Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
Instruction Manual
Instruzioni per l’uso
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Manual de instrucciones
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Manual de Instruções
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Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
JO-%* P.) Q.( R)(+O-&3%2 'OS TVWTX Y323'-5 ZS(&.%-5 [+-5S\ ]SQ.(S )&3%2 'O3& &+-5S Q.( 'OS ^(&' '36S_ R5S-&S /S &)(S '. (S3& -` ' $% O &'()+'3.% Manual carefully and use the scale safely and properly. Please keep this Instruction Manual at hand all the time for future reference. {(-93S RS( -8S( -+|)3&'-'. 5- /35-%+3- RS&-RS(&.%S `323'-5S TVWTX\ Z(36- `3 )'35399-(S RS( 5- R(36- 8.5'- 5})%3'~_ 5S22% S '- (6 S - S% '''S S 35 R(S&S%- te manuale di istruzioni; utilizzare sempre l’unità correttament
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3
1 Starting Avvio Inbetriebnahme Mise en service Ingebruikname Puesta en marcha GHJHKLQTUVWKXHYHZ[[ ءﺪﺒﻟﺍ \YH]Y[]H^_ `dfjlpqQfwqxpyz{| Start }~QQ
Alustamine Käynnistys zy|pdj{| Használatba vétel {ljdx |pzdjdxQxdjd Starte dj| Iniciar Pornire `d|p| ||j|QzQjjzxp z|pdQlfzpy| | ¡¢y{dQdj£jd ¡d¤¥dj¦§ 2 Unit switch kg/st/lb Cambio unità kg/st/lb Umstellung der Einheiten kg/st/lb Changement d’unités kg/st/lb ¯|j°|Q±{|jQ²³xp³¥ ´ Cambio de unidades a k
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4
3 Weighing Controllo del peso Wiegen Pesée Wegen Cómo pesarse ÒÓ¸_Ô[¸H^[_ ﻥﺯﻮﻟﺍ ·]_Y_»KÕ^_ Ö¼×|jq Ö|{jj ØÙÚÀ Kaalumine Punnitus Öddj{| Súlymérés ÛÜydx ÛÝydjx Veie dÞ|j| Pesagem ÈßjpÉyy| â|°pdj{| Ö¼×|j| ã|y|j{|Q Vägning çЦy¥¦Q¢¥§èè 4
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5
êzjëpQz|Qxd¥|Q{lxpQ |ìzy|Q±|°jíQ |dlx|Q±|°jQy|xl¥pxQdÌQ |Qdìì|p|îQ ËzjQxfzxpdy|Q¥dQ ¥djdQdff|jdQfydQQf|xdyxíQjQïldjpzQðQfzpy| |Qjñly|Qxl¥¥dQxlydzj|Q|¥Qf|xzîQ dd|QlyQzyQ|Q||jQj°pQ|°yQ |±||jíQdQdjxzjxp|jQ|Qã|xx|y| jxx|Q ||jpy£°ppQ±|y|jîQ Ë|Qòf¥d|QfdxQ¥dQ d¥dj|Q{lxp|QddjpQ¥dQf|xò|íQdyQ¥|xQyòxl¥pdpxQfzlyyd|jpQôpy|QìdlxxòxîQ Ö|yf¥ddpxQ|Q±||x°dd¥Qj|pQj|pQzzyQ| ylíQzdpQpQ|Q±||y|xl¥pdp|jQdjQ |õj¥z||jî ËzQl|dQ¥dQ ¼xl¥dQ{
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6
Notes on Safety [P6/.5& -%` `S^%3'3.%& -(S -& Q.55.&Ä ñ Y. %.' &'.(S 3% 5.+-'3.%& 'O-' SòR.&S` '. +OS63+-5& .( +.((.&38S Warning: Improper use may result in possible death or serious vapours. injury. ñ Z5S-&S (S-` 'O3& 3%&'()+'3.% 6-%)-5 +-(SQ)55P /SQ.(S )&S -%` Caution: Improper use may result in injury or property damage. for further information on the individual functions. ñ Y. %.' R5-+S 'OS &+-5S -2-3%&' 'OS -55\ V-P +-)&S 3%,)(S` Warning: and malfunction. ñ XS8S( &'-(' S
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7
Messages Cause Remedy Movement during measurement Y. %.' 6.8S )%'35 6S-&)(S6S%' 3& ^%-539S` Misalignment during auto-calibration Please repeat measurement The batteries are low. Change battery Weight Range: The weight is out of the weighing range 5 - 150 kg ë6.(S 'O-% *2_ ü &' ý 5/ .( 5/í\ 0 st 11 lb - 23 st 8 lb 11 - 330 lb Correct Disposal of this Product (WEEE) and Battery Battery disposal EC Directive 2008/12/EC Batteries are not a part of your regular household waste. Yo
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8
ÎÉÎÉÎÉ¡¡ÉûÉÎÉý É ÉýÉÎÉÎÉþ¨§¿ÿ¸²ª§¨«ÉÎ ÉÉÎÉ ,;<%J`*+ ÏÉÎ ÉÎÉÎÉÎÉÉÎÉå É Adresy/Adrese/Adresser/Adresler Manufacturer / Fabricant / Hersteller / Fabricante / ±â±Æè;ÍLÝèËÍ;Ë?ëÂL^Yë F?Y_^^?F\ÙZ]FQTZI^3
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