Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
,1_2006 Lennox industries Inc.
Dallas, Texas, USA
G50UH(X) Series
505,254M _ Technical
8/2006 .L_._L Publications
Supersedes 504,957M
Lithe U.S.A.
Unit Dimensions ................................ 2
G50UH(X) Parts Arrangement .................... 3
G50UH(X) Gas Furnace .......................... 4
Shipping and Packing List ........................ 4
Safety Information ............................... 4
General ........................................ 5
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
1 NOTE - 60C and 60D size units that require air volumes 3-3/4 (95)-I_ 1 over 1800 cfm (850 L/s) must have one of the following: 1. Single side return air with transition, to accommodate 20 x 25 x 1 in. (508 x 635 x 25 mm) air filter. Required to maintain proper air velocity across the filter. 2. Single side return air with optional RAB Return Air Base SUPPLY AIR 3. Bottom return air. OPENING 4. Return air from both sides. FLUE OUTLET 5. Bottom and one side return air. (Top) See Blower Performan
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AirDeflector G50UH-48C-135, G50UH-60C-110 & FlueBoxGasket G50UH-60D-155 UnitsOnly HeatExchanger Gasket FlueCollector Box FlueTransition Combustion Air Orifice % Combustion Air Pressure Switch Air Inducer Limit Shield Flame Sensor _ Flame Rollout Switches* Flame Rollout Bracket Primary Limit Gas Valve NOx Insert (NO x Units Only) Gas Orifices \ Ignitor Bracket Ig'_itor Secondary Limit Burner Bottom Shield Control Transformer _ _'_ X Blower Assembly SureLight ¢ Control Board _'_ " Capacitor "135 a
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In the USA, installation of gas furnaces must conform with local building codes. In the absence of local codes, units must be installed according to the current National Fuel TheG50UH(X) gasfurnaceisshipped readyforinstalla- Gas Code (ANSI-Z223.1/NFPA 54). The National Fuel Gas tionintheupfioworhorizontal position (leftorright).The Code is available from the following address: furnace isshipped withthebottom panel inplace.Thebot- American National Standards Institute, Inc. tompanelmustberemoved
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Wheninstalled, thisfurnacemustbeelectrically grounded • The furnace heat exchanger, components, duct system, air filters and evaporator coils must be thoroughly according tolocalcodes. Inaddition, intheUnitedStates, cleaned following final construction clean-up. installation mustconform withthecurrentNational Elec- tricCode,ANSI/NFPA No.70.TheNational Electric Code • All furnace operating conditions (including ignition, in- (ANSI/NFPA No.70)isavailable fromthefollowing ad- put rate, temperature
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All gas-fired appliances require air for the combustion pro- cess. If sufficient combustion air is not available, the fur- Inthepast,there wasnoproblem inbringing insufficient out- nace or other appliances will operate inefficiently and un- doorairforcombustion. Infiltration provided alltheairthat safely. Enough air must be provided to meet the needs of all wasneeded. Intoday's homes, tightconstruction practices fuel-burning appliances and appliances such as exhaust makeit necessary to bringinai
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Air from Outside EQUIPMENT IN CONFINED SPACE ALL AIR FROM INSIDE CHIMNEY If air from outside is brought in for combustion and ventila- VENT tion, the confined space must have two permanent open- ings. One opening shall be within 12 inches (305 mm) of the top of the enclosure and one opening within 12 inches (305 mm) of the bottom. These openings must communicate di- rectly or by ducts with the outdoors or spaces (crawl or at- HEATER FURNACE 1_ tic) that freely communicate with the outdoors or in
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The G50UH(X) gas furnace can be installed as shipped EQUIPMENT IN CONFINED SPACE in either the upfiow position or the horizontal position, ALL AIR FROM OUTSIDE with right-hand or left-hand air discharge. CHIMNEY (All Air Through Ventilated Attic) OR GAS Select a location that allows for the required clearances VENT_ VENTILATION LOUVERS that are listed on the unit nameplate. Also consider gas (Each end of attic) supply connections, electrical supply, vent connection, and installation and service
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5 - Return air from bottom and one side. Return Air -- Upflow Applications Refer to Engineering Handbook for additional information. Return air can be brought in through the bottom or either side of the furnace installed in an upflow application. If the Side Return Air furnace is installed on a platform with bottom return, make (with transition and filter) an airtight seal between the bottom of the furnace and the platform to ensure that the furnace operates properly and safely. The furnace is e
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Removing the Bottom Panel Leveling Bolt Installation Remove the two screws that secure the bottom cap to the Inches (mm) 3/8 furnace. Pivot the bottom cap down to release the bottom (10)_r panel. Once the bottom panel has been removed, reinstall Furnace Front _'1 [ the bottom cap, See figure 9. 3/8 1-3/4 (44) Removing the Bottom Panel 1-3/4 Leveling Bolt (44) Locations Furnace Bottom 3/8 Leveling Bolt (10) Locati_ 1-3/4 3/8 (10) (44) I-3/4 (44) FIGURE 10 Screw Horizontal Applications The G50UH(X
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Thisfurnacemaybeinstalled ineitheranatticoracrawl- Horizontal Application space.Eithersuspend thefurnacefromroofraftersor Unit Installed on Platform floorjoists,asshowninfigure12,orinstallthefurnaceon NOTE - Line contact is permis- a platform, asshowninfigure13.Theunitmustbesup- sible. See the unit nameplate for clearances. portedat bothendsandbeneath theblowerdecktopre- \ ventsagging. \ \ Typical Horizontal Application Unit Suspended in Attic or Crawlspace GAS ENTRY Leave sufficient clearance b
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A 4-inch diameter flue transition is factory-installed on the Thisunitisnotequipped withafilteror rack.A field-pro- combustion air inducer outlet of all models. Modifying or videdhigh-velocity filterisrequired fortheunittooperate removing the flue transition will cause the unit to oper- properly. Table1listsrecommended filtersizes. ate unsafely and will void the unit certification. The Afiltermustbeinplaceanytimetheunitisoperating. vent connector does not require insulation. TABLE 1 The combusti
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Usesheetmetal shears toremove thecutoutfromtheside flue transition. If self-drilling screws are used to attach the vent pipe, it is recommended that three be used. Drive one ofthecabinet. Usethetwoprovided sheet metalscrews to self-drilling screw through the front and one through each installthecutoutonthetopcaptocovertheoriginal flue side of the vent pipe and collar. See figure 16. outletopening. Seefigure15. Install the first vent connector elbow at a minimum of six TheG50UH(X) seriesunitsarec
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' and Combined Vent Connector Common Venting Using Tile-Lined Interior Masonry Chimne J MINIMUM LENGTH = AS SHORT AS PRACTICAL. INTERIOR TILE=LINED FOR MAXIMUM LENGTH SEE NOTE TO LEFT MASONRY CHIMNEY NOTE- Refer to provided venting tables for installations in the USA and the J venting tables in current CSA B149 for NOTE - the chimney must be properly sized per provided venting tables or installations in Canada. _ lined with listed metal lining system. m FU OTHER PERMANENTLY APPLIANCE SEALED FIRE
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5 - Theentirelengthofsinglewallmetalventconnector means, except vent connectors of listed type B vent material which shall be assembled according to the shallbe readilyaccessible for inspection, cleaning, manufacturer's instructions. Joints between sections andreplacement. of single wall connector piping shall be fastened by 6 - Singleappliance ventingconfigurations withzerolat- screws or other approved means. erallengths (tables3and4)areassumed to haveno 12- When the vent connector used for Cat
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TABLE 3 Capacity of Type B Double-Wall Vents with Type B Double-Wall Connectors Serving a Single Category I Appliance Vent and Connector Diameter - D (inches) Height Lateral 3 Inch 4 Inch 5 Inch 6 Inch H L (feet) (feet) Appliance Input Rating in Thousands of Btu Per Hour MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 0 78 0 152 0 251 0 375 2 13 51 18 97 27 157 32 232 6 4 21 49 30 94 39 153 50 227 6 25 46 36 91 47 149 59 223 0 0 84 0 165 0 276 0 415 2 12 57 16 109 25 178 28 263 8 5 23 53 32 103 42 171 53 255
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TABLE 4 Capacity of Type B Double-Wall Vents with Single-Wall Metal Connectors Serving a Single Category I Appliance Vent and Connector Diameter - D (inches) Height Lateral 3 Inch 4 Inch 5 Inch 6 Inch H L (feet) (feet) Appliance Input Rating in Thousands of Btu Per Hour MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 38 77 59 151 85 249 126 373 2 39 51 60 96 85 156 123 231 6 4 NR NR 74 92 102 152 146 225 6 NR NR 83 89 114 147 163 220 0 37 83 58 164 83 273 123 412 2 39 56 59 108 83 176 121 261 8 5 NR NR 77 102
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TABLE 5 Vent Connector Capacity Type B Double-Wall Vents with Type B Double-Wall Connectors Serving Two or More Category I Appliances Vent and Connector Diameter - D (inches) Vent Connector Height Rise 3 Inch 4 Inch 5 Inch 6 Inch H R Appliance Input Rating in Thousands of Btu Per Hour (feet) (feet) MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 1 22 37 35 66 46 106 58 164 6 2 23 41 37 75 48 121 60 183 3 24 44 38 81 49 132 62 199 1 22 40 35 72 49 114 64 176 8 2 23 44 36 80 51 128 66 195 3 24 47 37 87 53 139 67
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TABLE 7 Vent Connector Capacity Type B Double-Wall Vents with Single-Wall Metal Connectors Serving Two or More Category I Appliances Vent and Connector Diameter - D (inches) Vent Connector Height Rise 3 Inch 4 Inch 5 Inch 6 Inch H R Appliance Input Rating in Thousands of Btu Per Hour (feet) (feet) MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX I NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 6 2 NR NR NR NR NR NR 168 182 3 NR NR NR NR 121 131 174 198 1 NR NR 79 87 116 138 177 214 15 2 NR NR 83 94 121 150 185 230 3 NR NR 87 100 127 1
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Resize thecommon ventingsystemto theminimum 3 - The gas piping must not run in or through air ducts, clothes chutes, gas vents or chimneys, dumb waiters, ventpipesizedetermined byusingtheappropriate or elevator shafts. tablesinappendix G.(These areinthecurrent stan- dardsoftheNational FuelGasCodeANSIZ223.1in 4 - The piping should be sloped 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) per 15 feet (4,57 m) upward toward the meter from the fur- theUSA,andtheappropriate Category 1Natural Gas nace. The piping must be supported