Bedienungsanleitung Telex ELECTRO-VOICE RE-2

Bedienungsanleitung für das Gerät Telex ELECTRO-VOICE RE-2

Kategorie: Haussicherungssystem
Produzent: Telex
Größe: 0.47 MB
Datum des Hinzufügens: 7/9/2014
Seitenanzahl: 16
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Telex ELECTRO-VOICE RE-2 Handbuch - Online PDF
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Unten finden Sie Trailer des Inhalts, der sich auf den nächsten Anleitungsseiten zu Telex ELECTRO-VOICE RE-2 befindet. Wenn Sie den Seiteninhalt der nächsten Seiten schnell durchschauen möchten, können Sie sie nutzen.

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1

Op er ating In struc tions
User Guide

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2

Ta ble of Con tents Quick Set-Up.................................................................................... 1 Sys tem De scrip tion ............................................................................... 1 De ta iled Com po nents De scrip tion .................................................................. 2 Re ceiver Setup and Operation.................................................................... 2 Re ceiver Push -But ton Ref er ence Sheet ............................

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3

Sec tion 1 - Quick Set-Up 5. Use the up and down ar rows to change the Group number Quick Set-up: Re ceiver to match the Group num ber dis played on the re ceiver. 1. Do not con nect the re ceiver to any other equip ment yet! Press SET and the Chan nel Num ber will flash. 2. Con nect the two an ten nas to the re ceiver. 6. Use the up and down ar row but tons to change the Chan nel 3. Plug the power sup ply into the back of the re ceiver and to match the re ceiver. Press Set and noth ing will b

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4

Sec tion 3 - De tailed Com po nents De scrip tion RE-2 Re ceiver Con tr ols, Con nec tors, and In di ca tors 1 1 2 2 8 8 5 5 3 3 Balanced U.S. Patent No. 6,256,484 Audio power G GP PA A C CH H - -2 20 0 - -1 10 0 - -6 6 - - 3 3 0 0 + +3 3 12-15V Antenna R AC/DC RE-2 B BA AN ND D B B 1 12 2u u 0 05 5 - - Tested to Comply + + with FCC Standards E E V V 2 A A U U D DI I O O 1 1 3 3 1 10 0 3 30 0 1 10 00 0 CANADA XXXXXX set S.N. 8A Mic Line High Line Z Level Telex

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5

NOTE: Groups x,x,x, and x are set up to work with the Now re fer ahead to transmit ter setup and re turn to step 9 other US fre quency band (A and B). These groups are when that is com pleted. listed last no matter how many open chan nels are avail -- 9. With the trans mit ter on, speak into the mi cro phone or play able. If you are us ing a mix of Band A and Band B, scroll the guitar. Turn up the level on the mixer or am pli fier un til down to these groups and use the clearest gr oup. you a

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6

Handh eld T rans mit te r HTU-2 2 1 3 5 6 7 7 SET 4 2 2 755050 1 1 3 3 8 9 9 Fig ur e 3 Fig ur e 4 Handheld T rans mit ter T rans mit er HTU-2 Con tr ols, Con nec tors, and In di ca tors 5. Chan nel/Fre quency Up Switch 1. Main Dis play - LCD (Chan nel, Fre quency or Bat tery Level In di ca tion) 6. Chan nel/Fre quency Down Switch 7. Mi cro phone Gain 2. Bat tery Low LED - Lights when bat tery is low 8. 9V Bat tery Holder 3. Power On/Off Switch 9. Bat tery Cover - Screw type. 4. Set

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7

8. V er ify r e cep tion. With the trans mit ter and re ceiver on and To ad just the trans mitter gain, gently in sert the pro vided match ing Group and Chan nel, the main re ceiver dis play screw driver (or other 3/32 - 2.5 mm screw driver) into the should be in di cat ing a RF sig nal on the bar graph. Speak ad just ment hole op po site the dis play screen. Turn lightly into the mi cro phone and the Au dio Me ter bar graph should un til the screw driver tip goes into the ad just ment level in

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8

Bodypack T rans mit te r Setup and Op er a t ion Have the speaker or singer use the mi cro phone in a nor mal 1. In sert Bat tery . Pinch the bat tery door tabs in ward and per form ance level voice. The Audio Me ter in the main re - - pull the door open. In sert a 9V bat tery as in di cated by the ceiver dis play screen should show peaks around the -3 dB +/- in the holder. level. If the me ter peaks all the way to the right or well be - - low the -3 dB level, ad just the trans mit ter au dio

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9

Sec tion 4 - Re ceiver Dis play Screens and Func tions 4 Main Op er at ing Scr een 2 7 5 - -2 20 0 - -1 10 0 - -5 5 0 0 + +3 3 A AF F T T M M 1 C CL LE EA AR RS SC CA AN N 8 R RF F 3 1 1 3 3 1 10 0 3 30 0 1 10 00 0 9 6 Fig ur e 8 Main Op er at ing Scr een Dis pla y: Con tr ols: 1. Group Number ··········· 10 fac tory set 1. Press and hold SET for 3 seconds st arts Auto ClearScan™ 2. Chan ne l Num ber ·········· 01 to 10 2. .Press SET once, Group starts flash ing, ad jus

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10

T rans mit ter On/Off Lock-Out There are two On/Off lock out modes avail able, One Time and Once the work ing Group has been es tab lished, leave the first Everytime. trans mit ter on, set the next re ceiver Group to the work ing TM Group and run ClearScan Group. This will pro vide the next One Time: Cy cle the power switch 3 times in un der 3 sec onds clear est chan nel in that group. Set the trans mit ter to match, and On-Loc will be dis played for a sec ond and then re turn to leave it on an

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11

Sec tion 5 - Trou ble Shoot ing Guide So lu tions Pr ob lem Pos si b le Causes Make sure that the power sup ply is No au dio and no dis play on the Re ceiver is off prop erly connect ed and the on/off but -- re ceiver ton is in the on po si tion Turn on trans mit ter power switch No au dio and no RF sig nal in di ca tor T ran s mit ter is off on the re ceiver dis play Match the trans mitter group and chan -- Trans mitter is on a dif fer ent chan nel nel to the one dis played on the re ceiver.

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 12

T r ou ble Shoot ing Guide (con t in ued) So lu tions Pr ob lem Pos si b le Causes Move the re ceiver to a dif fer ent Interference (continued) Re ceiver is too close to dig i tal sig nal location pro ces sor or sim i l ar de vic e TM Use ClearScan to change the op er at -- S trong ele c tr o m ag net ic fie ld from ing frequency . Repair or re move the stage light ing or other source near the source of in ter fer ence. Move the re -- trans mit ter or re ceiver, which may be ceiver to a dif fer

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 13

Sec ti on 6 - T ech n i cal Sp ec i fi ca tion s RE-2 Re ceiver Spec i f i ca tions Over all Re ceiver T ype ............................................................... Syn the sized PLL Fre quency Range (RF) ................................................... A Band 650 - 674 MHz B Band 698 - 722 MHz Num ber of Chan nels..................................................... >900 pos si ble chan nels Pro gram ma ble in 25 kHz steps Mod u la tio n ..............................................

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14

Sec tion 7 - Ac ces so ries and Parts MODEL No. Or der No. Omnidirec tional La pel Mi c ro phone Olm10 Olm10 Uni di rec tional La pel Mi c ro phone UML21 ULM21 Pre mium Omnidirec tional La pel Mi c ro phone RE90TX 17153318 Pre mium La pel/I n stru m ent Uni di rec tional Mi c ro phone RE92TX Pre sent er's Headworn Mi c ro phone HM2 HM2 Singer's Headworn Mi c ro phone HM7 HM7 Hard Shell, Foam lined Road Case RC-RE2 7185800 Foam Wind screen for Handheld 379-1 3792031 Handheld Trans mit ter Color K

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 15

Sec tion 8 - Fac tory Ser vice/War ranty (Lim ited) FACTORY SER VICE (North Amer ica) If fac tory ser vice is re quired, ship the unit pre paid in its original car ton to:: EV Au dio Service c/o TELEX COM MU NI CA TIONS, 8601 East Cornhusker High way, Lin coln, Ne braska 68507-9702 U.S.A. Phone: (402) 467-5321 or 800-553-5992 Fax: 402-467-3279 En close a note de scrib ing the prob lem along with any other per ti nent in form a tion and how to con tact you. Fac tory Ser vice (Ex c lud ing Nor

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 16

TELE X COM MU NI C A TIONS, INC. 12000 Port land Ave. South, Burnsville, MN 55337. • PN July 2003 Made in U.S.A.

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