Bedienungsanleitung Zenoah BK3420FL-EZ

Bedienungsanleitung für das Gerät Zenoah BK3420FL-EZ

Gerät: Zenoah BK3420FL-EZ
Kategorie: Handmäher
Produzent: Zenoah
Größe: 4.67 MB
Datum des Hinzufügens: 6/13/2013
Seitenanzahl: 40
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Zenoah BK3420FL-EZ Handbuch - Online PDF
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Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1

848KD593A3 (712)
• Before using our products,
please read this manual
carefully to understand the
proper use of your unit.
• Keep this manual handy.

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2

English SAFETY FIRST Instructions contained in warnings within this manual marked with a symbol concern critical points which must be taken into consideration to prevent possible serious bodily injury, and for this reason you are requested to read all such instructions carefully and follow them without fail. ■NOTES ON TYPES OF WARNINGS IN THE MANUAL WARNING This mark indicates instructions which must be followed in order to prevent accidents which could lead to serious bodily injury or death. IM

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3

English 1. PARTS LOCATION 1. Muffler 1. 머플러 2. Fuel tank 2. 연료탱크 3. Fuel tank cap 3. 연료탱크 뚜껑 4. Shoulder frame 4. 등판 프레임 5. Shoulder belt 5. 멜빵밴드 6. Hanging belt 6. 지지밴드 7. Air cleaner 7. 에어크리너 8. Spark plug 8. 스파크 플러그 9. Fuel cock 9. 연료콕 10. Carburetor 10. 캬뷰레터 11. Recoil starter 11. 리코일 스타터 12. Choke lever 12. 초크 레버 13. Gear case 13. 기어 케이스 14. Tangle-prevention cover 14. 감김방지 커버 15. Blade 15. 칼날 16. Blade cover 16. 칼날 커버 17. Debris guard 17. 비산방지 커버 18. Main pipe 18. 메인 파이프

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4

English 2. SYMBOLS ON THE MACHINE For safe operation and maintenance, symbols are carved in relief on the machine. According to these indications, please be careful not to take a mistake. (a).The port to refuel the "MIX GASOLINE" POSITION: FUEL TANK CAP (b).The direction to close the choke POSITION: AIR CLEANER COVER (c).The direction to open the choke POSITION: AIR CLEANER COVER 4

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5

English 3. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ■ BEFORE USING THE MACHINE a. Read this owner's manual carefully to understand how to operate this unit properly. b. This product has been designed for use in trimming grass, and it should never be used for any other purpose since doing so could result in unforeseen accidents and injuries occurring. c. You should never use this product when under the influence of alcohol, when suffering from exhaustion or lack of sleep, when suffering from drowsiness as a result of

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6

English 3. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS g.Lack of sleep, tiredness, or physical exhaustion results in lower attention spans, and this in turn leads to accidents and injury. Limit the amount of time over which the product is to be used continuously to somewhere around 30~40 minutes per session, and take 10~20 minutes of rest between work sessions. Also try to keep the total amount of work performed in a single day under 2 hours or less. h. Be sure to keep this manual handy so that you may refer to it late

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7

English 3. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ■WARNING CONSIDERING HANDLING OF FUEL a. The engine of this product is designed to run on a mixed fuel which contains highly flammable gasoline. You should never store cans of fuel or refill the fuel tank in any place where there is a boiler, stove, wood fire, electrical sparks, welding sparks, or any other source of heat or fire which might ignite the fuel. b. Smoking while operating the product or refilling its fuel tank is extremely dangerous. Always be sure to

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8

English 3. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS person sufficient to ensure safety. c. Make sure that there are no loose screws or bolts, fuel leaks, ruptures, dents, or any other problems which might interfere with safe operation. Be especially careful to check that there is nothing wrong with the blades or with the joints by which the blades are attached to the product. d. Never use blades that are bent, warped, cracked, broken or damaged in any way. e. Keep the blade always sharp. f. Filing the cutting edges,

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9

English 3. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS when the spinning blade contacts a solid object in the critical area. It is called Kick back. As a result, the operator can lose control of the unit which can cause serious or fatal injury. Avoid kickback, observe the safety precautions below strictly. 1. Keep the cutting blades clear of fances, posts, wires, and rocks to prevent kickback and damage to the blades. 2. When using your product, do not grip other parts except the handles. 3. When using your product, ne

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10

English 3. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS need to check the unit or refuel the tank, always be sure to turn off the engine. e. If the blade touches a hard object like a stone, immediately stop the engine and check if something is wrong with the blade. If so, replace the blade by new one. f. If someone calls out while working ,always be sure to turn off the engine before turning around. g. Never touch the spark plug or plug cord while the engine is in operation. Doing so may result in being subjected to an e

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11

English 3. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS d. When sharpening, removing, or reattaching the blade, be sure to wear thick, sturdy gloves and use only proper tools and equipment to prevent injury. e. When replacing blade or any other parts or when replacing the oil or any lubricants, always be sure to use only ZENOAH products or products which have been certified by ZENOAH for use with the product. 11

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 12

English 4. SET UP WARNING ●조립시에는 각 부품을 올바르게 조 • Assemble each part correctly. 립해 주십시오. 틀리게 조립하면 사 Wrong assembly might cause 고의 원인이 될 우려가 있습니다. an accident. ●본인이 직접 조립하는 것이 어려우 • If you cannot do the assembling 면 구입한 상점에 상담해 주십시오. yourself, consult the shop where you bought this product. ■ ATTACHING THE SHOULDER ■멜빵 벤드의 장착 STRAP SE1 1.멜빵 벤드 상부의 금속부분을 프레 1. Pass the ring of the shoulder strap 임 상부의 호크에 걸고, 부속의 육 각볼트(M5×12) 1개를 사용하여 through the hook(A) and fix it by 빠지지 않도록 조여 주십시오. the bolt sec

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 13

English 4. SET UP 6. Stretch the main pipe and the 6.메인 파이프와 플랙시블 샤프트를 SE3 flexible shaft straight, thrust the 일직선으로 늘리고, 내부 샤프트를 손으로 돌리면서 밀어 넣어, 메인 inner shaft into the main pipe while 파이프측의 샤프트에 접속해 주십 turning it by hand, and connect the 시오. 내부 샤프트의 선단이 플랙시 inner shaft to the shaft of the main 블 샤프트로부터 떨어져 나와 있지 pipe. Unless the end of the inner 않으면 정상적으로 접속되어 있는 shaft appears from the flexible 것입니다. shaft, the inner shaft has been correctly connected to the shaft of the main pipe. (1) In

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14

English 4. SET UP smaller when the wire brace is 2.조정 후, 고정너트를 조여서 와이 SE6 turned counterclockwise. 어받침쇠를 고정하여 주십시오. 2. Tighten the lock nut after adjusting (1)고정너트 the play, and fix the wire brace. (2)스로틀 와이어 (3)와이어받침쇠 (1) Lock nut (2) Throttle wire (3) Wire brace ■ INSTALLING DEBRIS GUARD ■비산방지 커버의 장착 WARNING Do not use this machine without 비산방지 커버를 분리한 상태에서 사 the debris guard. 용하지 마십시오. Fit the top of the debris guard to the SE7 부속된 비산방지 커버의 선단을 기 gear case, install the debris guard 어 케이스

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 15

English 4. SET UP ■ INSTALLING THE BLADE ■칼날의 조립 WARNING • Do not install or remove the ●엔진을 시동한 상태로, 칼날의 설치 blade while the engine is in 나 제거는 하지 말아 주십시오. operation. ●교환용 칼날 및 칼날설치 공구류는 •Use ZENOAH’s genuine 메이커의 순정품을 사용해 주십시 replacement blades and metal 오. fixtures when installing the ●금속칼의 착탈시는, 부상 방지를 위 blade. 해서 튼튼한 장갑을 착용해 주십시 • When installing or removing the 오. blade, fix the machine securely, ●칼날은 기어케이스측에서 볼 때, 왼 쪽회전(반시계방향)합니다. 안팎이 and wear robust gloves. 있는 칼날을 사용할 때에는, 칼의 •The blad

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 16

English 4. SET UP (8) Blade rest plate (9) L-shaped round rod (10) Gear case SE10 IMPORTANT Look at the blade from above, and 칼날을 위에서 보았을 때 장착방향이 make sure that the direction in which 틀리지 않았는지 확인하여 주십시오. the blade is mounted is correct. (1)회전방향 (1) Rotating direction Installing the nylon cutter 나일론 컷터(별매) 방착방법 (available as an option) IMPORTANT 중요 나일론 컷터는 금속칼날보다 저 항이 크기 때문에 취급조작을 잘못하 Since the resistance of the nylon 면 클러치부가 발열하여 변형 손상되 cutter is larger than that of the metal 는 경우가 있습니다. 사용시에는

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 17

English 4. SET UP 3. Screw the main body of the nylon 3.칼날받침쇠를 L형 둥근봉으로 고정 SE11 cutter into the mounting bolt while 하면서 나일론 컷터 본체를 볼트에 돌려 끼우고, 손으로 단단히 조여 fixing the blade rest plate with the 주십시오. L-shaped round rod, and tighten the main body of the nylon cutter (1)나일론 컷터 본체 firmly by hand. (2)L형 둥근봉 (3)기어 케이스 (1) Main body of the nylon cutter (4)칼날받침쇠 (2) L-shaped round rod (5)칼날누름쇠 (3) Gear case (6)장착볼트 (4) Blade rest plate (7)나일론 코드 (5) Outer holder (6) Mounting bolt (7) Nylon cord 금속칼날 장착

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 18

English 5. FUEL WARNING • Gasoline is very flammable. Avoid smoking or bringing any flame or sparks near fuel. •Wipe up all spills before starting the engine. • Make sure to stop the engine and allow it cool before refueling the unit. • Keep open flames away from the area where fuel is handled or stored. IMPORTANT • Never use oil for 4 cycle engine use or water cooled 2-cycle engine. It can cause spark plug fouling, exhaust port blocking, or piston ring sticking. •Mixed fuels which have been lef

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 19

English 6. OPERATION ■ REFUELING ■급유 WARNING • Refuel the fuel tank in a flat ●연료 탱크에 급유할 때는 실외의 평 place outdoors. Avoid smoking 평한 장소에서 실시해 주십시오. 급 or bringing any flame or spark 유시는 화기를 멀리하고 담배불은 near the fuel, and stub out any 꺼 주십시오. cigarette. ●작업 도중에 급유할 경우에는, 반드 • When refueling the fuel tank 시 엔진을 끄고 식은 다음 실시해 while using this machine, make 주십시오. sure to stop the engine and ●연료 뚜껑은 확실하게 조여 주십시 allow it to cool before refueling 오. ●급유시에 흘린 연료는 엔진을 시동 the fuel tank. 하기 전에 걸레로 잘 닦아 주십시 •

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 20

English 6. OPERATION ■ STARTING THE ENGINE WARNING ●연료 보급후 엔진을 시동하는 경우 는 기계를 급유한 장소로부터 3m • Before starting the engine after 이상 떨어진 장소에 이동한 다음에 filling with fuel, move the 시동하십시오. 급유한 장소에서 시 machine at least 3 m away from 동하면 인화에 의한 화재의 위험이 where it was refueled. 있습니다. Starting the engine where the ●실내 또는 환기가 잘 안되는 장소에 machine was refueled might 서는 엔진을 시동하지 마십시오. 인 cause a fire. 체에 유해한 일산화탄소 중독의 위 • Do not start the engine indoors 험이 있습니다. or in any place which is not well ventilated. Otherwis

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