Bedienungsanleitung Franklin SCQ-106

Bedienungsanleitung für das Gerät Franklin SCQ-106

Gerät: Franklin SCQ-106
Kategorie: Taschenrechner
Produzent: Franklin
Größe: 0.11 MB
Datum des Hinzufügens: 9/1/2014
Seitenanzahl: 20
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  • Auf Computer herunterladen – Sie können die Anleitung Franklin SCQ-106 auch auf Ihren Computer herunterladen und sie in Ihren Sammlungen aufbewahren. Wenn Sie jedoch keinen Platz auf Ihrem Gerät verschwenden möchten, können Sie sie immer auf ManualsBase herunterladen.
Franklin SCQ-106 Handbuch - Online PDF
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Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1


User’s Guide
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Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2


Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3

Key Guide Function Keys BACK Takes you back one step (e.g., erases typed letters). CALC Selects the calculator mode. CLEAR Clears to the start of selected mode. = ENTER Enters words or numbers, or selects items. GAMES Selects the game mode. HELP Displays help messages. PHONE Selects the phone list mode. ON/OFF Turns the unit on or off. SPELL Selects the spelling corrector mode. Calculator Keys + A Lets you add numbers. C Calculates square roots. CLEAR Clears your calculations. x D Lets you mul

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4

Key Guide 1 0 Q - P Types numbers. - Lets you subtract numbers. (In the phone S list, types a hyphen.) % V Calculates percentages. +/- X Changes the sign (+/-) of a number. CONV Z Lets you convert measures and currencies. Other Keys ] In the phone list, deletes an entry. In spelling corrector mode, types an asterisk to stand for a series of letters in a word. During a game, provides a clue. ? In spelling corrector mode, types a ques- tion mark to stand for any letter. When a question mark flash

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5

Getting Started To View the Demo When you first use this product, you will see a demonstration of what it can do. 1. Press ON/OFF . The demonstration automatically appears. CLEAR 2. To stop the demonstration, press . To Disable or Reenable the Demo You probably do not want to view the demonstra- tion every time you use this product. Here is how to disable and reenable the demonstration. SPELL 1. Press . 2. Type d. ENTER 3. Press . 4. To reenable the demonstration, repeat the above steps. To Adju

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6

Correcting Spellings 1. Press SPELL . 2. Type a word. BACK To erase letters, use . To type an apos- trophe, press . To type a full stop, press . To type a space, press . To edit a word, press and then retype letters. You cannot type capital letters, but the spelling corrections may include capitals. Also, you cannot begin a word with a punctuation mark. 3. Press ENTER . The flashing arrow indicates that more correc- tions are available. If you enter a correctly spelled word, Correct word appear

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7

® Viewing Confusables Confusables are words such as homonyms and spelling variants that people often confuse. When you see a flashing question mark to the right of a word, that word has Confusables. Try this example. 1. Press SPELL . 2. Type rain and then press ENTER . Notice the flashing question mark. ? 3. Press . Each Confusable is followed by a word that explains its meaning. 4. Use and to view the Confusables. 5. Press CLEAR when finished. 3 Follow the Arrows The flashing arrows at the ri

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8

Finding Parts of Words You can find parts of words by typing question marks and asterisks in place of letters. Each question mark stands for any single letter. Each asterisk stands for any series of letters. You can use question marks to help solve cross- word puzzles and similar word games by typing them in place of missing letters. Try this example. 1. Press SPELL . 2. Type d??b[ . 3. Press ENTER . 4. Press repeatedly to view more words. 5. Press CLEAR when finished. 3 Help is Always at Hand

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9

Storing Names & Phone Numbers This product has a data bank that can save as many as 100 names and phone numbers. The total amount of names and numbers that you can save depends upon the number of characters in each entry. To Add an Entry to the Phone List 1. Press PHONE . 2. Use or , if needed, to see Add a new entry and then press ENTER . 3. Type a name and then press ENTER . Each name can contain up to 23 characters (with letters appearing as capitals only) and spaces. To erase a character, p

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10

Storing Names & Phone Numbers To View the Phone List 1. Press PHONE . 2. Use or , if needed, to see View phone list and then press ENTER . 3. To go to a name, type the name or use . To undo a typed letter, press BACK . ENTER 4. Press to see its phone number. 5. To edit an entry, first press , then press Y, type ENTER your changes and then press until the entry is saved. Or press N to cancel the edit. 6. To go to another name, use or and then press ENTER . BACK 7. Press to go back to the ph

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11

Storing Names & Phone Numbers To Delete an Entry from the Phone List 1. Press PHONE . 2. Press ENTER to select View phone list. 3. Press until you see the entry that you want to delete. 4. Press ] . Y N 5. Press to delete the entry or to cancel the deletion. 6. To delete another entry, repeat Steps 3 to 5 above. To Erase All the Phone List Entries Warning! This procedure permanently erases all the names and numbers in your phone list. PHONE 1. Press . 2. Use to see Erase all data and then pr

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 12

Using a Password You can use a password to keep the information in your phone list private. Your password will be requested whenever anyone turns on the unit and presses PHONE . Warning! After you have set the password, you will not be able to see or use your phone list with- out it. So always record your password and keep it in a separate place. 1. Press PHONE . 2. Use to see Set the password and then press ENTER . 3. Type a password and then press ENTER . Remember to write down your exact pas

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 13

Using the Calculator To Make a Calculation 1. Press CALC . 2. Use the numbered keys to type a number. To make a number negative or positive, use +/- X . To type a decimal point, press . + - x ‚ A S D F 3. Use , , , or to enter a math function. Note: The division function is indicated by a / on the screen display. 4. Type another number. Note: To find a square root, press C . = % ENTER V 5. Press or . To clear the calculation, press CLEAR . To Use the Calculator Memory 1. Make a calculation a

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14

Converting Measures & Currencies You can convert temperatures, weights, liquid measures, and lengths to and from metric meas- urements. You can also convert currencies using an exchange rate that you enter. CALC 1. Press . Z 2. Press (CONV). 3. Use to select a conversion category then press ENTER . 4. If you selected Money as the conversion category, set the exchange rate. To set the exchange rate, first use or , if needed, to see set rate and press ENTER . Then type a number as the exchange r

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 15

Setting the Skill Level of the Games You can play the games at skill levels from Be- ginner to Wizard. 1. Press GAMES . 2. Use or to see Set Skill Level and ENTER then press . 3. Use or to see the skill level that you ENTER BACK want and then press . Or press to leave the skill level unchanged. 3 Understanding the Skill Levels The skill levels change the number of guesses in Hangman, the minimum number of letters (Min size) in Anagrams, and the number of letters in Word Jumble. Word Builder

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 16

Playing Hangman Hangman challenges you to guess mystery words in a certain number of tries. 1. Press GAMES , if needed. 2. Use or to see Hangman and then press ENTER . mystery word wrong guesses allowed 3. Type letters you think are in the word. 4. Press ENTER or to reveal a letter. * Note: If you reveal a letter, you will lose the round. 5. To reveal the word and end the round , press ? . 6. Press ENTER to play a new round. 3 User Hangman and Anagrams You can test your friends with User Hang

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 17

Playing Anagrams Anagrams challenges you to find the anagrams of words. An anagram is a word formed from some or all the letters of another word. 1. Press GAMES , if needed. 2. Press or to see Anagrams and then ENTER press . Note: The Min size is the minimum number of letters that the anagrams can have. word anagrams to guess ENTER 3. Type an anagram and then press . If the anagram is correct, OK appears. 4. Enter more anagrams. 5. Press to jumble the letters. * 6. Use and to see

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 18

Word Jumble & Word Builder Playing Word Jumble GAMES 1. Press , if needed. 2. Press or to see Word Jumble and ENTER then press . The letters are a jumbled word or words. The number shows how many words have been jumbled. 3. To re-jumble the letters, press ENTER or . * 4. Type a word formed from the jumbled let- ENTER ters and then press . ? 5. To reveal the word(s) and end the round, press . ENTER 6. Press to play a new round. Playing Word Builder Word Builder builds words of a minimum size f

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 19

Changing the Battery This product uses one CR2032, 3-volt lithium battery. The battery should be changed when the screen con- trast is too light even after adjustment. Before you replace the battery, you should have a new battery and a small Phillips screwdriver. Warning! If the battery completely loses power, all the information stored in the phone list will be permanently lost. Furthermore, any time that you change the battery, you risk losing all your phone list information, so always keep wr

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 20

Product Information Specifications Model: SCQ-106 • Dimensions: 10.1 x 6.9 x 0.8 cm • Weight: 45.36 g Cleaning and Storage To clean this spelling corrector, spray a mild glass cleaner onto a cloth and wipe its surface. Don't spray liquids directly on the spell- ing corrector. Don't use or store this spelling corrector in extreme or prolonged heat, cold, humidity, or other adverse conditions. Customer Service If you have a problem with your unit, refer to the limited warranty. For sales and custo

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