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WARNING FAILURE TO FOLLOW SAFE OPERATING PRACTICES MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY. * Keepallshieldsinplace,especially thegrassdischargechute. * Beforeperforminganymaintenanceorservice,stopthemachineand removethesparkplugwireandignitionkey. * Ifamechanismbecomesclogged,stoptheenginebeforecleaning. * Keephands,feetandclothingawayfrompower-drivenparts. * Readthismanualcompletelyaswellasothermanualsthatcame withyourmower. * Keepothersoffthetractor(onlyonepersonatatime). REMEMBER - YOUR MOWER IS ONLY A
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EQUIPMENT SAFETY Your mower was built to the highest stan- dards in the industry. However, your mower is only as safe as the operator. Carelessness or Knowthecontrolsandhowtostopquickly. operator error may result in serious bodily injury or death. Hazard control and accident Cleartheworkareaofobjects(wires,rocks,etc.) prevention are dependent upon the aware- thatmightbepickedupandthrown. ness, concern, prudence, and proper training of the personnel involved in the operation, Disengagepower
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OPERATOR SAFETY Watchoutfortrafficwhencrossingroadsoroper- atingnearroadways. NEVERoperatethemachinewithoutapproved ventilation. Exhaust fumes are dangerous. DO Handlegasolinewithcare-itishighlyflammable NOTruntheengineindoors. Useanapprovedgasolinecontainer.Neverremove DONOTallowchildrentooperatethemachine. thefuelcaporaddgasolinetoarunningorhotengine Do not allow adults to operate the machine oranenginethathasnotbeenallowedtocoolfor withoutproperinstruction. severalminutesafterrunnin
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HYDRAULIC SAFETY INITIAL RUN-IN First Day of Use or approximately 10 hours. Keepbodyandhandsawayfrompinholesornozzles 3 Checkforproperoperationofthesafetyinterlocks. that eject hydraulic fluid under high pressure. Use paperorcardboardandnothandstosearchforleaks. 3 Check belts for proper tension at 2, 4 and 8 hours;adjustasneeded. Hydraulic fluid escaping under high pressure may have sufficient force to penetrate skin and cause 3 Checkspeedcontrolneutraladjustment. Adjustif seriousinjury. Iff
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ON OFF BEFORE STARTING TO START ENGINE 1. Openthefuelvalve. 3 Checkbeltsfor: Propertension Frayingandwear Twisting Cracking 3 Checkinitialtensionofthecutterbladedrivebelts. Ifbeltsarenotproperlytensioned,seeAdjustments, page6&7. SGB108 3 Checkoillevelsintheengineandhydraulic reservoir. Fuel Valve (Open position is Down) 3 Fillthefueltankwithclean,freshlead-freegasoline. 2. Pull speed control lever to NEUTRAL position. -NOTE- SGB108 For best engine performance, SCAG rec- 3. Pullthemower
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TO START ENGINE - cont'd 1. With steering control lever in neutral, move the speed controlleverintothefirstnotchfromtheneutralposition forinitialoperation. 5. Start engine and choke as required. Adjust throttle to desiredenginespeed. 2. Whilesqueezingsteeringcontrolleverswithbothhands, release both neutral latches. When steering control leversarereleasedintodriveposition,mowerwilltravel straight. -NOTE- Thezeroturnfeatureisshownbysqueezing up full on one steering control lever while releasingth
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ADJUSTMENTS AFTER OPERATION 1. Shutoffengine. CAUTION: Stop engine and remove key from ignition before 2. Recheck cutter drive belts for proper tension, align- making any adjustments. Wait for all moving parts ment,andanysignsofrubbing. Correctandadjustas to come to a complete stop before beginning work. necessary. BELT TENSION To"freewheel"ormovethemoweraroundwithoutthe enginerunning,rotatebothdumpvalveleverslocated -NOTE- at the back of the pumps to "freewheel" positions, The Hydro Drive Belt
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ADJUSTMENTS (cont'd) CUTTER DECK ADJUSTMENTS 3. To adjust the blade drive belt: Using a belt tension gauge,checkthebelttensionsothatthebeltmoves1/2" Duetothemanyconditionsthatexist,itis with 10 pounds of pressure. difficulttosuggestasettingthatwillworkforevery lawn. There are, however, two adjustments that should bemadeonthecutterdeck:pitchand height. PITCHistheangleoftheblades(comparing front to rear). A 1/4" downward pitch (front of deckdown)isrecommendedforbettercutting performance. HEIGHTist
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ADJUSTMENTS (cont'd) For cutting in the lowest position, mount the cutter deck in the top hole (A). For cutting in TAPERED BEARING SPINDLE ASSEMBLY the highest position, mount the deck in the lowest hole (C). Setting the cutter deck height Thecutterdeckisshippedwithonespacerontop willbedeterminedbythetypeofcutting ofspindleandfourunderneath(seefigurebelow). conditions. Hex Nut-Torque Cutter Blade A to 75 Lb-Ft Spacer 1/4" B C Cutter Spindle Deck Shaft Spindle Hex Head Assembly Repositioning Th
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ADJUSTMENTS (cont'd) Steering Control BLADE HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT Rod -Note- For best cut and discharge a minimum of threespacersshouldbebetweentheblade and spindle. (see page 8) Bolts TIRE PRESSURES CasterWheels 25 PSI DriveWheels 15 PSI NEUTRAL ADJUSTMENT Spring Bellcrank Handle -NOTE- SC160G This is the only adjustment to properly NEUTRAL ADJUSTMENT set neutral. 1. Movethemowertoasecureareaawayfrom 5. Observethedrivewheels. Iftheyrotate,loosen bystandersandpreferably,facingawall.Raisethe thebolts
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ADJUSTMENTS (cont'd) -NOTE- Make sure that the adjustments on page 9 have Neutral Latch been completed, the neutral latch is engaged Neutral Position and that the speed shift lever is in neutral. Steering Control 1. Placethespeedadjustmentbearingleverwherethe Lever bearingjustcontactsthespeedadjustmentcam.(See figure below). Speed Adjustment Steering Control Rod Cam Steering Swivel Bearing Joint Control Rod Drive Position Speed 3. Turntheswiveljointonthesteeringcontrolrod Adjustment untilthesw
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ADJUSTMENTS (cont'd) 9. Thefarthertheadjustmentbearingleverismoved awayfromthecam,thefasterthatsidewilldrive. Continueadjustingthebearingleveruntilthemower tracks in a straight line. 10. Conversely,ifthemachineturnstotheright,adjust therightbearingleverawayfromthecam. 11. ContactyourScagservicingdealerifyoucannot adjustthetrackingproperly. CUTTER BLADES Angle Blade Back Do Not Cut In 0 X Must NOT Exceed 30 1/3 Blade Width Donotsharpenbeyond1/3ofthewidthofthe blade. Suggestion: Dress the blade w
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LUBRICATION & MAINTENANCE Break-In (1st 10 Hours) 8 Hours (Daily) 40 Hours (Weekly) 100 Hours (Biweekly) 200 Hours (Monthly) COMMENTS PROCEDURE Check all hardware for proper tightness X Change engine oil and filter at 5 hours X Check hydrostatic oil filter at 20 hours X Add oil as needed - SAE 10W30 Check belts for proper adjustment X Check after 2,4,8 hours of running X Check engine oil Do not over fill X Clean blower screen MORE OFTEN IF NEEDED X Remove debris from under belt cover MORE OFTEN
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TROUBLESHOOTING CUTTING CONDITIONS CAUSE CURE CONDITION Stringers - Occasional Low engine RPM Run engine at full 3600 RPM Blades of Uncut Grass Ground speed too fast Slow speed to adjust for conditions Wet grass Cut grass after it has dried out Dull blades, incorrect sharpening Sharpen blades Deck plugged, grass accumulation Clean underside of deck Width of Deck Belts slipping Adjust belt tensions SGB020 Streaking - Strips of Dull, worn blades Sharpen blades Uncut Grass in Cutting Path Incorrect
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TROUBLESHOOTING CAUSE CURE CONDITION Uneven Cut on Flat Lift worn off of blade Replace blade Ground - Wavy High-Low Blade upside down Mount with cutting edge toward Appearance, ground Scalloped Cut, or Rough Contour Deck plugged, grass accumulation Clean underside of deck Too much blade angle (deck pitch) Adjust pitch and level Deck mounted improperly See your authorized SCAG dealer Bent spindle area See your authorized SCAG dealer Dull blade Sharpen blade Width of Deck SGB020 Uneven Cut
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TROUBLESHOOTING CAUSE CURE CONDITION Scalping - Blades Low tire pressures Check and adjust pressures Hitting Dirt or Cutting Very Close to Ground speed too fast Slow speed to adjust for conditions the Ground Cutting too low May need to reduce ground speed, raise cutting height, change direction of cut, and/or change pitch and level Rough terrain May need to reduce ground speed, raise cutting height, and/or change direction of cut Ground speed too fast Slow speed to adjust for conditions
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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ENGINES General Type: Heavy duty industrial/commercial Brand: Kohler, Kawasaki, Briggs & Stratton Models: Kohler CV14T, CVE 20;Kaw. FC420V;B&S 303776, 350777 Horsepower: Kohler 14HP& 20HP; Kaw. 14HP; B&S 16HP & 18HP Type: 4 cycle gas, vertical shaft engines Displacement: Kohler: 14HP = 398cc, 20 HP= 624 cc Kawasaki: 14HP = 423cc B & S 16HP = 480 cc, 18HP = 570cc Cylinders: Varied - see manufacturer's specifications Governor: Mechanical type governor with variable speed
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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (CON'T) CUTTER DECKS SWM 36, SWM 48, SWM 52, SWM 61, SWM 72 Type: Out-front design with anti-scalp rollers Construction: SWM36,48: 7-gauge steel with 7-gauge (3/16") steel skirt SWM52,61,72:10-gauge steel with 7-gauge (3/16") steel skirt Cutting Width: 35.5" (90.2 cm), 48.0 (122.0 cm), 52.0 " (132.0 cm), 61.0 " (155.0 cm), 71.5" (181.6 cm) Cutting Height Adjustment: Adjustable from 1-3/4" to 4-1/4" in 1/4" increments Cutter Blades: .204 thick, milled edge, 5150 alloy st
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32" & 36" CUTTER DECKS 9 41 40 45 44 44 47 45 43 61 11 59 11 41 46 43 58 46A 57 22 53 42 A 60 41 39 58 42 39A 7 48 54 14 55 13 50 56 37 49 52 38 18 36 51 49 A 2 19 37 14 20 55 35 40 21 22 21 8 20 1 14 23 25 24 62 1A 27 28 26 35 5 10 66 22 6 29 34 32 31 33 11 3 4 12 30 11 64 31 15 5 15A 16 63 67 17 65 SC409G 18