Bedienungsanleitung JL Audio C5-653-08132010

Bedienungsanleitung für das Gerät JL Audio C5-653-08132010

Gerät: JL Audio C5-653-08132010
Kategorie: Car Audio
Produzent: JL Audio
Größe: 1.03 MB
Datum des Hinzufügens: 12/8/2013
Seitenanzahl: 9
Anleitung drucken


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JL Audio C5-653-08132010 Handbuch - Online PDF
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Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1

owner’s manual
5 - 653
6.50-inch (165 mm) 3-Way Component System
Thank you for choosing a JL Audio Evolution™ C5 Component System
for your automotive sound system.
These Evolution™ Speakers have been designed and manufactured to
exacting standards in order to ensure years of musical enjoyment in your
vehicle. For maximum performance, we highly recommend that you
have your new speakers installed by an authorized JL Audio dealer. Your
authorized dealer has the training, expertise and inst

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2

C 5 - 6 5 0 c w • U . S . J P a t L e n t # 6 , A 2 2 9 C5-653 s peCifi Cations: Woofers: Cast Alloy Frame, Patented Elevated Frame Cooling Included Components and Parts: B (U.S. Patent #6,219,431 & #6,229,902), DMA-Optimized Motor • Two C5-650cw 6.50-inch (165 mm) Woofers D System, Mineral-Filled Polypropylene Cone, Butyl Rubber • Two C5-400cw 4.0-inch (100 mm) Midrange Drivers Surround, 1-in. / 25 mm Voice Coil, Kapton® Former, Low- • Two C5-075ct 0.75-inch (19 mm) Tweeters

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3

Gettin G starte D tweeter prote Ction a DJusta Ble miDranG e presenC e a DJusta Ble tweeter le Vel •    T u r nof ft hea ud io system. I t is  a lso T heC5 crossover net work s a re equ ippedw it h Y ou r C5 crossover net work s p rov idea u n ique C5  crossover net work s a lso p rov idefou rlevels adv isable to d iscon nec t t henegat ive ( – ) a n adva nced elec t ron ic t w eeter p rotec t ion ci r cu it m id ra ngep resence con t rol,loc ated

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4

spea Ker pla Cement Consi Derations Dia Gram a : l ess Desira Ble s pea Ker p la Cement A com ponen tsystem g ives you t heab i l it y to place A voidplaci ngt w eeters where t heyw i l l beblocked t he woof er ,m id ra ngea nd t w eeter sepa rately i n  you r byob jec t s  i n t hei n ter ior of t hec a r ( i ncl ud i ngseated veh icle  i n ter ior . T h is c a nbegood orbad ,  depend i ng occ upa n t s ) .W hen selec t i ng a mou n t i ngloc at

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5

!! WARNING  Custom location : Ru n spea ker w i re to t he Dia Gram C: f a Ctory l o Cation w oofer i nstallation Double check the clearance for both speakers desi red mou n t i ngloc at ions. If  you a re r u n n i ng before proceeding. Many cars are different from w i r e s  i n t o  a  d oo r ,  u se  ex ist i ng  fac t o r y  w i r i ng  boo ts one side to the other! whenever possible.If  you a re d r i l l i ng new holes ,f i le t h ei r  ed g e s  a n d 

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6

!! WARNING  Dia Gram e : f a Ctory l o Cation w oofer i nstallation Double check the clearance for both speakers coveredwithap rotective,f lexiblePV Csleeveandthen before proceeding. Many cars are different from run throughthedoorjamb .Makesurethatthewires one side to the other! willcleardoorhingesandotherstructuresinthedoor . Ifyouareunsureaboutan ypartofthisp rocess,please miDran Ge installation con tactyourJLA udiodealerforinstallationhelp . T h

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7

tweeter installation Dia Gram H: f lus H-mount t weeter i nstallation Fi rst , r u nspea ker w i res f romt het w eeter out putof t he crossover ( see d iag ra ms on page 5 )  to t hedesi red t w eeter mou n t i ng loc at ions ,obser v i ng  t hesa me p rec a ut ions a s men t ioned i n t hewoof er i nst a l lat ion sec t ion.  T er m i nate t hew i res w it h  t hesuppl ied 2 .8 m m  ma le  cr i m pable con nec tors. tweeter f iXture installation T he

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8

installation notes installation notes 14 | JL Audio - C5-653 Owner’s Manual 15

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9

l imite D w arranty - a utomoti Ve s pea Ker s ystems ( usa ) J L  A U D I O  wa r ra n ts  t h ese  spea kers  ( a n d  cr osso v er  n et w o r k s,  wh er e  a p p l i c ab l e )  t o  be  f r ee  o f  def ec ts  i n mater ia ls a nd work ma nsh ip fora per iod ofone (1) year . T h is  wa r ra n t y is nott ra nsf erable a nd appl ies  on ly to t heor ig i na l pu r cha ser f roma na ut hor i z ed  J L  A U D I O dea ler . Shou ld ser v ice benece

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