Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
LCD Projector
Controlling the projector using a personal computer
This projector can be controlled by connecting a personal computer with RS-232C terminal.
PC-controllable functions:
• Turning the power ON or OFF
• Changing input signals
• Inputting commands by pressing the buttons on the control panel and remote control
• Menu setting
RS-232C cable
To RS-232C
D-SUB 9-pin D-SUB 9-pin
• Connect the computer with the projector on a one-t
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
2. Control command diagram The command consists of the address code, function code, data code, and end code. The length of the command varies among the functions. Address code Function code Data code End code ASCII ‘30h’ 30h’ Function Data ‘0Dh’ Character 00 Function Data [Address code] 00 (In ASCII code, ‘30h’ ‘30h’) fi xed. [Function code] A code of each fi xed control move. [Data code] A code of each fi xed control data (number) and not always indicated. [End code] (In ASCII code, ‘0Dh’) fi x
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3
[RS-232C control flowchart] START 1 Sending out command Checking execution of Yes Yes Awaiting response END command (sending out from projector check command) No response for No 1 second or longer Sending command again Sending command again Yes Awaiting response 1 from projector No response for 1 second or longer Less than 10 times Number of trials without response 10th trial Check the following. Note: In the following conditions, the projector • The projector is not supplied with AC
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4
4. Command list 4.1 Operation commands (Not executable in stand-by mode. When the commands for input select are sent while the splash screen is being displayed, the splash screen is only canceled.) The operation commands are used for the basic operation setting of this projector. They may not be executed while the signals are changed. The operation commands have no data codes. Function ITEM Note Character ASCII POWER ON ! 21h This command is invalid for 1 minute after the power is turned off.
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5
Function ITEM Data (Receive) Character ASCII Projector status vST 76h 53h 54h 0 (Stand-by mode), 1 (Within 1 minute after POWER-ON (warm-up mode)), 2 (POWER-ON mode (including state of warning)), 3 (Cooling mode), 4 (Abnormal state (including shutdown due to an error)), 5 (State of functioning (menu display, dialog display, MUTE, SPLIT, FREEZE)), 6 (Awaiting password entry) Error status vER 76h 45h 52h Reading out error data (3 digits, hexadecimal numbers, total 9 bits) (MSB) xb1,
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6
4.4 Direct commands (Not executable in stand-by mode. Possible only to read during muting.) The direct commands are used for the keystone setting of this projector with the value. Function ITEM Data Character ASCII VOLUME VL 56h 4Ch 00–31 KEYSTONE (vertical) KS 4Bh 53h ±35 KEYSTONE (horizontal) KSH 4Bh 53h 48h ±25 How to set the value Use the character or ASCII code as shown below to set the value. Character + - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ASCII ‘2Bh’ ‘2Dh’ ‘30h’ ‘31h’ ‘32h’ ‘33h’ ‘34h’ ‘35h’ ‘36h’
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7
Function ITEM Data Character ASCII WALL SCREEN (BEIGE) WSY 57h 53h 59h 1–5 WALL SCREEN (LIGHT BLUE) WSB 57h 53h 42h 1–5 WALL SCREEN (LIGHT GREEN) WSG 57h 53h 47h 1–5 WALL SCREEN (PINK) WSP 57h 53h 50h 1–5 LAMP MODE LM 4Ch 4Dh 0 (STANDARD), 1 (LOW) AUTO POWER ON APON 41h 50h 4Fh 4Eh 0 (OFF), 1 (ON) AUTO POWER OFF APOF 41h 50h 4Fh 46h 00 (OFF), 05, 10, 15, 30, 60 SPLASH SCREEN SS 53h 53h 0 (OFF), 1 (ON) BACK COLOR BB 42h 42h 0 (BLACK), 1 (BLUE), 2 (IMAGE) MUTE MODE MM 4Dh 4Dh 0 (
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8
[Example 1] When setting the AUTO POWER ON to ON. (Figures and symbols enclosed in quotation marks are ASCII codes.): Sending commands Status code Description from the PC, etc. from the projector ‘30’ ‘30’ ‘41’ ‘50’ ‘4F’ ‘4E’ ‘31’ ‘0D’ Command for setting the AUTO 00APON1 POWER ON to ON ‘30’ ‘30’ ‘41’ ‘50’ ‘4F’ ‘4E’ ‘31’ ‘0D’ Command receipt confi rmation 00APON1 (Command echo back) [Example 2] When setting the CONTRAST R of the COLOR TEMP.-USER to +10, the CONTRAST G to 0, and the CONTRAST