Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
Howto get thebest from
Aluminum Foil 5, 16, 18,42 Roasting,RoastingGuide 14, 15
use and care
Anti-Tip Device 3,37 Self-CleaningInstructions 18, 19
& mtiflation
Appliance Registration 2 Shelves 11, 14, 18,23,26
C~e and Clea~ing 20–27 Thermostat Adjustment 25
of Models
Clock and Timer 11 Power Outage 8, 10
Problem Solver 42,43
Consumer Services 47
Features 6,7 Safety Instructions
Flooring Under Range 29,30,35 Set the Clock 11
Installation Instructions 28-41 Set the Timer
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
Save timea~~d nloney. Before yourequest It is intended to help you operate Servi$e.os and maintain your new range ; pi-opcrl y. Check the Problem Solver in this -- Keep it handy for answers to your book. It lists causes of minor questions. operatingproblems that you can correct yourself. If you don’t understand something or need more help, write (include your phone number): If you need Service.a. Consumer Affairs To obtain service, see the Hotpoint Consumer Services page in the Appliance Park ba
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4
QFoodsfor frying shouid I]eas ~::. ~Adj51sttop blIrIIer ~a]me size dry as possible.Frost on frozen . . ~~ - so it doesnot extendbeyondthe --— foodsor moistureon freshfOOdS -:- edgeof the Cooltware. Excessive can causehotfat to bubbleup flameis hazardous. * Donot use water 011grease --. and over sidesof pan. ..— k% tires, Never pick up a flaming euse only dry pot holders— euse leastpossibleamount pan. TuI-noff burner, [hen moistor damp pot holderson of fat for eflec~ive shaliowor smother flaming
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5
,, -..,.,.. _,________ ! aDonotleaveplasticitelnson thecooktop—they maymelt if left too closeto the vent. ~Donot eiean doorgasket. The door gasket is essential for oDo not leave any items on a good seal. should be taken tl~ecooktop.The hot air from not to rub, damage or move the the ventmay igniteflammable gasket. itemsand will increasepressure in closedcontainers,whichmay eDonot use oveneleanersaNo causethem to burst. commercial oven cleaner or oven liner protective coating of any ~TQavo
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6
:5::~~”m- -=._ Burner Cap I ~, q= , ~icuw;gad T___ .... ......___ .. . ! i ~ ‘; - “------- ‘--:=- ~ ,! ,@.*.. }il__ “’”de’s) .. ...... . .<;. J Burner Base ,! / ~ “ \ , ,’ \ ,!,_-.L. ___ _ \ ._ -—-_ -——. . J -—~ Al /’-’ . —____ _ ——__.._., —.— ‘— ———. ———-------I
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7
1.. Feature Index see page 1 OVEN SET Knob 10 2 Oven’’On’’IndicatorLight 3 (3venCleaning Indicator Light 4 Automatic Oven Timer, Clock and Minute Timer 5 Oven Vent 4,5, 10,22 6 OVEN TEMP Knob 7 Grates. Drip Pans (on models so equipped) and Surface Burners 20,21,22,27 8 Surface Burner Controls 8 I 9 Cooktop 21 I 1{) Broiler Pan and Rack 16,23,26 I 11 Oven Shelves (Easily removed or repositioned on shelf supports.) I 11, 14, 18,23,26 12 Oven Shelf Supports 11 I 13 Oven Gasket 18, 19,26 I 14 Air Ve
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8
.— —..—.— . Before Lighting a Burner After Lighting aBurner ~Check to be sure the burner Yoursurface burners are lighted @ If drip pans are suppliedwith you turned on is the one you want by electric ignition, eliminatingthe your range, they shouldbe used to Llse. need for standingpilot lights with at all times. constantlyburning flames. o.Makesure both grates on one ~ Do not operate a burner for an In case of’a power failure, you extended period of time without side of the range are in place can
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9
..-.. - ..,, .........._ .....-___-= —. Tap”of”Rang@ cookware wok CoQMng (on modelswith sealedburners) Watchthe flame, not the knob, as Alumi]Ium: Medium-weight yoLi reduce heat. cookware is recommended because it heats quickly and evenly.Most The ilame size on a gas burner foods brown evenly in an shouldmatch the cookware you aluminum skillet. Minerals in food are using. and water will stain but will not v= harm aluminum. A quick scour We recommend that you use only ; with a soap-filled steel w
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10
.— - — ~“ Before using %buroven OVENSETcontrol oven IndicatorLight ~ Be sure yoLi understandhow to set The OVEN SETcontroi has The oven indicatorlight glows the controls properly.Practice settingsfor BAKE, BROIL, TIME until the oven reaches your removing and replacing the shel$~es BAKE and CLEAN. When you selected temperature, thengoesoff ..., while the oven is cool. Read the turn the knob to the desired setting, and on with the oven burner(s) k- j; information and tips on the the proper burner
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11
‘! j >, -.,.. . -. ———.— .—— ~“ This Timer will automaticallystart and stop your oven for you. 13ere’s what you do: 1. Make sure both your range clock and the DELAY STARTdial show the comecttime of day. When either the DELAY START dial or DELAY STOP dial is pushed in and turned, it will “pop” into place when the time shown on the range clock is reached. The shelves The oven has five shelfsupports are designedwith stop- for normalbaking and roasting— locks so when placed correctlyon- the shelf su
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 12
.. Cakes cracking on top ~Do not open the oven door during Do notlock the oven door with the a baking operation—heatwill be door Iatcll during baking.Thisis @Oven temperaturetoo high. usedfor self-cleaning only. lost ancl the bakingtime might ~Batter too thick, follow recipe or need to be extended.This could exact package directions. -- cause poor bakingresults.If you. How tosetYourRange ~Check for proper shelf position. “-- ! A _ must open the door,open it ~Check pan size called for in - for Ba
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 13
;... .,” .._ ----- !!”- 1, Preheating is veryimportant 3. Dark or non-shinyfinishesand 2. Aluminum pans conductheat %vIleIl baking foods Such as quickly.For most conventional glass cookware generallyabsorb ~~~;~~~~, ~~~~~~~, ~~~{~$ ~~~ ~~~~~ baking, light, shiny finishes give heat which may result in dry,crisp s ~:~+> pastries. Preheat the oven for at best results because they help crusts. Reduce-ovenheat 25°F.if ~~~~&~~ ~ea~t10 minutes. preheating is not prevent overbrowning,For best lighter cr
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14
,,=. ...: ....... .- ... -— — NOTE: Youmay wish to Time .---” ‘ Roastingis cooking by dry heat. Step 2: Check weightof roast. -- Bake (See Using YourOven Place meat fat-side-upor poultry Tender meat or poultry can be .~ breast-side-upon roastingrack in a section of this book) to tum oven roasted uncovered in your oven. .- on and off automatically. shallow pan. The melting fat will Roasting temperatures,which baste the meat. Select a pan as should be low and steady,keep Remember that food will co
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 15
..........._—— —. .— -— Approximate Roasting Time in Minutes per Pound Doneness 3 to5 lbs. 6 to8 lbs. Rare: 24-35 18-25 140°-1500 325° 150°-1600 Medium: 35-39 25-31 WellDone: 39-45 31-33 170°-185” ~1.25 Lambleg or bone-inshoulder* 325° Rare: 20-23 130°-140° 25-30 24-28 150°-1600 Medium: WellDone: 30-35 28-33 170°-1850 Vealshoulder, legor loin* WellDone: 35-45 30-40 170°-1800 325° Porkloin,rib orshoulder* 325° WellDone: 35-45 30-40 170°-180° Ham,precooked 115°-1250 325° Towarm: 18-23minutesperpou
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 16
-.—. .f— Broilii]gis cooking food by direct Qllestions & Answers heat from above the food. Most Q. whe~l broiling, is it necessary fish and tender cuts of meat can toalways use a irael{in the pa]~~ be broiled. Follow these steps to keep spattering and smokingto A. Yes, Using the rack suspends a minimum. the meat over the pan. As the meat cooks, tiiejuices fall into the pan, The oven door should be Closed thus keeping meat drier.Juices are during broiling. p~otectedby the rack and stay 1. Oven do
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 17
., .? -.-___ ._. _.,..-, .—— ,> —— -! --,-.,: _ _,.:,. + I Quantityand/or Shc’lt’ First Side SecondSide 1.;,.s..J “.s.b- i~ood Time, Nlimltes Thickness Position Time,NIi~lutes Comlllents .- —., 1/2lb. (about8 c 3X 3 Arrangein single layer. \ , .-m .... $g+& “’’con thin slices) <-- 7F.:+T ..~ .> .-.:2~-- Ground Beef 1lb. (4 putties) Spaceevenly. WellDone 1/2to 3i4 in. thick 10–11 -.. c 4–5 Up to 8 patties takeabout sametime. 1 I . & I Beefsteaks Rare I in. thick B 9 7 Steaks less than 1 in. thick
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 18
C)peratingthe self”c~eaningoven boiloversthat are not stuck on before placing two pans, upside Step 1: Remove the broilerpan, down, on each oven shelf. broiler rack, all cookware and any caution: chrome drip pans aluminum foil from the oven— -. (on modeis so equipped) should they can’t withstand the high never be cleaned in the seBf- cleaning temperatures. (Oven Cieaning oven. shelves may be left in oven. Step 2: Slide the latch handle to NOTE: Shelves will discolor Do not use commercial oven th
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 19
Allowthe ovento coolfor at least Folle}l’These steps QuestionsandAIlswers one hour beforeopeningthedoor. afterself-cleaning Q. why won’t Bllyovenclean Wipeup the excesssoiland resetthe immediatelyeven thoR.ngh I set After cleaning is complete, the cleancycle. all tiletime and clean knobs door wiil stay locked until the Q. Is the “craeMing9’ somd I hear correctly? oven cools and the CLEANING duting cleaning~~ormal~ lightgoes off. This takes about A. Check to be sureyourDELAY A. Yes.This is themet
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 20
‘+ .: f:are and cleating .1 ~: . .’.: ,.-: I’ropci- care:111~Cleaning are DualBurners !; ., impOrian{ so yourrangewillgive CAUTION:DO NOF (on modelsso equipped) you~ftlcientand satisf:lctory OPERATETHE BURNRR . service,Followthesedirections WITHOUTALL BURNER ~ carefullyin caring for it to help PARTS AND DRIP PANS(IF Grate assuresafe and proper maintenance. SO EQUIPPED)IN PLACE. BE SURE ELECTRIC POWER Is DISCONNECTEDBEFORE Burner caps CLEANING ANYPARTOF (on modelswith sealedburners) YOURRANGE. Bu