Bedienungsanleitung JL Audio C5-525x-XO

Bedienungsanleitung für das Gerät JL Audio C5-525x-XO

Gerät: JL Audio C5-525x-XO
Kategorie: Autolautsprecher
Produzent: JL Audio
Größe: 0.63 MB
Datum des Hinzufügens: 8/13/2013
Seitenanzahl: 12
Anleitung drucken


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JL Audio C5-525x-XO Handbuch - Online PDF
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Unten finden Sie Trailer des Inhalts, der sich auf den nächsten Anleitungsseiten zu JL Audio C5-525x-XO befindet. Wenn Sie den Seiteninhalt der nächsten Seiten schnell durchschauen möchten, können Sie sie nutzen.

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1

owner’s manual
5.25-inch (130 mm) Coaxial Speaker System
Thank you for choosing a JL Audio Evolution™ C5 Coaxial Speaker System
for your automotive sound system.
These Evolution™ Speakers have been designed and manufactured to
exacting standards in order to ensure years of musical enjoyment in your
vehicle. For maximum performance, we highly recommend that you have
your new speakers installed by an authorized JL Audio dealer. Your
authorized dealer has the training, expertise and install

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2

C 5 - 5 2 5 x • U . S . P a t e n t # 6 , 2 2 9 , B E D F A G C woofer Physical Dimensions Frame o uter Diameter (a ) 5.80 in. / 147.3 mm Grille Tray o uter Diameter (B) 6.02 in. / 152.9 mm magnet o uter Diameter (C) 3.15 in. / 80.0 mm Frontal Tweeter Protrusion (D) 0.54 in. / 13.7 mm Frontal Grille Protrusion (e) 0.92 in. / 23.5 mm mounting Hole Diameter (F) 4.48 in. / 113.8 mm mounting Depth (G) 2.28 in. / 57.9 mm A C B Crossover network Physical Dimensions Height (a ) 4.72

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3

C5-525x s PeCIFICaTIons Woofers: Cast Alloy Frame, Patented Elevated Frame Cooling Included Components and Parts: (U.S. Patent #6,219,431 & #6,229,902), DMA-Optimized Motor • Two C5-525x 5.25-inch (130 mm) Coaxial Speakers System, Mineral-Filled Polypropylene Cone, Butyl Rubber • Two C5-525x-XO Crossover Networks Surround, 1-in. / 25 mm Voice Coil, Kapton® Former, Low- • Two Metal Woofer Grilles with ABS Grille Trays Profile, Symmetrical Roll Spider, Ferrite Magnet • Two Self-Adhesive JL Audio

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4

GeTTIn G s Tar TeD Twee Ter Pro TeCTIon •    T  u r n  o f f  t h e  a u d i o  s y st e m .  I t  i s  a l s o T heC5 crossover net work sa re equ ippedw it h a d v i s a b l e  t o  d i s co n n e c t  t h e  n e g a t i v e  ( – ) a n adva ncedelec t ron ict w eeterp rotec t ion ci r c u it ter m i na l ofyou r veh icle’ s bat ter y whenever d e s i g n e d  t o  m i n i m i z e  t h e  p o s s i b i l i t y  o f  t w e e t e r per f or m i ng i ns

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5

a DJus Ta Ble mIDran Ge Presen Ce a DJus Ta Ble Twee Ter le Vel Y ou r C5 crossover net work s p rov ide a u n ique C5 crossover net work sa lso p rov ide f ou r levels m i d r a n g e  p r e s e n c e  co n t r o l ,  l oc a t e d  u n d e r  t h e  co v e r . o f  t w e e t e r  a d j u st a b i l i t y  d e s i g n ed  t o  co m pe ns a t e  f o r T h e  m i d r a n g e  p r e s e n c e  i s  s e l e c t a b l e  v i a  a  s e t  o f  p i ns d i f f e

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6

!! WARNING s Pea Ker Pla CemenT Cons IDera TIons  In mostc a ses, you r spea kers w i l l beplaced Double check the clearance for both speakers i n t o  f a c t o r y  s pe a k e r  l oc a t i o ns .  I f  y o u  h a v e  s o m e before proceeding. Many cars are different from s pe a k e r  m o u n t i n g  f l ex i b i l i t y ,  k e e p  t h e  f o l l o w i n g one side to the other! i n  m i n d : L o w e r  m o u n t i n g  l oc a t i o ns ,  s u c h  a s  t h

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7

DIaGram D: Fa CTory l o CaTIon w oo Fer Ins Talla TIon !! WARNING Optional Hand-tighten the screws evenly in a criss-cross pattern to avoid bending the speaker frame or stripping the mounting clips. 6 | JL Audio - C5-525x Owner’s Manual 7

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8

Custom l ocation :  R u n  s pe a k e r  w i r e  t o  t h e  d e s i r e d S e c u r e  t h e  s pe a k e r  a n d  g r i l l e  t r a y  t o  t h e mou n t i ng loc at ions. If you a re r u n n i ng  w i res  i n to p a n e l  b y  e v e n l y  t i g h t e n i n g  b y  h a n d  t h e  p r o v i d e d a  d o o r ,  u s e  ex i st i n g  f a c t o r y  w i r i n g  b o o t s  wh e n e v e r # 8  x  1 . 2 5  i n c h  ( 3 2  m m )  m o u n t i n g  s

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9

DIaGram e : Cus Tom l o CaTIon w oo Fer Ins Talla TIon !! WARNING Hand-tighten the screws evenly in a criss-cross pattern to avoid bending the speaker frame or stripping the mounting clips. 8 | JL Audio - C5-525x Owner’s Manual 9

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10

noT es 10 | JL Audio - C5-525x Owner’s Manual

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11

noT es 10 | JL Audio - C5-525x Owner’s Manual 11

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 12

lI mITeD warran Ty - auTomo TIVe sPea Ker s ys Tems (usa ) J L  A U D I O  w a r r a n t s  t h e s e  s pe a k e r s  ( a n d  c r o s s o v e r  n e t w o r k s ,  wh e r e  a p p l i c a b l e )  t o  b e  f r e e  o f  d e f e c t s  i n mater ia ls  a ndwork ma nsh ip f or a per iod ofone (1) year . T h i s  w a r r a n t y  i s  n o t  t r a ns f e r a b l e  a n d  a p p l i e s  o n l y  t o  t h e  o r i g i n a l  p u r c h a s e r  f r o m  a n  a

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