Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
Excel 10
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 6
Description of Devices.......................................................................................... 6
Control Application ............................................................................................... 7
Control Provided..........................
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EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER General Considerations .................................................................................. 35 W7750 Controllers .......................................................................................... 36 FACTORY DEFAULT DIGITAL OUTPUTS:................................................ 37 LONWORKS® Bus Termination Module ........................................................... 43 Step 5. Order Equipment ........................
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EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER List of Figures Fig. 1. Typical system overview. ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Fig. 2. Typical W7750 control application. ................................................................................................................................. 7 Fig. 3. Excel 10 W7750A Constant Volume AHU Controller. ......................
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EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER Fig. 48. Setpoint ramping parameters with ramp rate calculation............................................................................................... 58 Fig. 49. Schematic diagram for a typical W7750B Unit. .............................................................................................................59 Fig. 50. Staged output control versus PID Error. ........................................................................
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EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER List of Tables Table 1. Agency Listing. ............................................................................................................................................................. 9 Table 2. List of Differences in W7750A and W7750B,C Controllers........................................................................................... 11 Table 3. Common Configuration Options Summary For W7750A,B,C Controllers...................
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31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 1 23 4 56 7 89 10 11 12 13 1415 J3 Excel 10 W7750A,B,C Constant Volume AHU Controller EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER LONWORKS network (LONWORKS Bus) for communications, INTRODUCTION and conforms with the LONMARK HVAC Interoperability standard for Roof Top Unit Controllers (see Fig. 9). Description of Devices The T7770 or T7560 direct-wired Wall Modules are used in The W7750 is the Constant Volume Air Handling Unit conjunct
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EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER The W7750 can control staged or modulating heating and Control Application cooling coils, mixed air economizer dampers, and the system W7750 systems in commercial buildings typically incorporate fan. Control of heat pump units, where the compressor(s) is a packaged air handler system that delivers a constant used for both cooling and heating, is also provided. The zone volume of air at preconditioned temperatures to the zone the W7750 ser
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EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER Like the W7751 VAV Box Controller, the W7750 Controller can Form No. Title monitor a space-mounted occupancy sensor, and a door/ window contact. These inputs affect the operational mode of 74-2956 Excel 10 W7750A,B,C Controller Specification the controller (see Table 5 for a list of all possible modes of Data operation). 74-2697 Excel 10 T7770A,B,C,D,E,F,G Wall Module The W7750 Controller allows other controllers in the system to Specification
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EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER NOTE: The T7770B,C Models are available with a absolute Product Names 55 to 85°F (10 to 85°C) or a relative scale plate The W7750 Controller is available in three models: adjustable in E-Vision to ± 18°F (± 5°C). W7750A Constant Volume AHU Controller - W7750A The T7560A,B Wall Module is available in two models: Version. W7750B Constant Volume AHU Controller - W7750B T7560A Wall Module displays and provides space Version. temperature,
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EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER Excel 10 Zone ManagerA controller that is used to Abbreviations and Definitions interface between the C-Bus and the LONWORKS Bus. AHUAir Handling Unit; the central fan system that includes The Excel 10 Zone Manager also has the functionality the blower, heating equipment, cooling equipment, of an Excel 100 Controller, but has no physical I/O ventilation air equipment, and other related equipment. points. COCarbon Monoxide. Occasionally
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EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER PWMPulse Width Modulated output; allows analog Construction modulating control of equipment using a digital output on the controller. Controllers RTDResistance Temperature Detector; refers to a type of The Excel 10 W7750 Controller is available in three different temperature sensor whose resistance output changes models. The W7750A Model, which is a low cost controller according to the temperature change of the sensing made for simple s
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BYPASS LON SET PT JACK SNSR NOT USED NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT USED USED USED USED USED 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 24 24 NETWORK VAC W1 Y2 Rc Rh W2 Y1 G VAC DO COM E AI-1 LED GND DI-1 GND GND DI-2 LONWORKS GND GND OHM BUS 1 2 3 456 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 J3 EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER W7750A Fig. 3. Excel 10 W7750A Constant Volume AHU Controller. 74-2958—112
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EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER 2-1/8 (54) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5-5/8 NEYWORK 24 DO 24 NOT NOT NOT VAC NOT NOT (143) WI W2 Y1 Y2 G Rc Rh VAC USED USED USED COM USED USED E LED BYPASS SNSR GND SET PT AI-1 GND DI-1 GND GND DI-2 NOT LONWORKS LON GND OHM USED JACK BUS 3-1/16 (77) 1 2 3 456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 J3 5-3/16 (132) 6 (152) M10098B Fig. 4. W7750A construction in in. (mm). PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Special Note for the W7750B,C Unit: The i
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31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 VAC VAC 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DI-4 DI-3 DI-2 DI-1 24 COM OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT E LED BYPASS SNSR SET PT AI-1 A1-2 AI-3 AI-4 20VDC GND OHM OHM V/mA V/mA OUT 15 1 23 456 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 J3 DI DI GND GND AI AI AI LONWORKS GND LON GND GND BUS JACK EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER M6854B Fig. 5. Excel 10 W7750B Constant Volume AHU Controller. CPU: Specified Space Temperature Sensing Range: Motorola or Toshiba 3150 Neuron pro
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31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 VAC VAC 24 1 2 3 4 5 A0 A0 A0 DI-4 DI-2 DI-1 24 COM DI-3 OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 1 2 3 E LED BYPASS SNSR SET PT AI-1 A1-2 AI-3 AI-4 20VDC GND OHM OHM V/mA V/mA OUT 1 23 456 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 J3 DI DI GND GND AI AI AI LONWORKS GND LON GND GND BUS JACK EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER M17489 Fig. 6. Excel 10 W7750C Constant Volume AHU Controller. 15 74-2958—1
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EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER 2-1/8 (54) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 VAC 5-5/8 VAC 1 2 3 4 5 A0 A0 24 A0 DI DI (143) DI-4 DI-3 DI-2 DI-1 24 COM OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 1 2 3 GND GND E BYPASS SNSR AI SET PT AI-1 AI AI-2 AI-3 AI AI-4 20VDC LONWORKS LED LON GND GND GND GND OHM OHM V/mA V/mA OUT BUS JACK 3-1/16 (77) 1 2 3 456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 J3 5-3/16 (132) 6 (152) M17490 Fig. 7. W7750B,C construction in in. (mm). W7750C (shown) has three 4 to 20 mA ana
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EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER 2 3 1 M6857 Fig. 8. DIN rail adapters. The FTT supports polarity insensitive free topology wiring. chain with no stubs or taps from the main backbone, The This frees the system installer from wiring using a specific bus maximum LONWORKS Bus length is 4593 ft. (1400m) with the topology. T-tap, star, loop, and mixed wiring topologies are all maximum node-to-node length of 3773 ft. (1150m). supported by this architecture. The maximum LONWORKS Bus
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EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER Inputs/Outputs: The W7750A Unit supports the following hardware features: Hardware Output Three 20 Kohm NTC (1000 through 150,000 ohm) or Roof Top Unit PT3000 (250 through 12,000 ohm) resistive analog inputs Controller number 8030 (one reserved for space temperature and one reserved for the setpoint knob). Three dry contact digital inputs (one reserved for the nvoSpaceTemp nviSpaceTemp nv1 nv3 SNVT_temp_p SNVT_ temp_p Bypass pushbutton)
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EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER Outdoor Air Humidity (W7750B,C only): — Dirty Filter: Type: Voltage/Current. Contact Closed = Dirty Filter — Shutdown Signal: Supported Sensors: C7600B1000 and C7600B1018 Contact Closed = Shut off all equipment (2 to 10V), C7600C1008 (4 to 20mA). — Occupancy Switch: Contact Closed = Room is Occupied; Contact Open = Return Air Humidity (W7750B,C only): Room is Unoccupied Type: Voltage/Current. — Window Monitor: Supported Sensors: C7600B1000 and
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EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER size (see Product Names section for differences). The models Wall Modules T7560A1016 and T7560B1018 are shown in Fig. 11. The The T7770 or T7560 Wall Modules for the Excel 5000 and T7560A,B are the same physical size. Excel 10 Controllers are available in a variety of configurations. The models T7770A1006 and T7770C1002 are shown in Fig. 10. The T7770B,D are the same physical Duct Sensor The dimensions of the C7770A duct-mounted sensor are