Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows)
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 4 Changing Remote for iTunes'
• Requirements Settings
• What's Inside The Package • Overview
2 Installation Instructions • Accessing Keyspan Remote Software
• Overview 5 Troubleshooting
• Installing the Keyspan Remote Software • When You Need More Help
• Installing the Remote for iTunes Hardware 6 Appendices
• Uninstall Instructions • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
3 Using Your Remote for iTunes
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) 1 Introduction The Keyspan Remote for iTunes infrared remote can be used to control iTunes on your computer in the same convenient way that you now control a TV or VCR. Use the Remote for iTunes with MP3 players, DVD players, audio CD players, TV tuners, presentation software and more. Upgrade Notice: You can also purchase an upgrade to your Remote for iTunes that will allow you to connect your Remote for iTunes to an AirPort Expr
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3
Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) 2 Installation Instructions Overview The Remote for iTunes can be used when it is directly connected to your computer (standard configuration) or when it is connected to your Airport Express (when you have upgraded your Remote for iTunes). Depending on where the Remote for iTunes RECEIVER is connected, you will have different ways of controlling your computer. When the Remote for iTunes receiver is connected to your Mac or Windows
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4
Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) Keyspan software is necessary for this setup. Tech Note: How To Check Your Airport Express Firmware Version: Please note that you can check your Airport Express firmware version by using Apple's Airport Admin Utility. For details, please refer to your Airport Express documentation. Before you begin installing the Keyspan Remote software (a note for previous users of Keyspan Digital Remote software and hardware)... If this a new in
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Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) necessary if you are going to connect the Remote for iTunes hardware directly to your Mac or Windows computer. Turn your computer ON. When your computer starts up, place the Keyspan Remote for iTunes CD into the CD-ROM drive. MACINTOSH NOTE: When the CD icon appears on your desktop, double click on its icon to display its contents. Locate the Keyspan Remote for iTunes Installer icon and double click to start the installation
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Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) Attach the Keyspan USB Cable's "A" connector (rectangular connector) to the USB port on your computer or your Airport Express. TROUBLESHOOTING: STATUS LIGHTS: MAC & WINDOWS: When connecting the Remote for iTunes Receiver to your Mac or Windows computer, you should notice a red light turn on and then turn off. This indicates the Keyspan Remote for iTunes is ready for use. If the light does not turn off, disconnect the Receiver and
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Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) If you need to uninstall the Keyspan Remote software, please follow these instructions: MACINTOSH NOTE: In the Keyspan Remote Software, select the Uninstall command from the Settings menu. This will remove all files. To finish the uninstall process, close the Keyspan Remote Software and drag the KeyspanDMR icon to the trash. WINDOWS NOTE: Uninstall the Keyspan Remote Software using the Add/Remove Programs control panel. (loca
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8
Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) 3 Using Your Remote for iTunes Overview The Remote for iTunes can be used when it is directly connected to your computer or when it is connected to your Airport Express (if your Remote for iTunes has been upgraded for AirPort Express compatibility. Contact Keyspan for details.). Depending on where the Remote for iTunes RECEIVER is connected, you will have different ways of controlling your computer. This section is intended to be
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Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) send a keystroke (or keystroke combination) that will result in fast forwarding through the currently playing song. The PowerPoint Map specifies a keystroke that will result in moving to the next slide. The Keyspan Remote software ships with several Maps for many popular applications so that you don't have to create a Map for these applications. Tech Note: How To Check What Maps Are Installed: You can check to see what maps are i
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10
Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) other buttons no operation When iTunes is not running and iTunes Mode is enabled, you can control any application with the Keyspan Remote Software. The Keyspan Remote Software will then detect the active/foreground application and use that application's Map (see the How The Keyspan Remote Software Works subsection above for details). Once iTunes is launched, however, the Keyspan Remote Software will only control iTunes. When yo
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Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) application, or, if it is running in the background, switch to that application. Once you have your application in the foreground (aka active), the Keyspan Remote Software will detect that software and send whatever Actions have been configured in that application's Map. At this point, you can press buttons on your Keyspan remote to control your application. For a list of pre-installed Maps, please see the table below: Pre-Instal
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Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) • the Mapper is not running OR • you have a problem with your Remote for iTunes hardware To add a Map for an application, please read the Changing The Keyspan Remote Software Settings section later in this manual. For other problems, please read the Troubleshooting section later in this manual. If you wish to change what Actions are sent when you press a particular button, you will need to modify the Map for the particular applica
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 13
Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) Button iTunes Action STOP Stop PLAY Play-Pause PAUSE Pause REWIND push: Rewind, release: Resume FAST FORWARD push: Fast Forward, release: Resume PREVIOUS TRACK Previous Track NEXT TRACK Next Track VOLUME UP increase volume by 1/10 to maximum VOLUME DOWN decrease volume by 1/10 to sound off MUTE Toggle sound on/off CYCLE Shuffle & Play other buttons no operation Tech Note: Requirements For Connecting Via Airport Express: Please note th
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14
Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) 4 Changing The Keyspan Remote Software Settings Overview If you want to change the Remote for iTunes' default button settings, you will need to access the Keyspan Remote Software. To do this, please follow these steps... Accessing The Keyspan Remote Software & Map Editor If you want to change the Remote for iTunes' default button settings, you will need to access the Keyspan Remote Software. To do this, please follow these steps...
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Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) This first screen shows the current state of your remote hardware and software. It also allows you stop and start the Mapper (the application that enable the Keyspan remote to work), enable/disable iTunes mode, control Remote Wakeup, change which Audio Mixer you want to control (Windows only), and access the Keyspan Map Editor. Tech Note: Remote Wakeup: The Remote Wakeup feature in the Keyspan Remote Software allows you to use y
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Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) Step 2 - Open The Keyspan Map Editor In The Keyspan Remote Software To access the Keyspan Map Editor, please do the following... MACINTOSH: Click the CONFIGURE button. WINDOWS: Click the OPEN MAP EDITOR button. This will open the Map Editor Window (Mac and Windows shown below) Keyspan Remote for iTunes Map Editor window. Step 3 - Change A Button's Settings (Optional) If you don't like the way certain button is configured, you can ch
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Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) In the Edit Button Action window, select the action that you want to happen when you press the selected button and what 'repeat rate' (if any) you want the action to happen when you press and hold the selected button. You can configure the following Actions: Action Type The Action Type states what type of action will happen when you press the selected button. The following is a list of available action types and what they do: Keys
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Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) between any open applications. This command is equivalent to pressing ALT+ESC on your keyboard. Mouse: This action allows you to configure a button to control the mouse cursor on your screen. You can specify a button to the mouse cursor to move UP, DOWN, LEFT, or RIGHT. You can also configure a button to perform a single or double mouse click using the left mouse button (this is standard click on a single button mouse) or the rig
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 19
Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) This will open a dialog window asking you to select the application that you want to map. Select the application and you will return to the Map Editor window. The name of your application will be already selected in the Application list. Once you see your application in the Application list, you can configure the individual button settings as outlined in Step 3. This User Manual applies to the Keyspan Remote for iTunes Software Ver
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 20
Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows) 6 Troubleshooting Before You Begin The Keyspan remote and receiver operate differently when directly connected to an Airport Express as opposed to when they are connected directly to your computer. Because of this, the process of troubleshooting problems is also different. If your Keyspan remote and receiver hardware are connected to an Airport Express, please skip ahead to the Airport Express Troubleshooting subsection later in