Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
Installation Guide
New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files
Version 3.8
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
DOCUMENT ID: 36402-01-0380-01 LAST REVISED: December 4, 2001 Copyright © 2001 New Era of Networks, Inc. International copyright law prohibits illegal reproduction and distribution of this document. Software described in New Era of Networks, Inc. documents is furnished under a Software License Agreement and may be copied or used only as expressly permitted under the terms of the license. New Era of Networks, Convoy/DM, e-ADK, BizTracker, e-Biz Integrator, e-Biz 2000, EC Gateway, ECMap, New Er
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Contents Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................. 1 About This Document...................................................................................................................................... 2 Integration Server Support............................................................................................................................... 2 Transport Support .........................................................
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Uninstalling Previous Releases .............................................................................................................. 26 Installing New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files................................................................................. 27 Setting Environment Variables...................................................................................................................... 30 Verifying the Environment Variables ..............................
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Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter includes the following sections: About This Document Integration Server Support Transport Support Settings for Integration Servers Supported Platforms Disk Space and Memory Requirements New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files Documentation Set Product Support & Education New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files 1 Installation Guide
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Chapter 1 About This Document This document describes how to install New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files for the first time. To upgrade a current installation of New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files, contact Technical Support as shown in the section below, Product Support & Education on page 6. The primary user of this document is the integration systems engineer who is responsible for the installation of New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files. This guide is organized into t
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Introduction Settings for Integration Servers The following table provides information that you need when setting up your configuration files. Knowing the driver, schema loader, and serializer that is used with your integration server guides you in selecting configuration keys for your configuration files. Open Trans- Integration Server Schema Loader Serializer port Driver e-Biz Integrator 3.2, 3.6 EMQ NNT54 Schema- NCFSerializer MQSeries Loader XMLSerializer (use RFH2) MSMQ File MQSI 2.0.1,2
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Chapter 1 Supported Platforms Server Operating System DBMS Compiler Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Microsoft Version 6.0 C++ (Service Pack 5 or Microsoft SQL Server 7 higher) Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Windows 2000 Oracle 8.0.x (Service Pack 2 or Oracle 8.1.6 higher) Oracle 8.1.7 DB2 UDB 6.2 Solaris 7 Sybase ASE 11 SparcWorks 4.2 C++ Sybase ASE 12 HP-UX 11 Oracle 8.0.x HP C++A 10.34 Oracle 8.1.6 Oracle 8.1.7 IBM AIX 4.3.2, Oracle 8.0.x VisualAge C++Professional 4.3.3 Oracle 8.1.6 for AI
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Introduction New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files Documentation Set This section describes the available documentation. Cross-Platform Documentation The New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files documentation set includes: Installation Guide User Guide Feature Guide Release Bulletin Related Documentation The following documents are referenced in this document set to supply you with specific information that supports this product: MQSeries Driver for Open Transport Configuration
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Chapter 1 Document Conventions The following document conventions are used in this guide. Text Convention Example code courier command line display courier The message successfully parsed. command line entry courier bold NNFAD-t command line prompt courier Enter the input file name: book names bold, italic User Guide chapter and section italic NT Installation names Product Support & Education For more information on Support Services, education, and consulting services, refe
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Chapter 2 Windows Server Installation This chapter describes how to prepare for and run an installation on a Windows NT server. It includes the installation of all components. Once installed, New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files can be used with a New Era of Networks Rules and New Era of Networks Formatter repository. This chapter includes the following: Preparing for a Windows Installation Installing New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files Verifying Environment Variables The
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Chapter 2 Preparing for a Windows Installation This section presents the steps you should take before you run the installation procedure: Installing Required Software Verifying the Database Environment Uninstalling Previous Releases NOTE: Review the printed Release Bulletin included with this package for any last-minute updates to this Installation Guide. Installing Required Software Supported Platforms on page 4 identifies the operating systems, DBMS applications, and compilers required
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Windows Server Installation Installing New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files It is recommended that you perform a typical installation, which automatically installs all components and their dependencies. To install New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files using the InstallShield Wizard: 1. Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive and do one of the following: If your machine is configured to autorun from the CD-ROM, the InstallShield Wizard automatically starts. If your machine is not co
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Chapter 2 5. The Setup Type window appears for each component being installed. The options are: Typical install for all components? Customize selected component installs? The default and preferred method to install the full group of packages is Typical. If you select: Then: Typical install 1. Click Next to begin the installation of all product components. 2. Click Next on the Select Components Root Path window to accept the default location for the installation and its dependencies.The d
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Windows Server Installation Verifying the Installation Verify that the following sub-directories are installed for New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files. C:\nnsy\ Subdirectory Description bin\ executable and shared libraries for New Era of Net- works products books\ user documentation ffa38\examples\ sample makefile and configuration files ffa38\nnscripts\ used for AWK scripts share\ resources for XML serializer/deserializer NNSYCatalogues\en_US language designation and message
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Chapter 2 Verifying Environment Variables The Windows installation process for New Era of Networks products automatically sets the system environment variables as described in the following table. To verify that the environment variables are correctly set: 1. Go to Settings→Control Panel→System. 2. Select the Environment tab. 3. Use the information provided in the following table to verify that the values are correct. Variable Value NNSY_ROOT C:\nnsy ICU_DATA C:\nnsy\share\icu\data PATH Includ
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Chapter 3 Solaris Installation This chapter describes how to prepare for and run an installation on Solaris. It includes the installation of all components. The installation process includes the following procedures: Preparing for a Solaris Installation Installing New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files Setting Environment Variables After installing the server files, the post-installation process includes: Verifying the installation by ensuring all the necessary sub-directories are
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Chapter 3 Preparing for a Solaris Installation This section presents the steps you should take before you run the installation procedure: Installing Required Software Verifying the Database Environment Uninstalling Previous Releases NOTE: Review the printed Release Bulletin included with this package for any last-minute updates to this Installation Guide. Installing Required Software Supported Platforms on page 4 identifies the operating systems, DBMS applications, and compilers required
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Solaris Installation Installing New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files If you are installing the product for the first time, accept the default setting to install all packages. This selection installs all components and associated dependencies and allows you to make full use of the product. Use the option to install selected packages only if you are reinstalling a specific component. To start pkgadd and install New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files: 1. Log in as root. 2. Change to t
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Chapter 3 /opt/nnsy/ Subdirectory Description bin/ Executables and shared libraries for New Era of Networks products. Any specifically applicable to SQL will be located in the NNmssql65\ subdirectory of bin. books/ User documentation in PDF format for online view- ing. This documentation is formatted for best view- ing on-screen but may be printed if desired. share/ Resources for XML serializer/deserializer. ffa38/examples/ sample configuration files ffa38/nnscripts/ Used for AWK