Bedienungsanleitung Teledyne HFM-300

Bedienungsanleitung für das Gerät Teledyne HFM-300

Gerät: Teledyne HFM-300
Kategorie: Autoteile
Produzent: Teledyne
Größe: 0.82 MB
Datum des Hinzufügens: 11/7/2014
Seitenanzahl: 31
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Teledyne HFM-300 Handbuch - Online PDF
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Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1

ISO 9001

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2

Manual Print History The print history shown below lists the printing dates of all revisions and addenda created for this manual. The revision level letter increases alphabetically as the manual undergoes subsequent updates. Addenda, which are released between revisions, contain important change information that the user should incorporate immediately into the manual. Addenda are numbered sequentially. When a new revision is created, all addenda associated with the previous revision of the

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3

Table of Contents 1. GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................................................................................ 4 1.1. FEATURES.................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2. SPECIFICATIONS.................................................................................................................

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4

1. General Information The Teledyne Hastings HFM-300 is used to measure mass flow rates in gases. In addition to flow rate measurement, the HFC-302 includes a proportional valve to accurately control gas flow. The Hastings mass flow meter (HFM-300) and controller (HFC-302), hereafter referred to as the Hastings 300 series, are intrinsically linear and are designed to accurately measure and control mass flow over the range of 0-5 sccm to 0-10 slm with an accuracy of better than ±0.75

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5

1.2. Specifications Accuracy .................................................................................... < ±0.75% full scale (F.S.) at 3σ (±1.0% F.S. for >10 slm versions) Repeatability .............................................................................±0.05% of reading + 0.02% F.S. Maximum Pressure........................................................................................500 psi [3.45 MPa] (With high pressure option) 1000 psi [6.9 MPa] Pressure Coefficient

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6

The 4-20 mA I/O option can accept a current input. The 0-5 VDC command signal on pin 14 can be replaced by a 4-20mA command signal. The loop presets an impedance of 75 ohms and is returned to the power supply through the valve common. 1.4. Other Accessories 1.4.1. Hastings Power supplies Hastings Power Pod power supply/display units are available in one and four channel versions. They convert 100, 115 or 230VAC to the ±15 VDC required to operate the fl

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7

2. Installation and Operation This section contains the steps necessary to assist in getting a new flow meter/controller into operation as quickly and easily as possible. Please read the following thoroughly before attempting to install the instrument. 2.1. Receiving Inspection Carefully unpack the Hastings unit and any accessories that have also been ordered. Inspect for any obvious signs of damage to the shipment. Immediately advise the carrier who delivered the shipment if any dam

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8

2.4. Mechanical Connections 2.4.1. Filtering The smallest of the internal passageways in the Hastings 300 is the diameter of the sensor tube, which is 0.026”(0.66 mm), and the annular clearance for the 500 sccm shunt which is 0.006"(0.15 mm) (all other flow ranges have larger passages), so the instrument requires adequate filtering of the gas supply to prevent blockage or clogging of the tube. 2.4.2. Mounting There are two mounting holes (#8-32 thread) in the bottom of the transducer tha

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9

Fig. 2.1 Fig. 2.2 Figures 2.1/2.2, and Tables 2.1/2.2, show the 300/302 pin out. Table 2.1 Table 2.2 "U" Pin-Out "H" Pin-Out Pin # Pin # 1 Signal Common 1 Do not use 2 Do not use 2 Do not use 3 Do not use 3 Do not use 4 +15 VDC 4 Do not use 5 5 Signal Common 6 Output 0-5 VDC (4-20mA) 6 Output 0-5 VDC (4-20mA) 7 Signal Common 7 Case Ground 8 Case Ground 8 Valve Override 9 Valve Override 9 -15VDC 10 10 Do not use 11 -15VDC 11 +15VDC 12 External Input 12 Signal Common 1

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10

2.6.2. Zero Check Turn the power supply on if not already energized. Allow for a 1 hour warm-up. Stop all flow through the instrument and wait 2 minutes. Caution: Do not assume that all metering valves completely shut off the flow. Even a slight leakage will cause an indication on the meter and an apparent zero shift. For the standard 0-5 VDC output, adjust the zero potentiometer located on the inlet side of the flow meter until the meter indicates zero (Fig 2.3). For the optional

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11

Span Error Vs. Pressure Fig. 2.5 0.017" Sensor 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% Mean Max -1% Min -2% 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Pressure (psig) If the system pressure is higher than 250 psig (1.7 MPa) the pressure induced error in the span reading becomes significant. The charts above show the mean error enveloped by the minimum/maximum expected span errors induced by high pressures. This error will approach 16% at 1000 psig. For accurate high pressure measurements this error must be

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 12

The first method requires that the two controllers use the same signal range (0 to 5 VDC or 4 to 20 mA) and that they be sized and calibrated to provide the correct ratio of gasses. Then, by routing the actual flow Output signal from the primary meter/controller through the secondary controller’s External Input pin (See Tables 2.1 & 2.2), the ratio of flows can be maintained over the entire range of gas flows. EXAMPLE: Flow controller A has 0-100 slpm range with a 5.00 volt output at full

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 13

variable directly. This analog output signal could be 0-5 volts, 0-10 volts (or 4-20 ma for units with 4- 20 ma boards) or any value in between. On the controller card there is a jumper that sets whether the control loop controls mass flow or an external process variable. See Figure 2.7. If the jumper is over the top two pins, the loop controls mass flow. If the jumper is over the bottom two pins, the loop controls an external process variable. This process variable signal must be suppl

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14

2.12. Temperature Coefficients As the ambient temperature of Fig. 2.8 the instrument changes from the original calibration temperature, errors will be introduced into the output of the instrument. The Temperature Coefficient of Zero describes the change in the output that is seen at zero flow. This error is added to the overall output signal regardless of flow, but can be eliminated by merely adjusting the zero potentiometer of the flow meter/controller to read zero volts at z

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 15

3. Theory of Operation This section contains an overall functional description of the Hastings 300 series of flow instruments. In this section and other sections throughout this manual, it is assumed that the customer is using a Hastings power supply. 3.1. Overall Functional Description The Hastings 300 meter consists of a sensor, base, and a shunt. In addition to the components in a meter, The 300 controller includes a control valve and extra electronic circuitry. The sensor is c

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 16

low temperatures used by the sensor, and because the sensor construction preferentially favors the conductive and convective heat transfer modes. The thermal energy of each heater will then be dissipated by conduction down the stainless steel sensor tube, conduction to the insulating foam, plus the convection due to the mass flow of the sensed gas. Because great care is taken to wind the resistive heater coils symmetrically about the midpoint of the tube, it is assumed that the heat condu

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 17

The gas stream will increase in temperature due to the heat it gains from the upstream heater. This elevated gas stream temperature causes the heat transfer at the downstream heater to gain heat from the gas stream. The heat gained from the gas stream forces the downstream bridge control loop to apply less power to the downstream heater coil in order to maintain a constant differential o temperature of 48 C. The power difference at the RTD’s is a function of the mass flow rate and the sp

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 18

the shunt. Most instruments employ Poiseuille’s law and use some sort of multi-passage device that creates laminar flow between the upstream sensor inlet and the downstream outlet. This makes the volumetric flow versus pressure drop curve primarily linear, but there are other effects which introduce higher order terms. Most flow transducers are designed such that the outlet plenum has a smaller diameter than the inlet plenum. This eases the insertion and containment of the shunt

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 19

Qρ L = (3.5) e 5πμ For a typical flow divider tube the entry length is approximately 0.16 cm. From this it can be seen that if the sensor inlet pickup point is inside of the flow divider tube but downstream of the entrance length and if the sensor outlet point is inside the flow divider tube but upstream of the exit point then the pressure drop that drives the flow through the sensor would be linear with respect to volumetric flow rate. Since the pressure drop a

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 20

Fig. 3.5 Thickness of the annular ring as a function of flow rate for a sensor with a 75 Pa drop and a 2 cm spacing. 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Flow (liter/min) Each shunt must have a section of the annular region upstream of the upstream sensor tap to allow the flow to become fully developed before reaching the first tap. The entry length for the annular passage is then: Qρ() Δr

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