Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
My Nakamichi CD-45z Installation Manual
Introduction: I created this short manual to assist people in installing a new stereo to their Subaru. I have at-
tempted to provide relevant pictures and diagrams to assist. Some of these have been taken from other websites
and I have tried to reference them where appropriate.
Background: I have owned my ‘95 Subaru Impreza since I was in high school and have loved every minute of it.
When I graduated my parents got me a new stereo for it, an
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The next step is to remove the shifter cover. To do this note the small notch at the bottom, near the parking brake, insert a regular screwdriver there to pop it up and then rotate it 90 degrees to take it over the shifter. The picture on the left shows this process com- Now, open the cup holder. We are then going to remove the screws to the left and right of the cup holder. This frees the top portion of the outer trim assembly for the center of the dash. In the two pictures below,
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A quick snapshot of the 4 screws removed in the previous steps. Just provided for reference incase it is useful for someone... The next step is to re- move the outer dash trim piece. To do this just start pulling up at the top and work your way down. I have shown the before and after pictures on the left and right re- spectively. Now, remove the four screws holding in the center dash rack. This rack holds the entirely CD, ashtray, lighter, etc assembly. Be careful, unde
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This is where I remind you to remove the faceplate before going any fur- ther. In fact, you should have discon- nected the power from the negative lead of the battery before even start- ing this whole process, but since I knew I was not actually going to be doing the whole assembly, I decided to forego showing all of that because I wanted to enjoy my music while taking these pictures. I should not that you could either ruin your head unit, ruin your whole car’s electrical system, or
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Pull the center dash rack out about 4 to 6 inches. Once you have done this, reach over to the right side and pull off the ground connector as shown in the picture on the right. Continue to pull the rack out. This step is why it is impor- tant to put the car in a gear lower than park. You will find that if you do not, you won’t be able to pull the rack out. The shifter will get in your way which is very an- noying when your hands are busy with other things. Here is the ster
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This information was obtained from this Usenet Post: /------------------------\ | 1 2 3 . . 4 5 6 | | | <== pins on socket (header) that plugs | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | into factory radio |------------------------| Note: The above diagram is done from the perspective of looking directly on to the c
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I chose to disconnect the cigarette lighter be- cause I have never smoked, do not know any smokers, and really do not want anyone to ever smoke in my car without my knowing it. I figure that this helps to eliminate the chances of someone lighting up in my car. This is a picture of something else I am very happy with. I used an RCA to mini-stereo plug adapter to allow me to attach my MP3 Player to the car stereo. I wired it up to the AUX IN connector. Now when I switch to AUX IN
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Here is me trying out my new stereo, the Nak 45z. A very fine sounding stereo indeed. If you are in need of a very high quality stereo, I would defi- nitely recommend it. You can’t play your video games on it or any of that shit, but who the hell wants to do that type of crap anyways. I am not up for any ugly flashy buttons on my stereos, so I went with a Nakamichi. It is, in fact, the only one that did not make me puke with its looks. As you can tell from the final install picture