Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
Print System
Users Guide
0366-001B 180
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
Trademarks The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Other product names mentioned in this manual may also be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Registered trademarks are registered in the United States Patent and Trade- mark Office; some trademarks may also be registered in other countries. QMS and the QMS logo are registered trademarks of QMS, Inc., and Crown, the Crown seal, PS Executive Series, imPRESS, QUIC, and CrownN
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3
Contents 1 Introd u ction Introduction ..................................................................................1-2 About the Documentation ...........................................................1-3 Standard Product Documentation 1-3 Related Documentation 1-4 About This Manual .......................................................................1-5 Typographic Conventions ...........................................................1-6 Printer Features ..............................
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Power Save Mode 1-15 Convenient Control Panel Operation 1-15 RISC-Based Controller 1-15 Flexible Document Handling Capabilities 1-16 QMS PS Executive Series Utilities 1-16 Optional Accessories 1-16 2 D aily Ope ration Introduction .................................................................................. 2-2 Turning on the Printer ................................................................. 2-2 Printing Files ..........................................................................
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Using the Large-Capacity Input Tray .......................................2-24 Large-Capacity Bin Indicators 2-24 Adding Paper to the Large-Capacity Bin 2-25 Using the Large-Large- Capacity Input Tray ...........................2-27 Installing the LLCIT 2-27 Moving the Printer 2-27 Large-Large-Capacity Input Tray Indicators 2-28 Selecting a Paper Size 2-28 Adding Paper to the LLCIT 2-29 Selecting an Output Bin ............................................................2-30 Using the Side Media
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4 Trou b lesh o oting P rinter Prob lems Introduction .................................................................................. 4-2 Control Panel Messages ............................................................. 4-2 Printer Troubleshooting .............................................................. 4-4 Preventing Jams .......................................................................... 4-6 Media Jam Locations ................................................................
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Changing Input Bin Size ..............................................................5-2 Changing LLCIT Paper Size ........................................................5-4 Remove and Disassemble the LLCIT 5-4 Set DIP Switches to Match Paper Size 5-9 Adjust Side Rails to Match DIP Switches 5-10 Reassemble the LLCIT 5-17 Attaching the Large-Capacity Output Stacker ........................5-19 A QMS C u sto mer Su pport Sources of Support ........................................................
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Warranty Considerations ............................................................B-7 Consumables and Your Warranty B-7 Electrostatic Discharge and Your Warranty B-8 C D ocum e n t Option Com m ands Introduction ..................................................................................C-2 Supported QMS DOC ..................................................................C-2 Header/Trailer Page Commands C-2 HP-GL Emulation Commands C-3 HP PCL 5 Emulation Commands C-3 Lineprinter Emulat
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PCL 5 Emulation ........................................................................ C-23 Terminology C-23 PCL 5 Emulation DOC C-26 D Factory D e fault Settings Installation ...................................................................................D-2 Operator Control ......................................................................... D-2 Administration—Communications ............................................D-3 Administration—Emulations ....................................
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FCC Compliance F-3 Canadian Users F-3 Bescheinigung des Herstellers/Importeurs F-3 Declaration of the Manufacturer or Importer F-3 Installation F-4 Colophon F-4 Glossa ry Inde x ❖ viii Q M S 3 825/3225/2025 User s G uide
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1 Introduction In This Cha p ter . . . ■ Printer features ■ Optional accessories ■ Where to find more information
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I n trod u c tion Introd u ction The QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System is a powerful but easy to use departmental laser printer. By reading and following the instructions in this manual, you should be able to make the most of your printer. Take the time to review the illustration below for a quick introduction to the parts of your printer. 1 ➈ ➀ 8 2 ➁ ➇ 7 ➆ ➂ 6 2 3 ➅ ➄ 4 5 ➃ 4 5 1 Output bins 1 Output bins 2 Control panel 2 Control panel 3 Input bins 3 Input bins 4 Optional large-capacity input
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Ab ou t t h e D ocum enta tion Abo u t the D o cumentation At least seven pieces of documentation accompany your printer. If you’ve ordered any optional accessories or any optional manual, you’ll have more. This section gives you an idea of how we have organized information and which documents you’ll probably refer to the most. rn Stadad rP oduc t oc umD tionen ta The following documents are shipped with your printer: ■ QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System User’s Guide You’re looking at it right
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About t he Docu me ntat i no ■ QMS Crown Remote Console User’s Guide Refer to this manual for detailed information on establishing con- nections between your printer and a remote console. This con- nectivity is especially valuable for system administrators who must monitor multiple printers. ■ QMS Crown Network Notes This manual offers tips for using your printer on a network. It dis- cusses 3Com 3+Open, Banyan VINES, LAN Manager-based LANs, Novell NetWare, TCP/IP, UNIX, DECnet, and VMS. In m
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A b o u t T hi s M an ua l Ab out T h is Ma nua l This manual explains in detail some of the features of your QMS printer and how to use them. Use the following summary, the table of contents, and the index to locate the information you may need. ■ Chapter 1, “Introduction,” describes the QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System documentation set, provides an overview of this manual, and discusses the major features of your QMS printer. ■ Chapter 2, “Daily Operations,” covers the tasks you may encou
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Typo grap hi c C o nventions ■ Appendix F, “Notices,” lists compliance information with various safety and international standards, as well as notices about this manual. ■ Glossary defines key terms. Typ o graph i c C on ventions The following conventions are used throughout this manual: Mixed-Case Text you type, and messages and information Courier displayed on the computer monitor Mixed-Case Variable text you type; replace the italicized Italic word(s) with information specific to your pri
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P r i n t e r F e atures Printer Features The QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System offers a unique combination of high-performance processing, network/host connectivity options, innovative network features, and paper handling features. Your printer can interface with any IBM PC or compatible and any Macin- tosh, plus most mainframes and minicomputers. This overview outlines your printer’s major features and their benefits. Specific chapters contain more information on each feature. Consult the
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Prin ter F e a t u r se available applications, selects the appropriate emulation from those installed on the printer and processes the print job, freeing you from the need to change printer switch settings or send soft- ware commands to accommodate different printer languages. ■ Input Buffers—The printer has expandable input buffers, which enable it to receive large amounts of print data over any or all of its interfaces. This not only increases the printer’s performance, but it also relie
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P r i n t e r F e atures another. Other printers require repeated downloading of these capabilities each time they are needed, consuming valuable input, processing, and printing time. ■ Spooling Overflow—Spooled print jobs can transparently spill over to the hard disk, so buffers are not limited to RAM capacity. tPostScr ip Le ve l 1 and L ve el 2 ty Cili atibom p The QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System provides PostScript Level 1 and Level 2 page description capabilities via QMS-developed emula
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Prin ter F e a t u r se Residen t ceyT pfaes, F s,on t n ad Sy mbol Ses t Res ident cripts PotS ceTyp efas Your printer comes with 39 PostScript typefaces from 12 typeface families. All resident PostScript typeface families have multilingual character sets. The fonts in all of these typeface families can be scaled from 4 points upward, rotated to any angle in 1° increments, pattern filled, half- toned, shaded, shadowed, and cropped, depending on your applica- tion software. The following Post