Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
MJF-212A High-Power Stage Monitor
Keep these important operating instructions.
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Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
o f N d o n r t a l h n i A e DEClARATION Of CONfORmITy ACCORDING TO ISO/IEC GUIDE 22 AND EN 45014 manufacturer’s Name: Supplementary Information Meyer Sound Laboratories Inc. The product herewith complies with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC. manufacturer’s Address: 2832 San Pablo Avenue Berkeley, CA 94702-2204, USA Office of Quality Manager Berkeley, California USA declares that the product June 1, 2007 Product Name: MJF-212A louds
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SymbOlS USED These symbols indicate important safety or operating features in this booklet and on the chassis: Dangerous voltages: risk of Important operating Frame or chassis Protective earth ground electric shock instructions Pour indiquer les risques Pour indequer important Masse, châssis Terre de protection résultant de tensions instructions dangereuses Zu die gefahren von Zu wichtige betriebs- Rahmen oder chassis Die schutzerde gefährliche spanning zeigen anweisung und unter- haltsanweisu
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SAfETy SUmmAR y - Ne pas laisser de l’eau ou tout Haushaltsgeräten (z.B. Heizgerät English objet pénétrer dans l’haut-parleur. oder Herd) aufstellen. - To reduce the risk of electric Ne pas placer de r´cipients - Im Inneren diesem Lautsprecher shock, disconnect the loudspeaker contenant un liquide sur cet herr-schen potentiell gefährliche from the AC mains before installing appareil, ni à proximité de celui-ci. Spannungen. Nicht versuchen, audio cable. Reconnect the power - Pour év
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CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 1: Introducing the mJf-212A High-Power Stage monitor 3 Advanced MJF-212A Driver Technology 3 Integrated Amplifier and Processing 4 Total System Approach 4 CHAPTER 2: Power Requirements 5 AC Power Distribution 5 Looping and Cabling 5 Power Connector Wiring Conventions 6 Voltage Requirements 6 Current Requirements 7 Electrical Safety Issues 8 CHAPTER 3: Amplification and Audio 9 Audio Input 9 Amplification and Protection Circuitry 9 MJF-212A Interconnections 10 C
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INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION These operating instructions provide important information HOw TO USE THIS mANUAl about the form, features, function, and specifications of the As you read this manual, you’ll find figures and diagrams ™ MJF-212A high-power stage monitor. to help you understand and visualize what you’re reading. Chapter 1: Introducing mJf-212A provides a general You’ll also find icons that flag important information or warn description of MJF-212A and its capabilities and you ag
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CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCING THE mJf-212A HIGH-POwER STAGE mONITOR The Meyer Sound MJF-212A is a self-powered stage ADVANCED mJf-212A DRIVER TECHNOlOGy monitor designed to meet critical monitoring requirements The MJF-212A monitor and its high-powered drivers were in professional applications. Exhibiting flat amplitude designed and manufactured at Meyer Sound’s factory in and phase responses and exceptional impulse response, Berkeley, California. the MJF-212A meets and exceeds the c
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CHAPTER 1 This modular, field-replaceable amplifier/processing package INTEGRATED AmPlIfIER AND PROCESSING also incorporates Meyer Sound’s Intelligent AC™ power As a self-powered loudspeaker, the MJF-212A incorporates supply, which automatically adjusts for common line voltage a high-power, three-channel, class AB/H power amplifier worldwide and provides both soft turn-on and transient using complementary power MOSFET output stages. In protection. The MJF-212A monitor can be optionally f
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CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 2: POwER REqUIREmENTS The MJF-212A monitor combines advanced self-powered lOOPING AND CAblING loudspeaker technology with equally advanced power MJF-212A stage monitors use a PowerCon 3-pole AC capabilities. Understanding the power distribution, voltage, mains system with locking connectors to prevent accidental and current requirements, as well as electrical safety disconnection. Two female inlets (one colored blue and the issues, is critical to the safe and correct op
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CHAPTER 2 The blue input connector serves as the input for all the units CAUTION: When creating AC cables looped in that circuit and is rated at 20 amps maximum. and distribution systems, it is important Please make sure never to exceed 20 amps on any single to preserve AC line polarity and connect earth connector. Refer to Table 2.1. ground on both sides of the cable. MJF-212A Table 2.1: Maximum looping capabilities for MJF-212A monitors require a ground connection. Always use a groun
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CHAPTER 2 TIP: Since the MJF-212A does not require NOTE: It is recommended that the supply be a dedicated neutral, it can tolerate elevated o perated in the rated voltage windows at least voltages from ground and can be connected between a few volts away from the turn on/off points. This line-line terminals in a 120 V 3-phase Wye system. ensures that AC voltage variations from the service This results in 208 V AC between lines (nominal) and entry — or peak voltage drops due to
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CHAPTER 2 CAUTION: Do not exceed the current NOTE: For best performance, the AC cable voltage dr op should not exceed 10 volts, or capability of the monitor’ s 20-amp AC connector. When looping, always take into account 10 percent at 115 volts and 5 percent at 230 volts. Make sure that even with the AC voltage drop, the the current draw of all loudspeakers on the circuit, AC voltage always stays in the operating windows. including the first unit. The minimum electrical service am
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CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 3: AmPlIfICATION AND AUDIO More than just a self-powered stage monitor, the MJF-212A Audio signals can be daisy-chained using the Loop output uses sophisticated amplification and protection circuitry connector on the user panel of the MJF-212A stage monitor and an advanced limiting system to produce consistent (Figure 3.1). A single source can drive multiple MJF-212A and predictable results in any system design. This chapter monitors with a paralleled input loop, creating a
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CHAPTER 3 CAUTION: Please note that the amplifier for high-frequency limit LED (yellow) the MJF-212A monitor is different from those low-frequency limit LED (yellow) found in other Meyer Sound loudspeakers. Specific functions for each model, such as crossover points, frequency and phase correction, and driver protection are determined by the control cards Figure 3.2: The limit LEDs on the side user panel indicate high- and low- installed inside the amplifier. Do not exchange frequency l
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CHAPTER 3 The MJF-212A is performing within its acoustical CAUTION: To keep the heatsink from getting specifications and operating at a normal temperature if too hot, make sure there is proper ventilation the limit LEDs are lit for no longer than two seconds, and around the loudspeaker. then go off for at least one second. If an LED remains on for longer than three seconds, that channel enters hard limiting, with the following negative consequences: When the heatsink temperature decreas
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CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 4: RmS REmOTE mONITORING SySTEm RMS is a real-time monitoring system that connects Meyer Two-way communication between the RMS software and Sound self-powered loudspeakers with a Windows-based the MJF-212A monitor makes identifying and matching PC at the sound mix position or other location. Optional loudspeakers and icons easy. Pressing the “service” button RMS software delivers extensive status and system on the MJF-212A loudspeaker’s RMS module will help performance dat
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CHAPTER 4 USER INTERf ACE NOTE: The Service LED indicates that the The RMS software features an intuitive, graphical Windows stage monitor is not commissioned on the user interface. As mentioned earlier, each loudspeaker network and has no effect on the acoustical and/or appears on the computer’s color monitor as a View in electrical activity of the MJF-212A. The monitor the form of a status icon, bar graph meter, or text meter must be commissioned on a network using the RMS software f