Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
FORM MS −0519 −06/27/2008
REPLACES FORM MS −0519 −05/06/2008
Illustrated Parts List
Model Series
0100 through 3187.
Alternator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Air Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Blower Housing/Shrouds . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Camshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
127800 1319 WARNING LABEL 1058 OPERATOR’S MANUAL 1330 REPAIR MANUAL 1019 LABEL KIT REQUIRED when replacing parts with warning labels affixed. 1 584 8 2 3 718 11 10 9 50 54 51 306 585 684 7 307 45 847 40 13 5 523 36 869 45 33 40 870 842 35 871 337 287 868 635 34 383 525 25 27 635A 16 374 24 1095 VALVE GASKET SET 524 46 46A 9 26 7 29 715 28 146 32A 43 721 374 741 32 27 883 101 358 ENGINE GASKET SET 743 20 3 83 22 20A 4 4A 7 51 12 12 163 524 9 585 617 12 668 15A 842 15 15 20A 20 20 883 Illustration
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3
127800 125 97 134 365 633 133 163 104 130A 975 127 137 98 130 95 617 94 276 118 117 276 276 PRIMER SYSTEM 125A 692 109 109A 217 633A 633 134 97 365 133 163 633 108 217 104 127 975 130A 127A 137 98 130 95 617 94 276 118A 117A 276 276 CHOKE SYSTEM 121 CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KIT 276 94 134 977 CARBURETOR GASKET SET 617 633 276 104 137 633 137 633A 127 633A 617 163 127A 163 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 0519 −3 As
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4
127800 425A 968B 966A 159 967A 445A 443A 970 976 529 163 300 300A 300B 883 81 81 81 613A 613 613B 832 832B 836 994 836B 836 346 676 676B 676C 676D 676E 677 677 677 677 677 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 0519 −4 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 06/27/2008 4
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5
127800 972B 957B 957B 957 1059 190 670 187 187A 187B 187C 601A 601 601 601 601 240 958 601A 222 222A 222C 621 621 621 227 209 209A 98A 562 668 668 668 505 222D 202 843A 843 188 615 404 268 616 267 267 668 270 271 265 265A 269 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 0519 −5 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 06/27/2008 5
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6
127800 969 921 921B 930 921A 969A 969A 930A 921C 37 78 564A 604 304 604A 305 564 925 1036 EMISSIONS LABEL Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 0519 −6 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 06/27/2008 6
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7
127800 608 608A 65 55A 55 592 65 455A 455 592 58 144 1211 678 60 776 73 57 1210 58 946 459 60B 689 456 459A 59A 597 276A 456A 689A 1134 101A 332 455 73 1005 363 23A Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 0519 −7 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 06/27/2008 7
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8
127800 333 356 333A 851A 334 356A 334 851 635A 356B 1119 474 892 500 259 664 940 910 990 627 347 990A 578 497 789 789A 789B 935 745 236 923 922 621 1160 309 309A 510 742 510 742 937 937 922A 783 783 923A 651 651 784 784 785 785 923B 783A 783A 621 513 513 922A 801 545 853 544 1236 697 803 310 802 853 1009 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 0519 −8 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 06/27/2008 8
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9
127800 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 1 697322 Cylinder Assembly 4A 493365 Sump −Engine 11 691781 Tube −Breather 2 399269 Kit−Bushing/Seal (Auxiliary PTO) 12 692232 Gasket−Crankcase 3 299819S Seal −Oil 5 691160 Head −Cylinder 13 690912 Screw (Magneto Side) 7∅692249 Gasket−Cylinder Head (Cylinder Head) 4 493279 Sump −Engine 8 495786 Breather Assembly 15 691680 Plug −Oil Drain −−−−−−− Note −−−−− 9∅699833 Gasket−Breather (Square Socket)
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10
127800 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 16 691451 Crankshaft 694059 Crankshaft 691455 Crankshaft (Used After Code Date (Used Before Code (Used After Code Date 97011200). Date 97011300). 97011200). −−−−−−− Note −−−−− Used on Type No(s). Used on Type No(s). 694442 Crankshaft 0415, 0811, 0812, 0820, 1953, 2319. (Used Before Code 0821, 0826, 0829, 691375 Crankshaft Date 97011300). 0838, 0839, 0850, (Used Before Code 0861, 0866, 0890, Date 9701
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11
127800 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 20 399781S Seal −Oil 25 795429 Piston Assembly 26 795431 Ring Set (PTO Side) (Standard) (Standard) 20A 691952 Seal −Oil (Used After Code Date (Used After Code Date 07090300). 07090300). (PTO Side) −−−−−−− Note −−−−− −−−−−−− Note −−−−− (Auxiliary PTO) 791097 Piston 791098 Ring Set 22 691092 Screw Assembly (Standard) (Crankcase Cover/ (Used After Code Date (Used After Code Date Sump) 04031400 and Bef
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 12
127800 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 27 691866 Lock −Piston Pin 37 694086 Guard −Flywheel 57 491889 Spring −Rewind Starter (Used After Code Date 40 692194 Retainer −Valve 58 697316 Rope −Starter 97011200). 43 691997 Slinger −Governor/Oil (Cut To Required −−−−−−− Note −−−−− −−−−−−− Note −−−−− Length) 691588 Lock −Piston 691486 Slinger − 59A 396892 Insert−Grip Pin Governor/Oil 60 281434S Grip −Starter Rope (Used Before Code Used on Type N
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 13
127800 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 117 494870 Jet−Main 118 497315 Jet−Main 121 498260 Kit−Carburetor (Standard) (High Altitude) Overhaul (Used After Code Date (Used After Code Date 125 498170 Carburetor (Primer System) 96060200). 96060200). (Used After Code Date −−−−−−− Note −−−−− −−−−−−− Note −−−−− 96060200). 497466 Jet −Main 496495 Jet−Main −−−−−−− Note −−−−− (Standard) (High Altitude) 498254 Carburetor (Used After Code Date (Used A
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14
127800 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 130 691203 Valve −Throttle 209 691292 Spring −Governor 209A 691835 Spring −Governor 130A 691181 Valve −Throttle −−−−−−− Note −−−−− −−−−−−− Note −−−−− 133 398187 Float −Carburetor 699056 Spring − 691834 Spring − Governor 134 398188 Kit−Needle/Seat Governor Used on Type No(s). 137693981 Gasket −Float Bowl Used on Type No(s). 0600, 0650, 0808, 144 493824 Pulley/Spring 1167, 1146. 0829, 0837, 0839, A
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 15
127800 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 217 690354 Spring −Choke Return 270 691027 Nut 305 691108 Screw 222 790143 Bracket −Control 287 690940 Screw (Blower Housing) (Remote/Manual (Dipstick Tube) 306 690450 Shield −Cylinder Friction)(Primer) 300 496106S Muffler 307 690345 Screw 222A 692021 Bracket −Control (Tuned) (Cylinder Shield) (Remote Choke A 300A 494343S Muffler 309 695550 Motor −Starter Matic, Non Com- (Square Lo Tone) (Used Before
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 16
127800 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 383 89838S Wrench −Spark Plug 578 398153 Wire Assembly 651 691660 Screw 404 690272 Washer 584 697734 Cover −Breather (Starter Gear Cover) (Governor Crank) Passage 664 691087 Nut 425A 690670 Screw 585 691879 Gasket−Breather (Key Switch) (Air Cleaner Cover) Passage 668 493823 Spacer 443A 692523 Screw 592 690800 Nut (Includes 2) (Air Cleaner Primer (Rewind Starter) 670 692294 Spacer −Fuel Tank Base) 5
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 17
127800 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 741 795755 Gear −Timing 802 695267 Cap −End 871 262001 Bushing −Valve Guide (Plastic) (Used After Code Date (Exhaust) −−−−−−− Note −−−−− 00040600). −−−−−−− Note −−−−− 794388 Gear −Timing −−−−−−− Note −−−−− 63709 Bushing −Valve (Use Without Woodruff 695975 Cap −End Guide Key) (Used Before Code (Intake) (Used After Code Date Date 00040700). 883∅691881 Gasket−Exhaust 07093000). 803 695266 Housing −Star
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 18
127800 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 935 499421 Switch −Interlock 972B 699374 Tank −Fuel 1059 692311 Kit−Screw/Washer 937 691325 Spline −Starter (Plastic) −−−−−−− Note −−−−− 940 690664 Screw −−−−−−− Note −−−−− 696293 Kit −Screw/ (Casing Clamp 699387 Tank −Fuel Washer Bracket) (Plastic) Used on Type No(s). 946 691738 Stop −Rope Used on Type No(s). 3165. 957 397974S Cap −Fuel Tank 3165. 1095 498528 Gasket Set −Valve (Plastic) 975 493640 B