Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
Fujitsu LifeBook
S Series
BIOS Guide
LifeBook S Series Model:
Document Date: 10/30/03
Document Part Number: FPC58-1035-01
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
LifeBook S Series Notebook BIOS ■ S Series BIOS Selecting a field causes a help message about that field to be displayed on the BIOS SETUP UTILITY right-hand side of the screen. ■ Pressing the Enter key with the highlight The BIOS Setup Utility is a program that sets up the on a selection that is not a submenu or operating environment for your notebook. Your BIOS auto selection will cause a list of all is set at the factory for normal operating conditions, options for that item to be dis
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Main Menu 3. If an error message is displayed on the screen, and you want to enter the setup utility, press the [F2] key. 4. When the setup utility starts with a fault present, the system displays the following message: Warning! Error message [Continue] 5. Press any key to enter the setup utility. The system will then display the Main Menu with current parameters values. 3
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▲ ▲ ▲ LifeBook S Series Notebook BIOS MAIN MENU – SETTING STANDARD SYSTEM PARAMETERS The Main Menu allows you to set or view the current the field’s function and any special information needed system parameters. Follow the instructions for Navi- to help understand the field’s use. Note that the actual gating Through The Setup Utility to make any changes. drive labels shown may vary. (See Navigating Through the Setup Utility on page 2 for more information) System Time and System Date can al
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Main Menu Table 1: Fields, Options and Defaults for the Main Menu Menu Field Options Default Description Primary The product # of Display the type of device on this ATA/ATAPI interface, if there is Selects Primary Master: the Hard Drive one. Pressing the Enter key selects the Primary Master submenu Master submenu allowing additional device configuration options for this interface. Secondary The product # of Display the type of device on this ATA/ATAPI interface, if there is Selects Secondary
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▲ LifeBook S Series Notebook BIOS Primary Master Submenu of the Main Menu The Primary Master submenu identifies what ATA Note that actual hard drive label shown may vary. devices are installed. Depending on the drive type, information such as cylin- ders, heads and sectors may also be displayed. PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Main Primary Master [HITACHI_DK23EA-40-(PM)] Item Specific Help Type: [Auto] Select ATA/ATAPI drive LBA Format installed here. Total Sectors: 78140160
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Main Menu Menu Field Options Default Description ■ Heads: A number between –— This item is active only when Hard Disk is selected as type. You can 1 and 16 change the value by incrementing (pressing the [Spacebar]) or by typing in the number. ■ Sectors: A number between –— This item is active only when Hard Disk is selected as type. You can 0 and 63 change the value by incrementing (pressing the [Spacebar]) or by typing in the number. ■ Maximum Display only –— Displays the maximum capacity
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▲ LifeBook S Series Notebook BIOS Secondary Master Submenu of the Main Menu The Secondary Master submenu is for the internal CD- not need to modify these settings; they are displayed for ROM drive. The drive type is displayed on this menu as your reference. well as the Main menu. Your notebook auto-senses the Note that actual drive labels shown may vary. characteristics of the internal drive installed. You will PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Main Secondary Master [TOSHIBA DVD-ROM SD-R2412-(S
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Main Menu Table 3: Fields, Options and Defaults for the Secondary Master Submenu of the Main Menu Menu Field Options Default Description ■ Transfer Mode: Standard [Standard] Selects the method for moving data to/from the drive. Autotype the ■ drive to select the optimum transfer mode. This option cannot be Fast PIO 1 ■ changed when Auto is selected. Fast PIO 2 ■ Fast PIO 3 ■ Fast PIO 4 ■ Multiword DMA 1 ■ Multiword DMA 2 ■ Ultra DMA Disabled [Disabled] Selects the method for moving data to/fro
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▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ LifeBook S Series Notebook BIOS ADVANCED MENU – SETTING DEVICE FEATURE CONTROLS The Advanced Menu allows you to: Follow the instructions for Navigating Through the ■ Set the I/O addresses for the serial and parallel ports. Setup Utility to make any changes. ■ Set the features of the keyboard/mouse. (See Navigating Through the Setup Utility on page 2 for ■ Select between the display panel and/or an external more information) CRT display. ■ Set internal device configurations The
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Advanced Menu Table 4: Fields, Options and Defaults for the Advanced Menu Menu Field Description Serial/Parallel Port When selected, opens the Serial/Parallel Port Configurations submenu which allows the user to modify set- Configurations tings for serial, infrared and parallel ports. Keyboard/Mouse When selected, opens the Keyboard/Mouse Features submenu, which allows setting external and internal Features keyboard and mouse parameters. Video Features When selected, opens the Video Features su
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▲ LifeBook S Series Notebook BIOS Serial/Parallel Port Configuration Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Serial/Parallel Port Configuration submenu provides the ability to set the I/O addresses and I/O addresses, DMA channels, and interrupt levels for the serial, infrared, and parallel Interrupt levels can be entered in various ports of your notebook. ways, including via the BIOS setup utility, the control software for the I/O device, or ■ To prevent IRQ and address conflicts, the hardwar
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Advanced Menu Table 5: Fields, Options and Defaults for Serial/Parallel Port Configuration Submenu of Advanced Menu Menu Field Options Default Description ■ Serial Port: Disabled [Enabled] Configures the serial port using either no configuration (Disabled), a user ■ defined configuration (Enabled), or by allowing the BIOS or OS to choose Enabled ■ the configuration (Auto). Auto ■ I/O Address: 3F8 - 3FF [3F8 - 3FF] Allows user to set the serial port base I/O address when serial port is ■ Enabl
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▲ LifeBook S Series Notebook BIOS Keyboard/Mouse Features Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Keyboard/Mouse Features submenu is for setting the parameters of the integrated and external mouse and keyboard. PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Advanced Security Power Savings Exit Keyboard/Mouse Features Item Specific Help Numlock: [Auto] Selects power-on state Hot Plug: [Enabled] for Numlock. Internal Pointing Device: [Auto Disabled] Initialization on Resume: [Fast] F1 Help Select Item -/Space C
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▲ Advanced Menu Video Features Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Video Features Submenu is for setting the display parameters. PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Main Advanced Security Power Savings Exit Video Features Item Specific Help Display: [Internal Flat Panel] Select display terminal. Compensation: [Disabled] F1 Help Select Item -/Space Change Values F9 Setup Defaults ESC Exit Select Menu Enter Select Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit Figure 7. Video Features Submenu Table 7: Fields, Opti
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▲ LifeBook S Series Notebook BIOS Internal Device Configurations Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Internal Device Configuration submenu allows the user to configure other internal devices. PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Main Advanced Security Power Savings Exit Item Specific Help Internal Device Configurations [Disabled] IDE Contoller: [Both No IDE ports are Modem Controller: [Enabled] enabled. LAN Controller: [Auto] [Primary] Only primary IDE port is enabled. [Secondary] Only secondary I
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▲ Advanced Menu USB Features Submenu of the Advanced Menu The USB Features Submenu enables and disables legacy USB support for your system. PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Main Advanced Security Power Savings Exit USB Features Item Specific Help [Enabled] Legacy USB Support: [Disabled] The feature is disabled. [Enabled] Legacy USB Emulation is enabled and USB devices are available without USB aware OS. F1 Help Select Item -/Space Change Values F9 Setup Defaults ESC Exit Select Men
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▲ LifeBook S Series Notebook BIOS Miscellaneous Configurations Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Miscellaneous Configurations Submenu configures the miscellaneous features for your system. PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Main Advanced Security Power Savings Exit Miscellaneous Configurations Item Specific Help Power Button: [Disabled] Configures the power Wake up on LAN: [Disabled] button. Volume Setting: [Middle] UMA Video Memory Size: [16MB] *ACPI OS ignores this setting. F1 Help Select It
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▲ Advanced Menu Event Logging Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Event Logging Submenu configures event logging features for DMI events. PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Main Advanced Security Power Savings Exit Event Logging Item Specific Help Event Log Capacity: Space Available Press key to Event Log Validity: Valid view the contents of the event log. View Event Log: [Enter] Event Logging: [Enabled] System Boot Event: [Disabled] Clear All Event Logs: [No] Mark
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▲ ▲ ▲ LifeBook S Series Notebook BIOS SECURITY MENU – SETTING THE SECURITY FEATURES The Security menu allows you to set up the data security field's function and any special information needed to features of your notebook to fit your operating needs and help understand the field's use. The default condition is no passwords required and no write protection. to view the current data security configuration. Follow the instructions for Navigating Through the Setup Utility to ■ If you set a