Bedienungsanleitung Hitachi VM-E565LA

Bedienungsanleitung für das Gerät Hitachi VM-E565LA

Gerät: Hitachi VM-E565LA
Kategorie: Kamera
Produzent: Hitachi
Größe: 5.22 MB
Datum des Hinzufügens: 11/28/2013
Seitenanzahl: 64
Anleitung drucken


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  • Auf Computer herunterladen – Sie können die Anleitung Hitachi VM-E565LA auch auf Ihren Computer herunterladen und sie in Ihren Sammlungen aufbewahren. Wenn Sie jedoch keinen Platz auf Ihrem Gerät verschwenden möchten, können Sie sie immer auf ManualsBase herunterladen.
Hitachi VM-E565LA Handbuch - Online PDF
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Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1

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Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2

Important information .............................. { [WARNING: TO PREVENT FiRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, 90 NOT EXPOSE TH_S UNK TO RAiN DR MO!STURE. / ..................................................... i WARNING ; TO PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, USE THE REC-. OMMENDED ACCESSORIES ONLY. 7ho ocun',::ontler @_cf/\C cx3 :;,o o hQt'e ,%e ,fo ow- CAUTION; TO i_EDUCE THE J-_ISK OF ff'_Goouffof) moYk& /£ik:CTR!C SiqOCK, DO NOT OPEN, NQ USEF_oS!_t_VIC!::ABI E PARTS INSiDE_ REFE@ St!P, VICIN© K}) QUALIFIED S

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3

Wpa_lli_g: ihi de'.i c,. :-ditio ,5: (l) If-is (t: _ ice ::a}." no[ cause harry:{[ ] i _[_"_f:ere-ee, a_d (2) ths device :n_,s_ a,cep: ak, h_t<,'f_.÷en:e ',eceived ich dh_ S [ _ er_,['e u _ _/af _<¢, c;. _se u/,desi_'ed ,.>Re_'atdo !. No_e:'Ib],,ei_f]: _e_'[asbee_tesfe and foundt{ compl} '_>iD [l_elimfs [,_ aCL_ss ,.ligi_al de_i_ e, p _r_uarlt o P_!r 5 of [he f_C<. l,h_le_, These li Y/ks ale desfgled to p;ovide

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4

a _g tlOr to (a 8 e o r;'vo ( tO : Jiy Sat/8 (S _8 artlfsc it÷ O_ VC_r video prod ct SfC-, S _ _'0 fs( ()r r {; i _,f e,/_y ,_9_L;_2n_ _ut s_fety JS _0_ ¸ _spo!_sibilitv !oo Fi_i_ D_e iists I_}{}_ !a_i ir_fo_iio[_ [ha_ vvili h_D to sss_r(_ y_ _ov; _ _o pr _;0_ US_ Oi a Video ca:_co_de_ 8_ 8CC÷SSOW equ_P_ r_e_t i_l_ _d it C_:g/Ui_V i)SfOT_ _)p_{_tin_ yOU_ vid@O pr(}G_Ct and _e÷P i_ il-, 8 hsndv ©isce for fu_r_ r_fer_r_(:_ _NSTALLATtON 7 Po_a_÷_,-_o_ PYot_ctiO_ Po_e s piy cods ;toLd ! R¢eas_ a_d F

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5

SERVtC£ ? . _:s 4c,, '_ ?: ,, ,., _:-q ÷ : USE t3 (;_ear_i_g 14 obiec: _'{# Liquid _ntrv 3_fyjL - . [(i _ > 'q ,- d - "_ _ u : ..... - tq C "' r_2,-÷O - /_ ] ¢ -r e- ,:- • St'e/ £ -,a: : t -3 ÷,; _9't ,'lg' _;. ¢_a J : _ / .... 7-, _ ,_ r_ _ V#4-H765LA/VM HS65LA/VM :;:565LA/VI_ ES:3{ A/_ M _:46.,1._A _5

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6

Before You A!: probeJ:s thaioccur as a resul o any < t e _ ]]es:e sot t:_ieaw {:e can,coqer s : :?]ace 1o1]o_,',i _5 co:di¢: > _s v, it{ n,.'t K" <,.,w,u'eih}pi4 wh@'e the temperah_re exceeds 140_ (6{)

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7

'* X22 optical zorn rsho Eas} h_ use Cok_ _@id c_ys a]d sp_a}, i,LC D) mo_Ker %'_%h X19[} digital zoom _:a o (sv, itch,_bb to Y,5(}0) '* Digimi effecs speaker _'ape analyzer A R5 (los V%i*}{765I,A/VM- * 8[able pix (l:]ec_;onic ] _/age Stabilizatiori fEIS)) (VM-_ 176-5[ A /%M_lS(sSLA/VM-ES65LA / H665L A_ VM>E56 BLA) TAI-_f>, hm_,o_ {St V%I H76_LAiVM- * Fade inifadeout }i0bSLA) " 14,_!o _rded da te search '_ Video effects _, Pez feet power { ithh/_r/-ien ba [tel->') _' 8uilb£_ DC li(4bt (_o_< VM4:

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8

Table of Contenfs fiT;pod'ant Information ................................. 2 Using Auto Focus ................................. 30 For You_" Safety .......................................... 2 Using the Power Zoom ........................... 31 _mportant Safeguards .............................. 4 Using the Digita Zoom ...................... 31 Using Macro ................................................ 31 Before You Begin .......................................... 6 Playback .................

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9

Components and Accessories ,,-_,_:_-<_ _, :),[-ACI 5,\ VM,_H765LA/VM*H685LAfVM-E585LA/V#4-£563£AiV_b_E465LA E£

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10

identifying Controls 345 11 12 13 I \ 14 15 16 t 7 1, Buif-in DC Ughf @56) (for VM- 14. Hand Strap @16) t 5. Cassette Holder @22) I. ulh: _e_. 2, Lens Door (p28) 'H_e lens doo_' v,,fi )pet_ ,_4lbmal cally _hcn he 16, Microphone Jack cameo der is set _o the came,*2_ (CikM) _x ()dr (fo_ VM-H7 65LA/VM-H665LA/ & Power Zoom Control (p3t) Co mect exte_xm! mk:cophon{' @1££suppied) he_.'e 4 CasseHe Eject Switch (p22) 17,.Audio/Video Output Jacks 5,, Shoulder Strap Slot (p!6) (Behind the jack

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11

18 19 2O i i i ! t& LCD Brightness Controls (p ] 4) 28, DAT£ Button {p26) 'o set th_ di_mJ_.4uo_"2by ha,: piciJare wih digib:' effuct added 2Z Clock Batte D" Compartment 31, FOCUStVOt Control Buttons (p!3) (p32, 36) 23 Sub Power Switch CAM mode: "o nv,_ch be _,,_,en aul

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 12

REMOTE CONTROL 35 Tape T_anspo_f and Menu Se#ing Buffons (p23_ 32) 39 Reco_de_ Remote Controf Tape T_onspod Buttons: _'_a___f,..:t thu ti _ ,_]ect/:< e-'l }Ictus ,u_d set detai s 41 AiV DUB Bu_ten (enly on the 36, FADE Button (p40) _emote eontro_) (p53) ") ey[ _hc <:

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 13

Loading C!ock ;Pc c; 3ck ©(v?T@O,/ _ c;ckT_ up ,2_!/V ,? _o_'7 oq, of s_? /Q it}@ cq;f;qooT(A._ : /t ¢£,'bb',F ;Jt_o Cot' ceFoe h? _Q÷,'-Un qbe CiC;tO, _;,q@ _F(_ d;Qy OJ_)@F S@_T#}_)? t,_,')(_/) h-_ifhOs','_;_Ysoxc@ L_ F@I_3OY4?C_,[ !_,;;¢ 0 _Jst JO3f7 Of ()_sOi; ¢3 yOdY @ CIook Battery WARNING; KEE_>THE BATTERY AWAY s+o;_i't!_ b._#e:y o p,'t?_ _:nt m/_p/ochsg _ROM CHtLDREN AND PETS, CONSULT A PHYSICIAN I[V1MEDIATELY FOR EMERGENCY 'TREATMENT. WARNING: BATTERY MAY EXPLODE IF NOZ HANDLED PROPERLY

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14

NOte: Use ?he w] oies5 Gnote COtS!K) WithN tM@ r_n@e o_ H_e ilhfiored receive_ o_ 1Ire C_rY/- COl(Jet shown , 0 _ight Suciq _s @i_¢:? suN1igh[ OC ,2ry brght a fifk:<]l {]hti,-g Note: Cl÷or <,7_ dr

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 15

Cautions on kCD Monito_ Sc:een * I)onottouchtt:c1:.,U© creen:,, h},ou _h@c:>, as the _eruen could get dir:y and @:upicture >ill ::or be see:: cleasdy, tf the LCD sc_ee> becc r_es dLty, ::so a soft dot: to _iRe o: :he di'.t, 1[ the earacorde_ l_ used [',: a _old place and becomes bo cold, @e LC© screen w@ be dim iJ the LC© monito_ s hnmed 9() so _bat it faces {>r a while alter tha power 5s turne4 on W]_e:_ the same direction as J'_eIens wJ:e]_tlqe ca 7_ea _:e ie:npera:ure nside _he ca ::corder ri

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 16

< usu h_' '{ectro_lc v e4s.'[:_de];, t_n-i thc dioptez co_h o] fo_: ).o_;c opti,ruum foc{:ts adiusf*_.e]lL N K "_ 2 N¢ .... :?):_' i _'-

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 17

Charging the lafte y -P:e f_ t stop/_ ?o set #_e bole8, for chorging % c: (t$>* i-:a botte$" t?_oh it ro flee Oo 7 cort,_e£ ond ctr, neot fhe Vi.,4 ACESA AC Gdc:pto Cborge ,he botte v Gf c_te ppe oft ro Kb ",ge of S{t CV O C} - S./;°F (30"C) b prevent don oge it_ the bc,_?ory Not÷: TPs comte'tier eye 'aTes wih a imiu _ io' ba ®¢ ,_uch :'s VM B!4_ 3iVM-BP_ _CiV)¢_ gPl.60 Note: V/e cannot be esponsb e or oNy ,qhQ}tt_nctbr soi the < a_ co'tier wlc' oc(} ][ o%eF VOLJ/JSC _bc_t- ory pock_ ohe_ thor t

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 18

@Removing the Baffety Pack Side@eB:\T7. }

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 19

Checking the Batte@-% Charge A bc_foy c;h_rge .nd£:c_tor s 'o(.¢ed on the upper r:ght come o;'/h_;- vfevu%'_der ot LCD n" onh P)r, (},'!e oFs;* sy£q:->oS LYS;OL%/Svv>@"' /!De 8_otlsr y ts uted. Note: The bcJiie:ycdod ordoes of dpoear when }he oa ncowJe_ H ov,e ed th, the AC odo0br, 7his _iashi:tg sy _ _] h_d- ca_es a ba_c_}, r/eaNy o',,li: o{ p)>e/: [se ,.;ri s]terqahve poe c: 50HYe e7 t: /ai_:, hP ba_tm-}' be_ol:e _:or_tiz tli l8 !) de fJ_e cae_cgrdek Knowing Remaining Battery Power Tim

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 20

Camcorder Power Sources You 0(;; _use the c s,'4rged ©afiory pack, AC odGoK_; 0D,'ov tJo¢i) or Cc_rbctfery co<:: (o\o+,'o w_0 to po,4,e_ <-e Cc_,-0cordeK ,¢tfo{ use, be swe fo romote the !sowersuOo/y Using Battery Pack . ,:: , : 1 A ach th<' ch3ned baier} pack to _he cam_ corder. (See pages i?-dS for a[tacsment an< eha_ n£ ;{ b ittery pad<} .,<, * -<.,t i! Using the AC Adaptor ::: : : R ,e_Tseensuy<÷ 'hat "he CAfv_!O£F/VtDEO switch s k! the OFF posit o_,}_,_ t _ ev,_r a T_,;', _, ,g c; _ roc "J;

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