Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family
The HP 4100/6100/8100 StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array family is an enterprise class storage array system designed to
aggregate and automate your array management tasks to manage more storage capacity with fewer resources. EVA is designed
specifically for customers in the business critical, enterprise marketplace and is a highly available and highly reliable "virtual" array
storage solution. Not only does this solution sa
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Overview EVA4100 2C1D and EVA4100 HP EVA4100 Starter Kit for HP EVA6100 2C4D EVA6100 File Services Starter Kits BladeSystems (EVA4100 & EVA8100 File (BladeSystems sold separately) Services also available) DA - 12745 Worldwide QuickSpecs — Version 5 — 2.26.2008 Page 2
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QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Overview EVA8100 2C2D* EVA8100 2C6D* EVA8100 2C12D *These drawings are informational only and represent a storage centric configuration. The actual configuration may differ depending on the components being racked with the EVA (for example when using the EVA8100 multiple product part number and/or having servers racked with an EVA the configuration will be racked from the bottom of the rack and up). If a customer has a specific racking r
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QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Product Highlights EVA4100 Starter Kits EVA4100 EVA6100 EVA8100 and EVA4100 SAN Starter Kit Application Environment Complete, ready to go Entry Mid/High Business Critical small SAN Kit Local Data Replication -- yes yes yes yes HP StorageWorks Business Copy EVA Remote Data Replication -- yes yes yes yes HP StorageWorks Continuous Access EVA Easy array management HP CV EVA media kit up to 16 EVAs up to 16 EVAs up to 16 EVAs and configura
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QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Product Highlights I/O Requests per Second 154,000 154,000 154,000 225,000 (IOPs) Maximum throughput 1380 1380 1380 2450 (MB/s)** EVA Capabilities Excellent reliability and availability. HP's data shows that most customers are achieving 99.999% availability with the EVA 4x00/6x00/8x00 EVA4100 Starter Kits; SAN made easy. An affordable, ready to go, easy to manage and easy to deploy small SAN solution. Support for integrated application (
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QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Product Highlights Enterprise Virtual Array The EVA4100 Starter Kit includes 1-2C1D 4U FC dual HSV200-B controller assembly and 14-bay Model Product Packaging M5314C FC Drive Enclosure, 8 disk drives (in either 146GB 15K or 300GB 10K capacities), dual-port 2/4Gb/s FC-AL, 1-inch (2.54 cm) drives, 1 CV EVA media kit, 4-1 TB LTUs T3725A and firmware XCS 6.110. The EVA4100 Starter Kit is designed to address smaller SAN configurations that ne
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QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Product Highlights M5314C Drive Enclosures, and Optional FC Dual Loop Switches to accommodate adding EVA4100/6100 subsystems to existing EVA configurations, other supported HP field racking choices and to support qualifying customer-supplied racks. The 5642 (42U) Rack Cabinet System is supported for field installation. Multi-Vendor Platform The EVA4100 Starter Kits, EVA4100/EVA6100/EVA8100 provide support for industry-leading Operating S
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QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Product Highlights Remote Replication HP StorageWorks Continuous Access provides disaster tolerant replication across a Fibre Channel SAN. Solutions Continuous Access EVA performs real-time replication between HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Arrays (Software options) of the current and earlier generations. Continuous Access EVA provides the highest level of FC SAN data protection to customers in order to meet disaster tolerant busines
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QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Product Highlights Disaster Tolerant Solutions HP Metrocluster with Continuous Access EVA and Continentalclusters are integrated solutions that offer (Software options) minimal downtime by rapid site recovery with automatic failover of application services (via Serviceguard) and automatic data consistency checking and read/write enabling of remotely mirrored storage in the event of a fault, failure, or disaster
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QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Product Highlights EVA with HP Storage HP Storage Essentials SRM Enterprise Suite and HP Storage Essentials SRM Standard Edition Software Essentials Storage integrates with HP Systems Insight Manager to provide advanced server and storage management Resource Management capabilities. HP Storage Essentials Suite Software features a base management console and an Software Family expanding portfolio of value-add plug-ins to assist in managin
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11
QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Product Highlights EVA iSCSI Connectivity EVA iSCSI support is available through the EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option. This powerful solution provides iSCSI connectivity to an EVA utilizing the EVA's existing Fibre Channel infrastructure. The HP StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option extends the advantages of Fibre Channel SANs into smaller departments and remote locations. This EVA option allows customers to incorporate iSCSI servers w
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QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Product Highlights modules, FC interconnect cables between the internal modules, power cords for all modules, and mounting hardware for all modules, installation and startup. NOTE: EVA File Services are factory integrated and requires the purchase of an EVA4100, EVA6100 or EVA8100. The EVA- File Services integrates and simplifies providing a single storage solution for application (block) and file data delivering high utilization and low
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QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Product Highlights Single-pathing (Single HBASingle-pathing (or single HBA per host) support is provided for all supported operating systems (but may per host) be version dependent). Use of single-pathing, which does not offer a redundant path option, should be used with care. Failure of the single HBA will result in loss of access for that host until the HBA is replaced. Enclosure Capacity The EVA provides one of the highest density dis
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QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Product Highlights FATA Drive Support The EVA supports 500GB and 1TB dual ported 2 Gb/s Fibre Attached Technology Adapted (FATA) disk. An EVA will support a full configuration of FATA disk drives. The EVA4100 Starter Kits, EVA4100/6100/8100 can be configured with any combination of FATA and high performance disk drives; total raw capacity will vary based upon the redundancy (Vraid) selected. A minimum of eight FATA drives are required in
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QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Product Highlights Fault Recovery -- HP HP StorageWorks Continuous Access EVA remote copy functionality is available for use with the Continuous Access EVAEVA4100 Starter Kits and EVA4100/6100/8100 arrays. For additional information about Continuous for Disaster Tolerance Access EVA visit: Applications Continuous Access EVA is a controller-based application that performs real-time replicati
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QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Product Highlights All EVAs have dual redundant power distribution. Two independent power cords distribute power through two Power Distribution Units (PDUs) to each side of the EVA cabinets and to each power supply of the controllers and to each power supply of the drive enclosures and to each of the FC loop switches. Each cabinet power cord can be connected to independent power sources. For maximum availability, a customer should provid
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QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Product Highlights Scalability A storage management server can manage up to 16 EVA controller pairs (EVA 3000s, EVA5000s, EVA4x00 Starter Kits, EVA4x00s, EVA6x00s and/or EVA8x00s) in any one fabric. An EVA controller pair will support up to 256 host connections (up to 1024 HBAs). The EVA4100 Starter Kits and EVA4100 will scale up to 56 disks (56TB using 1TB FATA disk drives, and 25.2TB using 450GB high performance disk drives). The EVA61
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QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Product Highlights Servers Supported – HP servers (HP-UX, ProLiant, AlphaServers) Single and Clustered X86 servers Dell servers Sun servers IBM servers Apple XsApple Servers (PowerPC and Intel) EVA Required Software HP StorageWorks EVA4100/6100/8100 ships with XCS V6.110 factory installed on new EVAs. XCS V6.110 supports all 2 and 4Gb EVA4000/6000/8000 and EVA4100/6100/8100models The base XCS License to use for the EVA is contained in th
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QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Product Highlights EVA Device Backup Business Disaster Storage Resource Unified Application and Solutions Continuity/ Recovery/ Management Server and Integration Configuration Local Remote Storage Management Mirroring Mirroring Management HP Business Copy EVA X X X HP Continuous Access X EVA Dynamic Capacity X Manager HP Storage Essen
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QuickSpecs HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Family Product Highlights Model XCS Software HP Command HP Continuous HP Business CopyHP Replication View EVA* Access EVA** EVA** Solution Manager (RSM) EVA4000/6000/8000 EVA4000/6000/8000 Command View Continuous Access Business Copy EVA Replication Solution v5.1 (XCS V5.1) EVA v5.0 EVA v2.3 v3.2 Manager v 2.0 EVA4000 Starter Kits,EVA4000/6000/8000 Command View Continuous Access Business Copy EVA Replication Solution EVA4000/6000/8000 v6.0 (XCS