Bedienungsanleitung Panasonic EB-GD50

Bedienungsanleitung für das Gerät Panasonic EB-GD50

Gerät: Panasonic EB-GD50
Kategorie: Handy
Produzent: Panasonic
Größe: 1.15 MB
Datum des Hinzufügens: 5/16/2014
Seitenanzahl: 64
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Panasonic EB-GD50 Handbuch - Online PDF
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Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1

Operating Instructions EB-GD50
Digital Cellular Telephone Main Kit
Before operating this equipment please read these instructions

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2

The SerialNumbercanbefoundontheoutsideofthephone under thebattery.Foryourconveniencewerecommendthatyou note thefollowingdetailsasarecordofyourpurchase. Part Number Serial Number Dealer Name PurchaseDate Printed in UK 991104

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3

Contents Introduction........................1 SymbolsUsed......................1 UsingThisManual....................1 Safety ...........................3 Getting Started......................4 Fitting/RemovingtheSIM................4 Fitting/RemovingtheBattery ..............5 ChargingtheBattery ..................6 LowBatteryWarning ..................6 LocationofControls...................7 Display..........................8 Basic Operation .....................9 PowerOn/Off .....................

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4

Phonebook Basics ...................24 StoringaNumber ...................24 BrowsingPhonebooksbyNameorLocation .....25 RetrievingaNumber..................25 EditingPhonebookEntries...............26 HotKeyPhoneNumbers................26 Advanced Phonebook .................27 NotePad........................27 RecentNumbers....................27 FixedDial .......................28 ServiceDial ......................29 Short Text Messages..................30 SettingyourPhoneforShortTextMessages.......

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5

Introduction Introduction Thank youforpurchasingthisPanasonicGD50digitalcellular phone. ThisphoneisdesignedtooperateontheGlobalSystem for MobileCommunications(GSM),GSM900orGSM1800. These operatinginstructionsdetailuseoftheequipment containedintheMainKit. Some servicesarenetworkdependentormayonlybeavailable on a subscriptionbasis. SomefunctionsareSIMdependent. For moreinformationcontactyourServiceProvider. Symbols Used F Showsthatyoushouldpressthefollowingkey(s). ,Text-Showsthatthedisplaytextwill

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6

Introduction Short Text Messages:Detailshowtosetupyourphoneto receive andsend ShortTextMessages andtoreceiveCell Broadcasts. Alpha Entry:Detailshow toaccessalternativecharacterswith the keypad. Menu Structures:Detailsthefeaturesthatcanbeaccessed from thephonemenu. The remainingsectionsdetailshowtotakecareofyourphone, lists termsusedinthismanual,aTroubleshootingandError MessagesectionandtheSpecifications. 2

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7

Safety Safety Thisequipmentisintendedforusewhensupplied withpowerfromthebuilt-inchargerorDualCharger (EB-CRD30)throughtheACAdaptor (EB-CAD70Vxx)*.Otherusagewillinvalidateany approvalgiventothisapparatusandmaybe dangerous.Theuseofapprovedaccessoriesis recommendedtoensureoptimumperformance and avoiddamage toyourphone. Switchoffyourcellularphonewheninanaircraft.The useofcellular phonesinanaircraftmaybe dangerousto theoperationoftheaircraft,disruptthe cellularnetworkandmaybeillegal.Failuretoobserve

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8

1 Getting Started Getting Started Fitting/Removing the SIM The SIMisfittedintoaholderatthebackofthephone underneaththebattery. Fitting the SIM Removing the SIM To removetheSIMfollow theabovestepsinreverse. 4 3

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9

Getting Started Fitting/Removing the Battery Fit a fullychargedbatterypack.Ifthebatterypackisnotfully chargedthenitmustbe chargedasshownin“Chargingthe Battery”. Fitting the Battery Removing the Battery 5

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10

3 4 4 5 1 2 1 1 c 2 ABC 3 DEF 4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO WXYZ PQRS 8 TUV 9 + 0 * c 2 ABC 3 DEF 4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO PQRS 8 TUV 9WXYZ 0 + * 7 7 Getting Started Charging the Battery The batterypackmustbe attachedtothephonebeforetheAC Adaptor. DO NOT forcetheconnectorasthismaydamagethephoneand/or the AC Adaptor. When chargingiscompleteremovetheACAdaptor. NOTE:IftheBatteryPackisdeeplydischarged,thephonemay take sometimetodetectwhichtypeofBatteryPackitis charging.Duringthisperiodleavethephoneconnectedtothe charg

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11

1 c ABC DEF 2 3 MNO 4 GHI 5 JKL 6 WXYZ PQRS 8 TUV 9 + 0 * 7 Getting Started Location of Controls Antenna Incoming/charging indicator Earpiece Display External Connector Microphone g Navigation key–pressingup/downscrollsthrough optionsinthemainareaofthedisplayoradjuststhe volume.Pressingleft/rightscrollsthroughoptionsinthe optionareaofthedisplay B Select key–selectsanoptionintheoptionareaofthe display A accesses Phonebookor switches character types D makes a callorrecallsrecentlydialledphonenumbe

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 12

Getting Started Display Main Display area Phone/SIM Phonebook Panasonic Option area - indicator shows options thatcan be Menu 57 > Location area - selected by the indicates menu Bkey number, location number, alpha Navigationprompt- escrollsthroughthe mode or alarm mainareaofthedisplay, fscrollsthrough optionsatthebottomrightofthedisplay. mark ?. Followingsomeoperationsthedisplaywillautomaticallyclear after threesecondsorafterpressinganykey. Y lightswhenyouareregisteredtoanon-homenetwork- roaming

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 13

Basic Operation Basic Operation Power On/Off To turn thephoneonoroff. FE andholdtoswitchpoweron Agreetingwillbedisplayed. FE andholdtoswitch Panasonic poweroff Making a Call Make surethatthephoneisswitchedonandthesignalstrength meter isdisplayed. 1 Fareacodeandphonenumber 00:01 2 FD Voice Call Hold International Dialling Using theAutomaticInternationalAccessCode“+”youwillbe able to dialinternational numberswithouthavingtoknowthe code fortheinternationalexchange. 1 F0 andholduntila“+” appears 2 F

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14

Basic Operation Emergency Calls To make anemergencycalltheantennasymbol(S)mustbe present. F 112 D orpress Bwhen“SOS”isdisplayedin the optionareaofthedisplay Automatic Redial When acallisunsuccessfulthephonewillaskifyouwantto redial thephonenumberagainautomatically. FB when“OK”isdisplayedintheoption area AutoRedialwillcountdownthedisplaytothenext redial. Tostopredialling,press Bwhen Auto Redial “Cancel”isdisplayedintheoption 00:32 area Cancel If a call isrepeatedlyunsuccessfulyouwillnotbeableto a

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 15

Basic Operation Caller Identification This featureallowsyoutoidentifyincoming Home calls andacceptorrejectthem.Thecaller’s +01234567 phone number,andnameifstoredin Phonebook,willbedisplayed. Accept NOTE: CallerIdentificationmaynotalwaysbeavailable. Volume Control Earpiece and Handsfree Volume Fourlevels ofvolumeadjustmentareavailable. Duringacall: 00:05 Fa todecreasethe volume Ear Fb toincreasethe Volume volume Ring and Key Volume Changingtheringandkeyvolumeisdoneinthesameway.If you increasether

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 16

Basic Operation Vibration Alert Whenvibrationalertisswitchedonthephonewill vibratewhenacallisreceived.Switchingon vibrationalertwillsilencetheringvolume. However,whentheringvolumeisadjustedafter thevibrationalertisswitchedon,thephonewill ringandvibratewhenacallisreceived. Duringstandby: F# andholdtoswitch onoroff. Whenswitchedon, thephonewillvibratebriefly Key Guard Key Guard willpreventanykeysfrombeingaccidentally pressed e.g.whenthephoneisbeingcarried. When “Menu”isdisplayedintheoptionareaofth

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 17

Basic Operation Phone Clock This phone incorporates a clock with date/time, an alarm and a power on/offfeature. Initially Setting the Clock When “Menu”isdisplayedintheoptionareaofthedisplay: 1 FBand etopointto“Applications” 2 FBand etopointto“ClockFunction” 3 FBand etopointto“ClockSet” 4 FB 5 Fenterthedigitsforthedateintheformat day/month/year 6 FB Time: 7 Fenterthedigitsforthe HH:MM timeusing24hourclock 0-9 8 FB Setting the Clock Format 1 FBand etopointto“Applications” 2 FBand etopointto“ClockF

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 18

Basic Operation 7 Fetoselectthefrequencyofthealarm 8 FB Alarm: Once thealarmhasbeen set, ?willbe Repeat Daily displayedwhenthephoneisinstandbymode. Ok Muting the Alarm When thesettimeisreachedthealarmwillsoundandthe display willflashwithanalarmmessage.Thealarmwillsound for 30 seconds.Ifthealarmgoesoffduringacall,itwillactivate vibration alert. To end thealarm: Fanykey Disabling the Alarm Todisablethealarmpointto“AlarmSet” 1 FBtwice 2 Fe topointto“Disabled” 3 FB Adjusting the Alarm Time When “Men

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 19

Basic Operation Setting a Power On/Off Time You cansetyourphonetoturnitselfonoroffautomaticallyata specifiedtimeusingthePowerOn/Offfeature.Theprocedure for settingthePowerOn/Offautomaticallyissimilartothatfor setting theAlarm.AdjustmentofthePowerOn/OffTimeis also similar tothatforthealarm.Foreithersettingoradjusting the time youneedtoselect “PowerOnTime”or“PowerOffTime”in the “ClockFunction”menu. Calculator The fourfunctioncalculatorwillenableyoutoperformsimple arithmeticcalculations(addition/su

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 20

Basic Operation Currency Convertor The currencyconvertorenablesyoutoconvertfrom/toahome currencyusingaconversionratethatyouenter. When “Menu”isdisplayedintheoptionareaofthedisplay: 1 FB and etopointto“Applications” 2 FB and etopointto“Currency” 3 FB Entering a Conversion Rate Enter a countrycodeforthehomeandforeigncurrency FB Currency/Rate: Enter thecurrencyconversionrate ___=>___ 0.00 FB Edit NOTE: Pressandhold 1toadddecimalpoint. Converting a Value Enter thevaluetobeconverted FB NOTE: Thecount

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