description in Section 4.5 acmsdi_bind_transceive_args - - yes See description in Section 4.12 acmsdi_bind_msg - - yes See description in Section 4.4 acmsdi_bind_request_args - - yes See description in Section 4.7 acmsdi_bind_session_id - - yes See description in Section 4.11 acmsdi_bind_send_recs - - yes See description in Sec
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Table 1–5 (Cont.) Matrix of Services and Environments Service Availability within Environment Blocking Nonblocking Forced Nonblocking Callbacks acmsdi_transceive - yes - See description in Section 3.10 acmsdi_write_msg - yes - See description in Section 3.11 acmsdi_check_version - yes - See description in Section 3.12.1 acmsdi_get_version(back end) - yes yes See description in Section 3.12.2 Service Format 1–7
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2 TP Desktop Connector Portable API Client Services This chapter describes the Compaq TP Desktop Connector portable API client services available on the following desktop systems: • Microsoft Windows • Compaq OpenVMS • Compaq Tru64 UNIX 2.1 Summary of Portable API Client Services Similar to the Compaq ACMS Service Interface (SI) routines provided on the Compaq OpenVMS host, the TP Desktop Connector portable API client services allow you to write a desktop client program on desktop systems withou
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Table 2–1 (Cont.) Summary of Portable API Client Services Service Description acmsdi_complete_pp Used by nonblocking environments only. Sends a response from a presentation procedure request to the TP Desktop Connector gateway. acmsdi_dispatch_ Used by nonblocking environments only. Checks for and message processes messages from the TP Desktop Connector gateway. If no messages have been received from the gateway, acmsdi_dispatch_message returns immediately. acmsdi_return_pointer Used by client p