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Using IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage
Server (ESS) with
® ®
IBM DB2 UDB Enterprise Edition V7.2
® ®
October 2002
Brigitte Bläser – IBM Germany Böblingen Laboratory
Enzo Cialini – IBM Toronto Laboratory
Aslam Nomani – IBM Toronto Laboratory
David Davis – IBM Storage Systems Group
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. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2002. All rights reserved.
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Trademarks The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: AIX DB2 DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) ESCON FlashCopy IBM iSeries zSeries The following terms are trademarks SAP AG in Germany, in the United States, other countries, or both: SAP R/3 Other products or service names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
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Table of contents ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................................IV ABOUT THE AUTHORS ........................................................................................................................... V DB2 UDB SUSPENDED I/O OVERVIEW................................................................................................. 1 DB2 UDB COMMANDS <
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Abstract ® SAP R/3™ and its components have been the success of more than 19,000 installations in enterprises of every size in more than 106 countries worldwide. The SAP R/3 system is an open, integrated system that covers all business applications including accounting and controlling, production and materials management, quality management and plant maintenance, sales and distribution, human resources and project management. The™ e-business platform is a suite of solutions
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About the authors Aslam Nomani has been working with the IBM Database Technology team in the Toronto Laboratory for five years. For the past four years, he has worked in the DB2 UDB System Verification Test department. Aslam has worked extensively in testing DB2 UDB EE and DB2 UDB EEE in a high availability environment. He is currently one of the team leads within the UDB test organization. Enzo Cialini has been working with Database Technology at the IBM SWS Toronto Laboratory f
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DB2 UDB suspended I/O overview DB2 UDB v7.2 has implemented suspended I/O technology, which provides the capability to use split mirroring technology while DB2 is online. Suspended I/O supports continuous system availability by providing a full implementation for splitting a mirror (pair) without shutting down the database. The split copy of the database can be used to do such things as: • Provide a transactionally consistent snapshot of the database at the current point in time.
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DB2 UDB commands We use the following commands: set write suspend The suspend command (db2 set write suspend for database) suspends all write operations to the DB2 UDB database (i.e., to tablespaces and log files). Read operations are not suspended and are thus allowed to continue. Applications can continue to process insert, update, and delete operations utilizing the DB2 bufferpools. A database connection is required for issuing the suspend command. It is recommended that yo
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Universal Database V7 DB2 UDB commands 3
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Overview of IBM 2105 Enterprise Storage Server The IBM 2105 Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) provides superior storage sharing for Unix®, Windows NT®, Windows 2000®, Novell Netware, iSeries™ and zSeries™ servers. With the ESS any combination of these heterogeneous platforms can be used. Hosts are attached to the ESS via the following interfaces: • Fibre Channel (for Unix, Windows NT and Windows 2000), • UltraSCSI (for Unix, Windows NT and Windows 2000, Novell Netware, and • iSeries)
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Overview of Copy Services Copy Services is a separately priced feature of the ESS, which provides powerful functions for replication of mission-critical data. For the Open Systems environment Copy Services offer point-in-time replication with FlashCopy and dynamic synchronous mirroring to a remote ESS with Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy (PPRC). The examples described in this paper use FlashCopy. FlashCopy creates instant point-in-time copies of logical volumes (LVs) for purposes such as d
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Overview of FlashCopy 6
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Overview of the ESS Copy Services Web interface The ESS Copy Services Web interface is used to create and manage Copy Services tasks. This Web interface consists of a number of HTML screens and Java™ applets and can be accessed from a standard Web browser. A Copy Services task consists of: • The IDs of the source and target disks involved, • The operation to be performed: o Establish FlashCopy pair o Withdraw FlashCopy pair o Establish PPRC copy pair o Suspend PPRC copy pair
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Overview of ESS Command Line Interface (CLI) The ESS Command Line Interface consists of a number of scripts to communicate with the ESS Copy Services server. The Command Line Interface is Java-based and therefore requires the Java JDK version 1.1.8 to be installed on each host system from which you want to issue the commands. The CLI code level must be at the same release level as the microcode that is installed in the ESS clusters. The CLI can be installed on any host system that is c
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ESS Copy Services CLI command description rsExecuteTask Executes one or more predefined Copy Services Server tasks and waits for the tasks to complete execution. The command returns 0 for successful completion and greater-than zero if there is an error. . Note: For FlashCopy tasks, execution is completed when the FlashCopy pairs have been established and the control bitmaps have been generated. This usually only lasts a few seconds. rsList2105s Displays the mapping of host
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Overview of standard SAP R/3 system installation with DB2 UDB A SAP R/3 system is identified by a three character system identifier and a two digit system number between 00 and 96. The following information about the directory structure applies to a Central System consisting of the SAP R/3 central instance and database instance installed on a single host. We do not consider the installation of dialog instances on additional systems. We will further assume that the transport ho
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Detailed discussions about the layout of a SAP R/3 system on an ESS are contained in the following white papers: • Sanjoy Das, Siegfried Schmidt, Jens Claussen, BalaSanni Godavari: “Storage Management for SAP and DB2 UDB: Split Mirror Backup / Recovery with IBM Enterprise Storage Server (ESS)”, at • Siegfried Schmidt: “SAP R/3 Storage Management – Split Mirror Backup Recovery on IBM’s Enterprise Storage Server (ESS)”, at http
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Sample configuration of SAP R/3 with DB2 UDB and IBM ESS In this configuration, we will work with a standard SAP R/3 installation and describe the following different scenarios that use the DB2 UDB split mirror functionality: • Creating a clone SAP system (Snapshot database scenario on page 26) • Creating a standby SAP database (Standby database scenario on page 28) • Creating a split mirror copy of the SAP R/3 database for backup and restore (Split-Mirror online backup scenario on
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volume groups are created on the Primary server for the SAP system and the database, respectively. DB2 Universal Database v7.2 for AIX® is used; DB2 UDB suspended I/O capabilities are available on all platforms supported by DB2 UDB. An IBM ESS 2105 F20 is used. The same scenarios also pertain to other ESS models supporting the same functionality as the ESS F20, such as the ESS Model 800 (Silvertip). The servers were attached to the ESS via SCSI adapters, but alternatively fibre c
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lsdev –C | grep 2105 3. Use the ESS Command Line Interface command rsList2105s to display the mapping of host physical volume name to ESS volume serial number for all disks assigned to the host system: cd /usr/opt/ibm2105cli ./ 4. Determine the SCSI paths and disks to be used for the SAP system, the DB2 database, and the DB2 logs. 5. Document the corresponding ldev’s <> to be used for AIX logical volumes. SAP R/3 with DB2 UDB and ESS Sample