Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
Manual Part No: 11028854
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
COPYRIGHT C&H Technologies, Inc. (C&H) provides this manual "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. C&H may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or program(s) described in this manual at any time and without notice. This publication could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the
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DOCUMENT REVISION NOTICE C&H Technologies, Inc. makes every attempt to provide up-to-date manuals with the associated equipment. Occasionally, throughout the life of an instrument, changes are deemed necessary to equipment related documentation. The latest revision of our documentation is available for download from our web site at NOTE The contents of any amendment may affect operation, maintenance, or calibration of the equipment. iii
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INTRODUCTION This manual describes the operation and use of the C&H Model EM405D Ethernet M-Module Carrier (Part Number 11028850). This instrument is one of a number of M-module carriers provided by C&H. Contained within this manual are the physical and electrical specifications, installation and startup procedures, functional description, and configuration and programming guidelines to adequately use the product. Software drivers for an installed M/MA module may be provided by
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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 1 1.1 PURPOSE OF EQUIPMENT............................................................................................. 1 1.2 FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................. 1 1.2.1 Key Features ............................................................................................................
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4.3.5 EM405D Configuration/Status Registers ...................................................................23 4.4 CONTROLLING THE TRIGGERS..................................................................................26 4.5 FAN AND TEMPERATURE CONTROL........................................................................27 APPENDIX A - CONNECTORS ............................................................................................ A-1 APPENDIX B – WIRED ETHERNET DEFAULT SETT
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1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The EM405D Ethernet M-Module carrier provides complete Ethernet connectivity to up to two industry standard single-wide or one double-wide M or MA modules. The carrier provides full access to the M/MA module I/O space via the standard TCP/IP networking protocol. M-module triggers are also fully supported allowing them to be connected externally to a 9-pin DSUB connector or to an adjacent M-module. A simple command structure eases software integration and allows
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1.2.2 Specifications MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Condition Rating Units Operating Temperature 0 to +60 C Non-Operating Temperature -40 to +75 C Humidity non-condensing 5 to 95 % Input DC Power Level 12.6 V max. Power Consumption Support for two M-modules at full power 30 Watts External Trigger Input Power Off ± 40 V Power On ± 36 V CHARACTERISTICS Limit Parameter Conditions Min Typ. Max Units Data Transfers 1, 3 Throughput Wired Ethernet – block read 90K bytes/s
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1.3 Electrical The EM405D only requires a +12V DC power input. The +12V input is internally converted to the +3.3V power required by the carrier and the +5V, +12V, and -12V power required by the M- modules. A maximum of 30 watts is required to support the carrier and two M-modules operating at the maximum allowed power consumption. The maximum allowed power consumption for each M-module is 1A of +5V and 200ma each of +12V and -12V. The EM405D uses power-off resetable fuses on the inco
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1.7 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ANSI/VITA 12-1996 American National Standard for The Mezzanine Concept M- Module Specification, Approved May 20, 1997, VMEbus International Trade Association, 7825 E. Gelding Dr. Suite 104, Scottsdale, AZ 85260-3415, E-mail:, IEEE-802.3 (ANSI 8802.3), Ethernet Network Standard IEEE-802.11b, Wireless Ethernet Standard 4
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2.0 INSTALLATION 2.1 UNPACKING AND INSPECTION Verify that there has been no damage to the shipping container. If damage exists then the container should be retained, as it will provide evidence of carrier caused problems. Such problems should be reported to the carrier immediately as well as to C&H. If there is no damage to the shipping container, carefully remove the instrument from its box and inspect for any signs of physical damage. If damage exists, report immediately to C&H.
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There are two M-module mounting locations on the EM405D. Single-wide M-modules may be installed in either or both of the positions. A double-wide M-module will occupy both positions. The EM405D configuration is illustrated in Figure 3. LED POWER FUSE PWR FUSE CNV SWITCH FUSE CAP MODULE B CAP CAP TMP CPLD SIG PROT MODULE A uC ETHERNET CPLD uC LED PRG PRG Figure 3. M/MA Configuration Diagram CAUTION: M-module connectors are NOT keyed. Use extra caution
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3.0 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 3.1 GENERAL The EM405D provides a mechanical and electrical interface between an Ethernet bus and up to two M-modules. It utilizes an embedded microcontroller to provide buffering and command translation between the Ethernet interface and the M-modules. A simplified functional block diagram is shown in Figure 4. 10/100 BASE-T MICRO ETHERNET OR WI-FI POWER +12VDC IN CONVERSION OR M-MODULE A HERE M-MODULE TRG IN TRIGGERS TRG OUT INTERFA
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3.1.3 M-module Interface The M-module interface provides the mechanism for the microcontroller to access the M- modules. It is implemented using programmable logic that emulates a bridge between the microcontroller and the M-module bus. The logic also provides trigger configuration and control. 3.1.4 Power Conversion The +12V input power is converted to the +3.3V power required by the carrier and the +5V, +12V, and -12V power required by the M-modules. The input power can be suppl
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3.3 FRONT PANEL The front panel of the EM405D contains two openings for access to the M-modules’ front panel connections and three LED indicators as shown in Figure 6. As mandated by the M-module specification, each M-module should provide a front panel connector containing the M-module I/O signals. The two openings on the EM405D’s front panel provide access to these connectors. The functions of the three front-panel LED indicators are: PWR: indicates that power is supplied to the
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4.0 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 4.1 GENERAL The EM405D is controlled through the Ethernet interface using the TCP/IP protocol to carry a simple command structure to the module. The carrier contains a set of software controlled registers that allow the user to request status from the carrier, identify the carrier, and configure the carrier. All other M/MA controls are dependent on the specific M-module(s) that reside on the carrier. 4.2 CONFIGURING THE ETHERNET INTERFACE The Etherne
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RECOMMENDATION The EM405D is an embedded device without an input device or display that can be used to determine the current configuration of the device. This can cause difficulties in determining at what IP address to access the module. For this reason, it is highly recommended, but not required, that the EM405D be configured to use a static IP address. 4.2.2 Subnet Mask The subnet mask defines the number of bits that are taken from the IP address to refer to the given network
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of other tasks. In ad-hoc mode, wireless devices may communicate directly with each other and an access point is not needed. In this case, all devices on the network must be configured to use ad-hoc mode. The default network mode is: infrastructure. SSID: The Set Service Identifier (SSID) is a name given to a wireless access point to identify the access point on a wireless network. Most access points can be configured to periodically broadcast the SSID or to keep it private.
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 20 Wed-based Configuration To use the wed-based interface to configure the wired EM405D, open a Java enabled web browser and enter the device’s IP address as the web address to open. This will download and run a Java applet from the device allowing the user to make changes to the devices configuration. Navigate through the pages of the web interface making the necessary changes to the configuration. When finished, click on the “Update Settings” button to apply the changes. Note