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Operation When Hotkey Mode is active, the Caps Selecting the Active Port: Lock, and Scroll Lock LEDs flash in suc- cession to indicate that Hotkey Mode You can bring the KVM focus to either is in effect. They stop flashing and re- computer with the following hotkey vert to normal status when you exit combination: Hotkey Mode. 1. Invoke Hotkey Mode (see p. 10). When Hotkey Mode is active, ordinary keyboard and mouse functions are sus- 2. Press and release the computer’s pended - only Hotkey compl
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Operation specified, and you automatically exit 2. Press and release the [A] key Hotkey Mode. Once scanning begins, it continues until Auto Scan Mode: you press [Esc] or [Spacebar] to exit The GCS632U Auto Scan feature au- tomatically switches the KVM focus be- Auto Scan Mode. The Port that is active at tween the two computers at regular 5 the time scanning stops remains active. second intervals so that you can moni- tor their activity without having to take Note: 1. While Auto Scan Mode is in e
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Operation Alternate Hotkey Invocation Keys Note: This procedure is a toggle between the two methods. To revert back to the original Hotkey In- An alternate set of Hotkey Invocation vocation keys, Invoke Hotkey Mode, then press and keys is provided in case the default set release the [H] key again. conflicts with programs running on the computers. Alternate Basic Hotkeys to switch To switch to the alternate Hotkey Invo- ports cation set, do the following: The Basic Hotkeys to switch ports can Alt
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Operation 1. Invoke Hotkey Mode (see p. 10) 3. Press [Enter] The GCS632U’s default settings are the 2. Press and release the [T] key following: Note: This procedure is a toggle between the two Hotkey Invocation [Num Lock] [ - ] methods. To revert back to the original [Scroll Lock] Skip Mode Activation [Scroll Lock] [Scroll Lock] method, invoke the Hotkey Mode, then [Scroll Lock] press and release the [T] key again. Keyboard Platform [Au
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Operation Multi Platform (Mac, Sun, Win) and will be able to use all the special keys Multi Language Setup on these special platform keyboards (Mac and Sun). The default port settings are for a Win- dows Compatible operating platform, Following is a matrix table showing the and US English keyboard language required Keyboard Platform under vari- code (Refer to the previous section). ous multi platform operations: Some multi platform operations require you to change the Keyboard platform in order
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Operation Operation Keyboard Platform Using a PC keyboard to control a Window based PC Auto Using a Mac keyboard to control a Mac Auto Using a Sun keyboard to control a Solaris based Sun Auto Using a PC keyboard to control a Mac Mac Using a PC keyboard to control a Solaris based Sun Sun 16
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MiniView Micro USB Plus
2-Port KVM Switch with Built-in KVM Cables and Audio Support
Installation Manual (GCS632U)
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©2003 IOGEAR. All Rights Reserved. PKG-M0089 ® ® ® IOGEAR , the IOGEAR logo, MiniView, VSE are trademarks or registered trademarks of IOGEAR , ® ® Inc. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines, Inc. Macintosh, G3/G4 and iMac are registered ® trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. IOGEAR makes no warranty of any kind with regards to the information presented in this document. All information furni
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Thank you for purchasing one of the most feature-rich keyboard, video, and ® mouse switches on the market. IOGEAR ’s MiniView™ Micro USB PLUS switches are first-rate connectivity accessories designed to help reduce the frustration of managing multiple computer systems. With the MiniView™ Micro ® USB PLUS by IOGEAR , you can access two USB computers from a single USB console (USB keyboard, USB mouse and monitor). MiniView™ Micro USB PLUS allows you to change ports easily by entering Hot Key combi
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Table of Contents Package Contents ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○ ○ 02 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○ Overview 03 ○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Features 05 Requirements ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○ 06 Introduction ○ ○ ○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 07 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○ Installation 08 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Operation 10 ○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○ Basic Hotkeys to Switch Ports 10 ○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○ Advanced Hotkey Operations 10 ○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Appendix (HotKey) 22 Specification ○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 23 ○○○○○○○○○
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Package Contents This package contains: 1 MiniView™ Micro USB PLUS 2 Port KVM Switch (cables built-in) 1 User Manual 1 Quick Start Guide 1 Warranty Registration Card If any items are damaged or missing, please contact your dealer. 2
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Overview Introducing the two port MiniView™ Micro USB PLUS KVM switch from ® IOGEAR – A simple solution for those with more PCs than hands. Use one USB keyboard, one monitor and one USB mouse to control two USB computers. This self-powered KVM switch features the unique USB sniffing technology for USB mouse & keyboard emulation to ensure smooth operation, as well as support for Plug-n-Play monitors and most wheel mice. Our patented VSE Video Signal Enhancement® technology provides rich, 32-bit c
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Overview the Mac or Sun keyboard as the console keyboard, or with a standard PC key- board. When use a PC keyboard, a special set of hot keys are designated to emulate the Mac and Sun special keys. With KVM cables (6' long) molded into the unit, all you need to do is to plug it into ® your computers, and you’ve got a complete KVM solution from IOGEAR . 4
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○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○ Operation You can change the Keyboard Platform To setup language other than English, by bringing the KVM focus to the port you do the following: want to change and then do the follow- 1. Invoke Hotkey Mode (see p. 10) ing: 2. Press [F6], then the language [nn], 1. Invoke Hotkey Mode (see p. 10) and then [Enter]. The table below is 2. Press and release the appropriate the reference for the language code Function key: [nn]: - [F2] to change to Mac keyboard platform
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Features Use one USB keyboard, monitor and USB mouse to control two USB computers. 6' long molded-in cables to simplify setup. Share your multimedia speakers among the two connected computers. Full support for Mac and Sun systems. Supports special keys on Mac and Sun keyboards. Port selection through convenient Hot Keys. USB sniffing technology allows complete USB mouse and keyboard emulation for error-free boot-up. Plug-n-Play monitor support. Support video resolutions up t
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Requirements Console A VGA, SVGA, or Multisync monitor capable of the highest resolution that you will be using on any computer in the installation A USB Keyboard A USB Mouse Computers The following equipment must be installed on each computer that is to be con- nected to the system: A VGA, SVGA or Multisync card. A USB type A port 6
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Introduction 1 2 4 3 1. Port LEDs (Refer to Appendix for LED indications) 2. KVM Cables 3. Console Ports 4. Speaker Jack 7
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Installation Step. 1 Before you begin, make sure that the 2. Plug your speakers into the speaker power to all the devices you will be con- jack on the GCS632U. necting up have been turned off. NOTE: To prevent damage to your installation due to ground potential difference, make sure that all de- vices on the installation are properly grounded. 1. Plug your keyboard, monitor, mouse, into their respective ports on the GCS632U. The keyboard and mouse ports are labeled with an icon, located at th
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Installation Step. 2 3. Plug the USB, video, and speaker Note: The GCS632U’s Power On default is to link to the first computer you turn on. connectors of the attached KVM cables into their respective ports on the computers you are installing. Note: The computer attached to the cable with one dot at its base is the Port 1 computer; the com- puter attached to the cable with two dots at its base is the Port 2 computer (see p. 10 for hotkey port selection). 4. Repeat the above step for your sec- ond
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34 Operation MiniView™ Micro USB PLUS allows you switch ports, such as using [Ctrl] [Ctrl]. to access the computers through Hot Key The following section will discuss how combinations from the keyboard. to use these choices. Basic Hotkeys to switch ports Advanced Hotkey Operations The most basic hotkey operation for this Invoking Hotkey Mode unit is to switch ports between the two connected computers. To invoke Hotkey Mode, do the following: Press [Scroll Lock] [Scroll Lock] will allow 1. Press