Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
LX T-04
User's Guide
Document GM-001-5
Fifth edition of the Intermate LX T-04 Twinax Connection User’s Guide
Printed in Denmark
No part of this guide may be photocopied or reproduced in any way, except
where noted, without the written consent of LCI Intermate A/S.
© Copyright LCI Intermate A/S 1998 and 1999. All rights reserved.
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
N o t i c e s Notice LCI Intermate A/S makes no warranty of any kind with regard to the contents or use of this guide, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties on merchant ability or fitness for any particular purpose. LCI Intermate A/S shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the performance or use of this product. Information in this guide is liable to change without notice and does not represent a commi
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N o t i c e s Trademark Credits Intermate is a registered trademark of LCI Intermate A/S. IBM, Epson, Hewlett Packard and LaserJet are registered trademarks of the respective holders. Lexmark is a registered trademark of Lexmark International, Inc. I n t e r m a t e L X T - 0 4 3
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N o t i c e s 4 U s e r ‘ s G u i d e
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5
C o n t e n t s Contents About this guide ...................................... 9 1. Introduction ...................................... 11 Theory of Operation ...................................... 11 ASCII Printer Driver ...................................... 11 IBM Printer Emulation .................................... 12 2. Installation ....................................... 13 Unpacking .............................................. 13 Printer Attachment .................................
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C o n t e n t s Ba r C odes .............................................. 38 De f i n e B ar Co des ............................................... 38 Pr i n t B ar Co de ................................................. 39 5. S ol vi ng P r obl e ms ................................. . 41 M i s s i ng P ri nt outs ........................................ 41 I nc or rect H os t P ri nt outs ................................... 42 So me C h ar a c te rs are Pr i n te d I n corre c tly ...........
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C o n t e n t s O p e r a t i n g En v i ro n me nt .......................................... 73 G. Rel at e d P ubli cati ons .................................... 75 H. Customer Support ..................................... 77 Index ............................................. 79 I n t e r m a t e L X T - 0 4 7
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C o n t e n t s 8 U s e r ‘ s G u i d e
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A b o u t t h i s m a n u a l About this guide The guide applies to the Intermate LX T-04 with software release K12-xxxx and to subsequent releases until otherwise notified. The guide consists of five sections: Introduction The Intermate LX T-04 and the concepts used in this guide. Installation Connecting your Intermate LX T-04 to the printer and the IBM system. Configuration How to configure your Intermate LX T-04 from a terminal. Advanced Functions How to use your printer beyond standard
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A b o u t t h i s m a n u a l 10 U s e r ‘ s G u i d e
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11
I n t r o d u c t i o n 1. Introduction The Intermate LX T-04 is a protocol converter, which makes it possible to connect the Lexmark 23xx Plus, Lexmark 4227 and Lexmark 4227 Plus printers to an IBM 5250 (Twinax) environment. Theory of Operation Print data from an IBM host is in a format that cannot be recognized by a PC type printer. The Intermate LX T-04 converts IBM control and character codes to ASCII control commands and characters, which are recognizable by the Lexmark matrix printer. To
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I n t r o d u c t i o n IBM Printer Emulation The following IBM printers can be emulated by the Intermate LX T-04 and the attached Lexmark matrix printer: IBM 4214 (default). IBM 4230. IBM 5256. IBM 5224. IBM 5225. See Appendix F for technical specifications. 12 U s e r ‘ s G u i d e
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I n s t a l l a t i o n 2. Installation Unpacking Unpack and check all the items using the following check list. Contact your dealer if anything is missing or damaged. All packing materials are recyclable. The Intermate LX T-04 Hardware Pack (part no: 23564) contains: Intermate LX T-04 Part no: 23564 Twinax cable Part no: 13851 Power Cable Assembly Mounting screws LX T-04 Twinax Connection Part no: GM-001-xx User's Guide LX T-04 Hardware Installation sheet Part no: GS-007-xx Option
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I n s t a l l a t i o n 3. Set the address switch to position '9' (test printout function). 4. Switch on the printer. The SYSTEM indicator flashes for a few seconds. The Intermate LX T-04 produces a test printout on the printer, which shows the firmware revision and basic configuration. The default configuration is for a IBM Proprinter emulation. Printout: ******** TEST PRINTOUT ******** Intermate LX T-04 version: K12-xxxx Printer Driver #32 IBM Proprinter IBM Printer Emulation__________ IBM 4
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I n s t a l l a t i o n System Attachment When your Intermate LX T-04 is configured, and the configuration is verified by a test printout, it is time to connect it to the IBM host. The AS/400 configuration is easiest done using the Auto Configuration. The LX T-04 then configures as a *4214 printer device. Make sure that the printer is switched off and the T-cable and the twinax cables are properly attached. Then follow these steps to configure your AS/400 and the LX T-04. 1. Find a free device
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I n s t a l l a t i o n 7. Make a test printout: CHGJOB PRTDEV(PRT08) PRTDEVADR CTLD(CTL01) If you do not receive a printout, check if there is a message waiting on the writer: WRKWTR PRT* Caution: Twinax cables are heavy. Please make sure that they are sufficiently mechanically supported in order to avoid damage to your Intermate LX T-04 or your printer. The SYSTEM indicator flashes for a few seconds and is then constantly lit. To verify the attachment, make a printout. You have completed the
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C o n f i g u r a t i o n 3. Configuration Although the Intermate LX T-04 is prepared for operation at delivery, you may want to change the configuration. A test printout verifies the current configuration, see Section 2. The configuration can be done in two ways: Configuration from a Terminal This is the method described in this section. The configuration method requires a dedicated IBM 5250 terminal such as a 3180, 3179, 3197, 347x or 348x. Configuration from the System The Intermate LX
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C o n f i g u r a t i o n terminal. The rest of this section is a guide to the Configuration Utility. If you want to restart the configuration, just switch the Intermate LX T-04 off and repeat from step 3. Key Definitions ============================================================== Intermate LX T-04 4214 version: K12-xxxx 960103 ============================================================== KEY DEFINITIONS _Right Left Up Down Enter Assign Cursor keys Intermate International A/
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C o n f i g u r a t i o n Basic Configuration ============================================================== Intermate LX T-04 4214 version: K12-xxxx 960103 ============================================================== MAIN MENU _Basic Configuration View Configuration Print Parameter List Print EBCDIC to ASCII table Edit Parameters Set Factory Defaults Save Exit Use to move, to Select All entries are described in Section 4 The 'Basic Configuration' entry in
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C o n f i g u r a t i o n Select Printer Driver This submenu is shown after you have selected 'Basic Configuration' in the Main Menu. ============================================================== BASIC CONFIGURATION ============================================================== PRINTER DRIVER _Generic printer IBM Graphics IBM Proprinter Epson FX/EX/DFX Epson LQ Fujitsu DL IBM Matrix (PPDS) HP LaserJet 4 Use to move, to Select A printer driver is a device driver conta