Bedienungsanleitung Alto-Shaam ECOSMART HFT2-300

Bedienungsanleitung für das Gerät Alto-Shaam ECOSMART HFT2-300

Gerät: Alto-Shaam ECOSMART HFT2-300
Kategorie: Erwärmer
Produzent: Alto-Shaam
Größe: 3.54 MB
Datum des Hinzufügens: 11/13/2013
Seitenanzahl: 26
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Alto-Shaam ECOSMART HFT2-300 Handbuch - Online PDF
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Unten finden Sie Trailer des Inhalts, der sich auf den nächsten Anleitungsseiten zu Alto-Shaam ECOSMART HFT2-300 befindet. Wenn Sie den Seiteninhalt der nächsten Seiten schnell durchschauen möchten, können Sie sie nutzen.

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1

Hot Food Table
HFT2SYS-400 (Standard)
• Installat I on
• o perat I on
• Ma I ntenance
HFT2SYS-500 (Deluxe)
W164 N9221 Water Street • P.O. Box 450 • Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53052-0450 USA
PHONE: 262.251.3800 • 800.558.8744 USA/CANADA FAX: 262.251.7067 • 800.329.8744 U.S.A. ONLY
MN-29506 • 01/12
p r i n t e d i n u . s . a .

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2

Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Sanitation Unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Sanitation/Food Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Safety Procedures and Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Internal Food Product Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Installation Service Installation Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Service View & Part

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3

® DeLiVeRy uNPACkiNG 1. Carefully remove the This Alto-Shaam appliance has been appliance from the thoroughly tested and inspected to ensure only carton or crate. the highest quality unit is provided. Upon receipt, check for any possible shipping damage NOte: Do not discard the and report it at once to the delivering carrier. carton and other See Transportation Damage and Claims section packaging material located in this manual. until you have This appliance, complete with una

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4

sAFety PROCeDuRes AND PReCAutiONs Knowledge of proper procedures is essential to the 1. This appliance is intended to hold foods safe operation of electrically and/or gas energized for the purpose of human consumption. equipment. In accordance with generally accepted No other use for this appliance is authorized product safety labeling guidelines for potential or recommended. hazards, the following signal words and symbols 2. This appliance is intended for use in commercial may be used th

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5

iNstALLAtiON site iNstALLAtiON DANGeR CAutiON impROpeR inStallatiOn, tO pRevent peRSOnal inJURY, alteRatiOn, adJUStment, USe CaUtiOn WHen mOving OR SeRviCe, OR maintenanCe COUld ReSUlt in SeveRe inJURY, deatH, leveling tHiS applianCe. OR CaUSe pROpeRtY damage. Read tHe inStallatiOn, OpeRating and maintenanCe CAutiON inStRUCtiOnS tHOROUgHlY beFORe inStalling OR SeRviCing The performance of this unit has tHiS eQUipment. been optimized using the factory provided bulbs. These bulbs shou

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6

47-1/2" (1208mm) Top Surface 38" (964mm) Well TOP VIEW iNstALLAtiON site iNstALLAtiON HFT2-300 6-13/16" (173mm) Tray Slide 1-5/16" (34mm) 9-13/16" 20-1/8" (512mm) (248mm) To Well TOP VIEW 13" (331mm) 4-1/8" To Elec. 43-13/16" (1113mm) 20-1/8" (509mm) (104mm) 26-1/8" (663mm) To Elec. 48" (1220mm) 39-3/4" (1008mm) 48" (1220mm) HFT2SYS-300 (Standard) 20-1/8" (512mm) Well 1-5/16" 9-13/16" (34mm) (248mm) Reach TOP VIEW 9-1/4" (233mm) Shelf Width 8" (203mm) Shelf Width 48" (1220mm) 20-1/8" 20-

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7

38" (964mm) Well iNstALLAtiON site iNstALLAtiON HFT2-300 (230V, International, with Bumper) 34-3/8" (872mm) 7/8" (21mm) 4-1/8" 13" (331mm) (105mm) To Elec. 48" (1220mm) To Elec. 38" (964mm) Well 34-3/8" (872mm) 7/8" (21mm) 4-1/8" 13" (331mm) (105mm) To Elec. To Elec. 48" (1220mm) HFT2 INSTALLATION/OPERATION/SERVICE MANUAL • 5 . 34-5/16" (872mm) 34-5/16" (872mm) 20-3/16" (513mm) 4" Well Depth (102mm) 29-3/4" (756mm) 12-11/16" (322mm) Opening 20-3/16" (513mm) 4" (102mm) 29-3/4" (756mm) Well

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8

59-1/2" (1512mm) Top Surface 51" (1296mm) Well iNstALLAtiON TOP VIEW site iNstALLAtiON HFT2-400 20-1/8" 9-13/16" (512mm) 6-13/16" (173mm) (248mm) To Well Tray Slide TOP VIEW 13" (331mm) To Elec. 4-1/8" 20-1/8" (509mm) (104mm) 26-1/8" (663mm) 27-15/16" (709mm) 27-15/16" (709mm) To Elec. 39-3/4" (1008mm) 60" (1525mm) 59-7/16" (1509mm) 20-1/8" HFT2SYS-400 (Standard) (512mm) Well 9-13/16" (248mm) TOP VIEW Reach 9-1/4" (233mm) Shelf Width 8" (203mm) 59-7/16" (1509mm) Shelf Width 54-5/8" (1386mm) 2

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9

71-7/16" (1814mm) Top Surface 64-1/8" (1628mm) Well iNstALLAtiON TOP VIEW site iNstALLAtiON HFT2-500 6-13/16" (173mm) Tray Slide 64-1/8" (1628mm) Well 6-9/16" 9-13/16" 20-1/8" 166 mm (512mm) (248mm) To Elec. To Well TOP VIEW 4-1/8" 13" (331mm) (104mm) 33-15/16" (861mm) 33-15/16" (861mm) To Elec. 20-1/8" To Elec. 72" (1830mm) (509mm) 26-1/8" (663mm) 39-3/4" (1008mm) 71-7/16" (1814mm) Top Surface HFT2SYS-500 (Standard) 20-1/8" (512mm) Well 64-1/8" (1628mm) 9-13/16" Well (248mm) 6-9/16" Reac

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10

iNstALLAtiON capacities • options PRODuCt/PAN CAPACity - Based on 4" (65mm) deep pans HFT2-300, HFTSYS-300 OPtiONs AND ACCessORies D4: 62 lb (30 kg) max . Panel Color Choices see service parts max . volume : D4: 45 qt (57 L) FULL-SIZE PANS*: Three (3) 12" x 20" x 4" Pan Dividers, Full Size 16019 GN 1/1 (325mm x 530mm x 102mm) Pan Dividers, Half and Third Size 11318 HALF-SIZE PANS*: Six (6) 12" x 10" x 4 " GN 1/2 (325mm x 265mm x 102mm) THIRD-SIZE PANS*: Nine (9) 12" x 6" x 4" GN 1/3 (3

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11

iNstALLAtiON eLeCtRiCAL CONNeCtiON The appliance must be installed by a qualified service technician. The oven must be properly DANGeR grounded in accordance with the National Electrical Code and applicable local codes. eleCtRiCal COnneCtiOnS mUSt be made bY a QUaliFied SeRviCe teCHniCian in aCCORdanCe WitH DANGeR appliCable eleCtRiCal COdeS. to avoid electrical shock, this appliance mUSt be adequately grounded in accordance with local DANGeR electrical codes or, in the absence of

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 12

OPeRAtiON useR sAFety iNFORmAtiON useR sAFety iNFORmAtiON: CAutiON This appliance is intended for use in commercial establishments by qualified personnel who are metal paRtS OF tHiS eQUipment familiar with the purpose, limitations, and associated beCOme eXtRemelY HOt WHen hazards of this appliance. Operating instructions in OpeRatiOn. tO avOid bURnS, and warnings must be read and understood by all alWaYS USe Hand pROteCtiOn operators and users. WHen OpeRating tHiS applianCe. stARt u

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 13

OPeRAtiON OPeRAtiNG iNstRuCtiONs 1. DO NOt ADD WAteR tO HOt WeLL All pan divider bars required must be utilized at all times with the pan configuration chosen. Halo Heat® hot wells maintain a constant Before loading food into the unit, use a pocket- and gentle temperature. Adding water is not type thermometer to make certain all products recommended since water will accelerate the have reached an internal temperature of deterioration of the product and may damage the 140° to 180°F (60

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14

OPeRAtiON GeNeRAL HOLDiNG GuiDeLiNes Chefs, cooks and other specialized food service HOLDiNG temPeRAtuRe RANGe personnel employ varied methods of cooking. Proper meAt FAHReNHeit CeLsius holding temperatures for a specific food product must BEEF ROAST — Rare 130°F 54°C be based on the moisture content of the product, product BEEF ROAST — Med/Well Done 155°F 68°C density, volume, and proper serving temperatures. Safe BEEF BRISKET 160° — 175°F 71° — 79°C holding temperatures must also be co

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 15

S e S S H d R S a e U p p R a l b e CARe AND CLeANiNG CLeANiNG AND PReVeNtiVe mAiNteNANCe PROteCtiNG stAiNLess steeL suRFACes CLeANiNG AGeNts It is important to guard against corrosion Use non-abrasive cleaning products designed for in the care of stainless steel use on stainless steel surfaces. Cleaning agents surfaces. Harsh, corrosive, must be chloride-free compounds and must not or inappropriate chemicals contain quaternary salts. Never use hydrochloric can completely destroy the ac

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 16

CARe AND CLeANiNG equiPmeNt CARe 5. Clean heat guards with a window cleaner. 6. To help maintain the protective film coating on The cleanliness and appearance polished stainless steel, clean the exterior of the of this equipment will contribute unit with a cleaner recommended for stainless considerably to operating steel surfaces. Spray the cleaning agent on a cloth efficiency and savory, and wipe with the grain of the stainless steel. appetizing food. Good equipment that is kept cle

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 17

sANitAtiON Food fl avor and aroma are usually so closely related that The most accurate method of measuring safe temperatures it is diffi cult, if not impossible, to separate them. There of both hot and cold foods is by internal product is also an important, inseparable relationship between temperature. A quality thermometer is an effective tool for cleanliness and food fl avor. Cleanliness, top operating this purpose, and should be routinely used on all products effi ciency, and appearanc

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 18

seRViCe seRViCe PARts mODeL > HFt2-300 HFt2-400 HFt2-500 item DesCRiPtiON PARt NO. qty PARt NO. qty PARt NO. qty 1 LExAn GUARD GD-29516 2 GD-29517 2 GD-29412 2 2 SHOULDER STUD, LOnG S/S ST-2547 12 ST-2547 12 ST-2547 12 3 LExAn GUARD, FULL SIDE GD-29413 2 GD-29413 2 GD-29413 2 4 SIDE PAnEL, S/S 1012070 2 1012070 2 1012070 2 5 LEGS, 4" (102mm) ADjUSTABLE (CT OnLY) LG-2044 4 LG-2044 4 LG-2044 4 6 BUMPER (230V InT’L OnLY) 5011297 2 — — — — — BUMPER TRACK 1010949 2 — — — — — BUMPER RAIL 1010952 2 — —

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 19

seRViCe seRViCe PARts List - PANeL COLORs, BAskets mODeL > HFt2-300 HFt2-400 HFt2-500 item DesCRiPtiON PARt NO. qty PARt NO. qty PARt NO. qty 1 PAnEL, EnD, PAInTED - STAnDARD STAInLESS STEEL 1006498 1006498 1006498 2 2 2 BLACK 1006499 1006499 1006499 SPECIFY CUSTOM COLOR 1006497 1006497 1006497 PAnEL, EnD, PAInTED - COUnTER-TOP STAInLESS STEEL 1012070 1012070 1012070 2 2 2 BLACK 1012069 1012069 1012069 SPECIFY CUSTOM COLOR 1012071 1012071 1012071 PAnEL, EnD, FORMICA - DELUxE BLACK PE-28241 2 PE

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 20

seRViCe HFt2-400 shown 13 25 26 1 14 12 8 27 24 3 9 27 29 30 7 2 31 14 22 20 1 13 19 23 4 26 21 16 17 4 31 19 20 5 17 16 10 18 6 27 11 Part numbers and drawings are subject to change without notice . HFT2 INSTALLATION/OPERATION/SERVICE MANUAL • 18 .

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