Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
Combination Multizone Heating/Cooling Units
Gas, Electric, or Glycol Heat
Installation, Start-Up
and Service Instructions
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS...................2
INSTALLATION .............................2-34
Unit Clearances..
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS INSTALLATION Installation and servicing of air-conditioning equipment General— Install unit on rooftop, outdoor site only. In- canbehazardousduetosystempressureandelectricalcom- stallunit,electricalwiring,gassupplyline(48MA)andcon- ponents.Onlytrainedandqualifiedservicepersonnelshould densate drain lines in accordance with all applicable codes. install, repair, or service air-conditioning equipment. Untrainedpersonnelcanperformbasicmaintenancefunc- Unit Clearances — See Fig.
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CONDENSER SECTIONAIRFLOW CONN — Connection NOTES: 1. Space required for service and airflow all around and above unit is 36 inches. 2. For additional information see Fig. 4. 3. Centerofgravityiswithin6in.radiusofgeo- metric center of unit. 1 4. Maximumallowablepitchofunitis ⁄2in.per 10 ft in any direction. Certified dimension drawings available on request. DIMENSIONS (ft-in.) UNIT 48MA AB C D E F G H J K L 3 5 5 15 1 1 3 1 1 1 016-030 7- 2 ⁄4 3-0 ⁄8 17-11 ⁄16 2-2 ⁄16 13-5 ⁄2 0- 9 ⁄16 2-10 7-3 ⁄16
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CONDENSER SECTIONAIRFLOW CONN — Connection NOTES: 1. Space required for service and airflow all around and above unit is 36 inches. 2. For additional information see Fig. 5. 3. Centerofgravityiswithin6in.radiusofgeo- metric center of unit. 1 4. Maximumallowablepitchofunitis ⁄2in.per 10 ft in any direction. Certified dimension drawings available on request. DIMENSIONS (ft-in.) UNIT 50ME A B C D EF GH J 3 9 5 15 1 1 3 1 1 016-030 7- 2 ⁄4 3-0 ⁄16 17-11 ⁄16 2-2 ⁄16 13-5 ⁄2 3-7 ⁄16 7-3 ⁄16 0-3 ⁄8 0-3 ⁄
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AIRFLOW *Factory supplied (with accessory roof curb). †Field supplied (when using accessory roof curb). NOTE: Dimensions are in inches. Fig. 3 — Roof Curb Detail Rigging Unit — Inspect unit for shipping damage, and Field-Fabricated Ductwork — Supply- and return- file any damage claim immediately with transportation airopeningsareshowninFig.4and5.Tosimplifysupply- company. air connection, a zone duct plenum may be field fabricated as shown in Fig. 7. It is recommended that this plenum be Liftunitwi
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Table 1 — Physical Data UNIT 48MA/50ME 016 024 028 030 034 040 Zone Modules (Quantity) 8 8 10 10 12 12 Nominal Cooling Capacity (tons) 15 20 25 28 30 37 OPERATING WEIGHT (lb) Base Unit 48MA 3395 3815 4075 4080 5340 5710 Base Unit 50ME (with electric heat) 2995 3415 3675 3680 4900 5270 Roof Curb 506 506 506 506 630 630 REFRIGERANT CHARGE — R-22 (lb) 28 32 43 43 57 66.1 COMPRESSOR Reciprocating Hermetic, 1725 Rpm No. 1 Type 06DE537 06DE824 06DE537 06DE537 06DE537 06EE250 Cylinders...Unloaders 6...
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7
EVAPORATOR (ZONE MODULE)AIRFLOW CONN — Connection *Not used on 48MA016,024 (8 zone module units). NOTES: 1. For additional information, see Table 1 and Fig. 1. 1 2. Maximum allowable unit pitch is ⁄2 in. per 10 ft in any direction. 3. Remove shipping brace before assembling curb section (location shown). DIMENSIONS (ft-in.) UNIT 48MA ABC D E F G H J 1 1 7 9 9 3 1 016-030 18-2 ⁄8 7- 3 11-9 5-6 ⁄4 7-2 ⁄8 1-10 ⁄16 2-2 ⁄16 6-0 ⁄8 0- 7 ⁄2 7 3 3 7 3 1 1 5 034,040 21-9 ⁄8 7-11 ⁄4 14-1 ⁄4 6-7 ⁄16 8-4 ⁄1
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EVAPORATOR (ZONE MODULE)AIRFLOW CONN — Connection *Not used on 50ME016,024 (8 zone module units). END DETAIL (034,044 12-ZONE MODULES) NOTES: 1. For additional information, see Table 1 and Fig. 2. 1 2. Maximum allowable unit pitch is ⁄2 in. per 10 ft in any direction. 3. Remove shipping brace before assembling curb section (location shown). DIMENSIONS (ft-in.) UNIT 50ME ABC D E F G H J 1 1 7 9 9 3 1 016-030 18-2 ⁄8 7- 3 11-9 5-6 ⁄4 7-2 ⁄8 1-10 ⁄16 2-2 ⁄16 6-0 ⁄8 0- 7 ⁄2 7 3 3 7 3 1 1 5 034,040 2
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Donotinterconnectdrains.Makeeachtrapaminimumof CondensateDrains— Pipenipplescoveredwithfoam 4 in. deep. Insulate trap against freeze-up or use flexible rubber insulation are shipped in unit return air filter section material. (6 nipples in units 48MA, 4 nipples in units 50ME). Install anippleineachdrainconnectiononbothsidesofunit.See Gas Piping (48MA) — Unit is equipped for use with Fig. 1 and 2 for drain locations. Be sure foam rubber seals type of gas shown on nameplate. Refer to latest edition
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Allunitshaveamainpowersupplyterminalboardinthe power and condensing control box. The electric resistance heaterpowersupplyterminalboard(s)(ifunitissoequipped) on 50ME units is located in the heater control box at front of unit. See Fig. 2, 5, and 9. All terminal boards are suitable for use with copper or aluminum wire. Connectelectricalconduit(athreadedpipenipple)shipped withunittothreadedfittinginroofcurbandbottomofmain powerandcondensingsectioncontrolbox.Routemainpower wiresthroughconduittoterm
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11
Use the following formula to determine the percent volt- IMPORTANT: If the supply voltage phase imbalance age imbalance. ismorethan2%,contactyourlocalelectricutilitycom- % Voltage Imbalance: pany immediately. max voltage deviation from average voltage = 100 × average voltage Unitfailureasaresultofoperationonimproperlinevolt- ageorexcessivephaseimbalanceconstitutesabuseandmay EXAMPLE: Supply voltage is 460-3-60. cause damage to electrical components. See Tables 2-5 for AB = 452 v unit, electric h
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Table 3 — Unit 50ME Electrical Data VOLTAGE COMP COMP OFM POWER IFM UNIT VOLTAGE RANGE NO. 1 NO. 2 FLA SUPPLY 50ME (3 Ph, 60 Hz) Min Max RLA LRA RLA LRA No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Hp FLA MCA MOCP 208/230 187 254 63.6 266 6.6 16.2 109.6 125 016 460 414 508 28.6 120 — — 6.2 3.0 —5 6.6 49.5 60 575 518 632 22.8 96 2.4 5.6 39.6 45 208/230 187 254 44.4 170 44.4 170 6.6 24.2 138.0 150 024 460 414 508 19.9 77 19.9 77 6.2 3.0 — 7.5 11.0 61.9 70 575 518 632 15.7 62 15.7 62 2.4 9.0 49.2 60 208/230 187 254 63.6 266
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Table 5 — Unit 50ME Electrical Application Data MCA UNIT kW Heating 50ME NOMINAL Unit (Unit Circuit VOLTAGE Cooling Common Total) IFM Feed Size 12 Hp 43/ 53 150.0/165.6 — 184.8/192.6 208/230 57/ 70 109.8/109.8 200.0/220.9 — 216.7/237.6 87/106 150.0/165.8 150.0/165.8 316.7/348.3 016 5 53 82.9 90.9 460 70 49.5 110.5 — 117.1 106 165.8 172.4 575 106 39.6 132.5 — 138.1 43/ 53 150.0/160.6 — 213.0/220.8 208/230 57/ 70 138.0/138.0 200.0/220.9 — 238.0/248.5 87/106 150.0/165.8 150.0/165.8 342.2/359.0 024
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quick-connecttypemultiplexingterminals.Thispreventsover- Field Control Wiring loadingthenestcontroltransformers.Factory-suppliedjump- ZONE THERMOSTATS — Install a Carrier approved ac- erswithquick-connectterminalsareshippedinthezonecon- cessoryzonethermostatassemblyineachzoneaccordingto trol and thermostat panel compartment. installationinstructionsincludedintheaccessory.Locateeach Undernocircumstancesshallthetransformerpowerfrom thermostatassemblyinthespacewhereitwillsenseaverage oneClassIIcirc
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 15
Fig. 10 — Zone Control Board Component Location (cont) 15
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LEGEND *One for each module. C— Contactor NOTES: CR — Control Relay 1. COOLING GV — Gas Valve HA — HeatAnticipator Stage 1 — First stage of modules 1 and 2 HR — Heating Relay HEATING TC — Thermostat, Cooling TH — Thermostat, Heating Stage 1 — First stage of modules 1 and 2 TRAN — Transformer 2. Set heat anticipator (HA1) at .26. Screw Terminal Quick-Connect Terminal Factory Control Wires Printed Circuit Field Wiring Fig. 11 — 48MA; One-Stage Heat, One-Stage Cool — 2 Nested Modules, Joint Zone Co
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LEGEND *One for each module. C— Contactor NOTES: CR — Control Relay 1. COOLING GV — Gas Valve HA — HeatAnticipator Stage 1 — First stage of modules 1 and 2 HR — Heating Relay HEATING TC — Thermostat, Cooling TH — Thermostat, Heating Stage 1 — First stage of modules 1 and 2 TRAN — Transformer 2. Set heat anticipator (HA1) at .26. Screw Terminal Quick-Connect Terminal Factory Control Wires Printed Circuit Field Wiring Fig. 12 — 48MA; One-Stage Heat, Two-Stage Cool — 2 Nested Modules, Joint Zone Co
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 18
LEGEND *One for each module. C— Contactor NOTES: CR — Control Relay 1. COOLING GV — Gas Valve HA — HeatAnticipator Stage 1 — First stage of modules 1, 2, and 3 HR — Heating Relay HEATING TC — Thermostat, Cooling TH — Thermostat, Heating Stage 1 — First stage of modules 1, 2, and 3 TRAN — Transformer 2. Set heat anticipators (HA1) at .13. Screw Terminal Quick-Connect Terminal Factory Control Wires Printed Circuit Field Wiring Fig.13—48MA;One-StageHeat,One-StageCool—OneIndependentModule,2JointModu
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LEGEND *One for each module. C— Contactor NOTES: CR — Control Relay 1. COOLING GV — Gas Valve HA — HeatAnticipator Stage 1 — First stage of modules 1, 2, and 3 HR — Heating Relay Stage 2 — Second stage of modules 2 and 3 TC — Thermostat, Cooling HEATING TH — Thermostat, Heating TRAN — Transformer Stage 1 — First stage of modules 1, 2, and 3 Screw Terminal 2. Set heat anticipators (HA1) at .13. Quick-Connect Terminal Factory Control Wires Printed Circuit Field Wiring Fig. 14 — 48MA; One-Stage Hea
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LEGEND *One for each module. C— Contactor NOTES: CR — Control Relay 1. COOLING GV — Gas Valve HA — HeatAnticipator Stage 1 — First stage of modules 1, 2, 3, and 4 HR — Heating Relay HEATING TC — Thermostat, Cooling TH — Thermostat, Heating Stage 1 — First stage of modules 1, 2, 3, and 4 TRAN — Transformer 2. Set heat anticipator (HA1) at .26. Screw Terminal Quick-Connect Terminal Factory Control Wires Printed Circuit Field Wiring Fig. 15 — 48MA; One-Stage Heat, One-Stage Cool — 4 Module Joint Zo