Bedienungsanleitung Sears 153.33535

Bedienungsanleitung für das Gerät Sears 153.33535

Gerät: Sears 153.33535
Kategorie: Wasserwärmer
Produzent: Sears
Größe: 2.91 MB
Datum des Hinzufügens: 12/26/2013
Seitenanzahl: 32
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Sears 153.33535 Handbuch - Online PDF
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Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1

SE_A/RS o:
Gas Water Heater
Owners Manual
153.335200 40 Gal. High Altitude
153.335250 40 Gal.
153.335251 40 Gal.
153.335302 30 Gal. High Altitude
153.335350 30 Gal.
153.335351 30 Gal.
153.335400 40 Gal. High Altitude
153.335450 40 Gal.
153.335451 40 Gal.
153.335502 50 Gal. High Altitude
153.335550 50 Gal.
153.335551 50 Gal.
153.335600 65 Gal. High Altitude
153.335650 65 Gal.

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2

WARNING WARNING Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or mainte- WATER HEATERSEQUIPPED FOR ONE TYPEGAS ONLY: This nance can cause DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY OR PROP- water heater is quipped for one type gas only. Checkthe model ERTY DAMAGE. Refer to this manual for assistanceor consult ratingplate nearthe gascontrolvalvefor thecorred Eas.DO NOT your local Sears Service Center for further information. USE"IHIS WATERHEATERWITH ANY GAS OTHEI_ THAN THE ONE SHOWN ON THE MODEL RATIN

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3

WARNING WARNING Obstructed or deteriorated vent systems may presenta serious ;This water heater must not be installed directly on carpeting. health riskor asphyxiation. Carpetin.gmust be protected by a metal or woodpanel beneath the appliance extending b.eyondthe full width and depth of the WARNING applianceby at least 3 inches (76.2mm) in any direction, or if the Chemical vapor corrosionof the flue and vent systemmay occur appliance !s installed inan a!coveor closet,the entire floor must if air

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4

General Safety................................................................................................................................. _-_ Table of Contents ............................................... ............................................................ ................ 4 Introduction ............. ............................................................................................................................. 5 SPepeCifica tions .................................

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5

WARNING -""/hanK You for purchasing a Sears water heater. This gas-fired water heater is design certified by the _roDerly installed and maintained, it should give you years of American Gas Association Laboratories under rouble free service. If you should decide that you want the new American National Standards for Gas Water Heaters. rater heater professionally installed by Searscall the local Sears The installation must conform with this manual, Local ;ervice Center or any Sears store. They will

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6

Materials Needed WM_ To simplify the installation Sears has available the installa- tion parts shown below. You may or may not need all of these materials, depending on your type of installation. WATER HEATER STAND 24"x24"x18" : i i FOR USE WITH WATER HEATERS INSTALLED IN RESIDENTIAL GARAGES HAVING A DIAM- ETER 24" OR LESS AND A RATED CAPACITY 75 GALLONS OR LESS COMPRESSION COUPLINGS FOR CONNECTING TO COPPER PLUMBING WITH- OUT SWEAT SOLDERING FLEXIBLE WATER EXPANSION TANKS FOR HEATER GAS CON- TH

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7

pipe Q Disconnect the vent from the draft hood Turn"OFF" the gas supply to the water heater. where they connect to the water heater. In most WARNING installations the vent pipe can be lifted off after any screw or other attached devices are removed. Dispose of the draft hood. The new water heater gas appliances is used, also shut "6FF" has the draft hood which must be used for proper {he _[asat each appliance. Leave all gas operation. appliances shut _'OFF" until the water If the main gas line s

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8

Facts to Consider About the WARNING Propellants of aerosol sprays and volatile compounds, Location (cleaners, chlorine based chemicals, refrigerants, etc.) in addition to being highly flammable in many cases, will You should carefully choose an indoor location for the new water heater, because the placement is a very impor- also change to corroslve hydrochloric acid when exposed to the combustion products ot the water heater. The tant consideration for the safety of the occupants in the results

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9

Combustion Air and Ventilation for Appliances Located in UnconfinedSpaces UnconfinedSpaceis a spacewhose volume is not lessthan 50 1. When directly communicating with the outdoors, each cubicfeet. per 1,000 .B.tu.per hourof theaggregate inputrating opening shall have a minimum free area of 1 square inch of all appliancesinstalledinthat space.Roomscommunicating per 4,000 BTU per hour of total input rating of all equip- directlywith the space in which the appliances are installed, ment in the encl

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10

Wate Piping, WARNING 2. Look at the top cover of the water heater. The cold HoI"rER WATERCAN SCALD:Water heatersare intendedto water inlet is marked cold. Put two or three turns of produce hot water. Water heatedto a teml_rature which teflon tape around the threaded end of the threaded- will satisfyclothes washing,dish washing,andother sanitiz- to-sweat coupling and around both ends of the 3/4" ing needscan scaldand permanentlyinjure you upon con- threaded nipple. Using flexible connectors, conn

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11

Temperature-PressureRelief Valve WARNING WARNING At the time of manufacture this water heater was provided The temperature-pressure relief valve must be manual- with a combination temperature-pressures relief valve certi- ly operated at least once a year. Caution should be fied by a nationally recognized testing laboratory that main- taken to ensure that (1) no one is in front of or around tains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment the outlet of the temperature-pressure relief v

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 12

1. Place the draft hood legs in the receiving holes on the Filling the Water Heater top of the water heater. The legs will snap in the holes to give a tight fit. CAUTION 2. Place the vent pipe over the draft hood. With the vent Never use this water heater unlessit is completely filled pipe in position, drill a small hole through both the with water. To prevent damageto the tank, the tank must vent pipe and draft hood. Secure them together with a be filled with water. Water must flow from the hot

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 13

Gas Piping WARNING WARNING Make sure the gassuppl!ed is the same type listed on the I se pipe joint compound or teflon tape marked as being| model rating plate./ne Jme[ gas pressure must not exceed 14 resistant to the action of petroleum [Propane (L.P.)] gases. ! inches water column [I/2 pound per square inch (3.5kPa)]. The minimum inlet gas pressure listed on the model rating SEDIMENT TRAP plate is for the purpose of input adjustment. A sediment trap shall be installed as close to the inlet of

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14

Installation Checklist BEFORELIGHTING THE PILOT: 6. Is there proper clearance between the water heater 1. Check the gas lines for leaks. and anything that might catch fire? See the a. Use a soapy water solution. DO NOT test for gas "Locating the New water Heater" section. leaks using a match or open flame. b. Brush the soapy water solution on all gas pipes, 7. Do you have adequate ventilation so that the joints and fittings. water heater will operate properly? See c. Check for bubbling soap, Thi

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 15

WARNING IEFORE LIGHTING [PROPANE (L.P.) GAS WATER _EATERS]: Propane (L.P..) gas is heavier than air. ihould,there be a leak in the system,the gas will settle _ear the_rouna., uasements, crawl spaces, skirted areas unaer mooue nomes (even when ventilated), closets and areas below ground level will serve as pockets for the accumuFation of this gas. Before attempting to light or reli_ht the water heater's pilot or turning on a nearby electr,cal light switch, be absolute- ly sure there is no accumul

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 16

FOR YOUR SAFETY READ BEFORE LIGHTING If you do not follow these instructions exactly, a fire or explosion I WARNING I may result causing property damage, personal injury or loss of life. A, This appliancehas a pilot whichmust be lightedby • If youcannotreachyour gas supplier,cell the fire hand.Whenlightingthepilot,followtheseinstructions department, r exactly. C. Useonlyyourhandto pushin orturnthe gascontrol B. BEFORE LIGHTING smellallaroundtheappliancearea knob.Neveruse tools,ff the knobwill no

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 17

Turnthewatertemperature dial clockwise(/"-_) to Dueto the natureof thetypicalgaswaterheater, the water temperature in certainsituations mayvaryupto decrease thetemperature, or counterclockwise (_",_) 30°F higher orloweratthepointofusesuch as,bathtubs, to increase thetemperature. showers, sink,etc. Thismeans thatwhenthetemperature adjustment dialis setatthemarkapproximating 120° F,theactualwater temperature at anyhotwatertapcouldbeashighas 150°F oraslowas90°F. Anywater heater's intended purpose i

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 18

Start Up Conditions CONDENSATION Whenever the water heater is filled with cold water, a cer- sure relief valve is reached, the valve will relieve the tain amount of condensation will form while the burner is excess pressure. The temperature-pressure relief valve is on. A water heater may appear to be leaking when in fact not intended for the constant relief of thermal expan- the water is condensation. This usually happens when: sion. This is an unacceptable condition and must be cor- a. When a n

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 19

NOT ENOUGH OR NO HOT WATER "AIR" IN HOT WATER FAUCETS 1. Check the manual gas shut off valve to be sure it is open. WARNING 2. Check the pilot flame. It may have gone out. All models have an opening behind the outer door for viewing the HYDROGEN GAS. Hydrogen gas can be produced in a pilot. hot water system that has not been used for a long peri- 3. If the pilot is not lit, follow the "Lighting" instructions in od of time (generally two weeks or more). Hydrogen _as this manual or located above t

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 20

L.P. Gas Control Valve & Burner Burner Inspection AssemblyReplacementInformation WARNING Do not usethis applianceif any part of it has beenunder WARNING water. Immediately call a Sears Service Technician to PROPANE (L.P.) GAS CONTROL VALVE AND BURNER inspectthe applianceandto replace the gascontrol or any ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT INFORMATION. part of the burnersystemwhichhas beenunderwater. For Propane (L.P.) Gas Models Only: Your water heater is equipped with a Propane (L.P.) At least once a year a

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