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Tri-M Systems, Inc.
Unit 100, 1407 Kebet way
Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6L3
Phone: 604.945.9565
Fax: 604.945.9566
FV – 25
This document features the specification of FV-25 and describes the details on using the evaluation kit
to evaluate the performance of FV-25 and select the desired functions. It intends to help users to obtain
the maximum performance from FV-25 in users’ integrating GPS systems.
Version: 1.0
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
Contents Preface………………………………………………………… Chapter 1 Introduction……………………………………….. 1.1 Supports……………………………………………………….. Chapter 2 Start……………………………………………….. 2.1 Pin Definitions and Reference Layout…………………………. 2.2 Sanav_Demo……………………………………………………. 2.2.1 Port Number & Baud Rate………………………………. 2.2.2 Comm Port Connection and Disconnection……………... 2.2.3 Constellation Map………………………………………… 2.2.4 Message View for NMEA Messages……………………… 2.2.5 Available NMEA Messages……………………………….. 2.2.
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4.5 Navigation Data……………………………………………………. 4.5.1 Position Format……………………………………………… 4.5.2 Datums………………………………………………………. 4.5.3 Update Rate………………………………………………….. 4.5.4 Kinematic Mode……………………………………………… 4.6 Navigation for Less Than 4 Observable Satellites…………………… 4.6.1 2D Navigation………………………………………………… 4.6.2 Dead Reckoning………………………………………………. 4.7 Almanac Navigation………………………………………………….. 4.8 DGPS – WAAS, EGNOS, & RTCM…………………………………. 4.9 Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM
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List of Figures Figure 2.1 FV-25 Pin definitions (Top View)………………………………….. Figure 2.2 A reference layout for FV-25……………………………………….. Figure 2.3 Setting of comm. port number and the value of baud rate………….. Figure 2.4 Setting of comm. port number………………………………………. Figure 2.5 Setting of the value of baud rate…………………………………….. Figure 2.6 Window after correct setting………………………………………… Figure 2.7 Constellation Map of GPS satellites………………………………… Figure 2.8 Window for showing NMEA messages……………………………
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List of Tables Table 1.1 Specification of FV-25…………………………………………….. Table 2.1 Description of pin definition for FV-25…………………………… Table 4.1 Conditions for Start-Up modes……………………………………. Table 4.2 Available sensitivity modes……………………………………….. Table 7.1 The types of data………………………………………………….. Table 7.2 UBX message classes……………………………………………... Table 8.1 Troubleshooting…………………………………………………… 5
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Preface The objective of The FV-25 User’s Guide is to help users to understand the properties of FV-25 thoroughly and, therefore, obtain the maximum performance from the module easily. This document describes and provides the useful information the FV-25 module, which includes the functions of pins on the module, configuration setting, utility, and evaluation kit. It will help users understand the capability of the module and, therefore, successfully integrate the FV-25 into users’ GP
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1 Chapter 7 Available NMEA and UBX Messages This chapter lists the available NMEA and u-blox proprietary (UBX) messages for the module. Chapter 8 Troubleshooting This chapter provides good helps when the module isn’t running properly. Appendix A Geodetic ID: Coordinate Datum Appendix B Acronyms In addition to the above brief description for each chapter, you also can find useful definitions for GPS terminologies in the Appendix B as well as the lists of figures (page ?) and tables (pa
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Chapter 1 Introduction In this chapter, the main goal of FV-25 will be described and then the features of the FV-25 module will be specified in order that a user can make correct decision about module selection before proceeding further development. Understanding thoroughly the pro and con of FV-25 will clear the compatibility of the module with a user’s system. At the same time, let the users make the best performance out the module. The main goal of FV-25 is to be used as a part of
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sensitivity for weak signals without sacrificing accuracy, AGPS function, DGPS function which is supported by RTCM, WAAS, and EGNOS, and flexibility for system integrations. Because of 8192 frequency search bins at the same time, it accelerates the start-up times of the module. In addition to the above excellent advantages, FV-25 has the capabilities to perform low power consumption due to the advanced hardware components and implement power saving function owing to versatile firmware. T
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Specification Performance Characteristics Receiver Type L1 frequency, C/A code, 16 Channels Position Accuracy w/o aid 3.3 m CEP DGPS(WAAS, EGNOS,RTCM) 2.6 m AGPS Support Yes Start-up Time Hot start < 3 s Warm start 35 s Cold start 41 s Reacquisition Time < 1 s Acceleration
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Dimension 37.1mm x 25.6 mm Thickness 3.9 mm Weight 9.5 g (include an SMA jack and 5 cm RG-316) Antenna Type External Active or Passive Antenna Input Voltage (V ) 1.8 V ~ 8 V DC ANT Input Power limit (Active) < -17 dBm Gain (Active) up to 25 dB Supervision Build-in short circuit detection, External open
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Chapter 2 Start 2.1 Pin Definitions and Reference Layout Figure 2.1 shows the pin definitions of FV-25. Table 2.1 describes the corresponding definitions for pins. Note that only either use VIN-1 (DC 5 ~ 12V) or VIN-2 (DC 3.3V) for voltage input. Also, if the Pins 1 ~ 10 are used, please leave Pins a ~ n being opened. There are two comm. ports to input/output the useful information (i.e. receiver’s and satellites’ data) for the users. The default setting for comm. 1 (either Pins 5 and
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Pin Definitions Pin No. Title I/O Note Antenna bias voltage input DC 1.8~ 8.0V (connect to ground 1 I VANT if not used) 2 VIN-2 I Voltage input 3.3V DC (MUST leave open if VIN-1 is used) 3 Ground I Ground 4 RX2 I Serial port 2 (leave open if not used) 5 O Serial port 1 (leave open if not used) TX1 6 VIN-1 I Voltage input 5~12V DC (MUST leave open if VIN-2 is used) Backup input voltage 1.95 ~ 3.3V DC (connect to ground if 7 VBAK I not used) 8 1PPS O Time pulse (leave open if not used
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2.2 Sanav_Demo Sanav_Demo is required to run on a PC with at least 4 MB RAM and Windows 98 that has at least one available serial comm. port (from 1 to 24). 2.2.1 Port Number & Baud Rate When users implement Sanav_Demo, the first window appeared on the screen is the setting of comm. port number and the corresponding value of baud rate, as shown in Figure 2.3. To open or close the “Setting” window, click the selection “File/Port” or the short cut button . Figure 2.3 Setting of comm
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Figure 2.4 Setting of comm. port number. For setting the value of baud rate, pull the scroll-down window for the “Baud rate” item and the desired window shows that the available range of baud rate is from 2400 bps to 115200 bps, as shown in Figure 2.5. The users select the right one that will communicate the module with the host PC. Figure 2.5 Setting of the value of baud rate. 2.2.2 Comm Port Connection and Disconnection After the setting is completed, click the “Connect” button t
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subsequent window will be the one shown in Figure 2.6, i.e., the navigation data from the module are displayed in the corresponding sub-windows. If the setting values are not correct or the connection hasn’t established yet, Sanav_Demo will prompt a warning sentence “Comm port couldn’t be open, please check the device”. When a new port setting is required, make sure Sanav_Demo is disconnected from the module before sending the request, i.e., click the “Disconnect” button in the “Setting”
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Figure 2.7 Constellation Map of GPS satellites. 2.2.4 Message View for NMEA Messages Figure 2.8 is the window for showing the desired (user-selected) output NMEA messages. There are two ways to show the “Message View” window. Click the item “Windows/Terminal View” or the shortcut button ?. The default window for “Message View” is only showing the output NMEA messages at current epoch (one epoch), like the one shown in Figure 2.6. Figure 2.8 Window for showing NMEA messages. Click
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accumulatively within the sub-window until the sub-window is filled up, i.e., the “Message View” window contains NMEA messages from several epochs, as shown in Figure 2.9, and the oldest data will be “squeezed” out in the top of the sub-window while the new data will be displayed in the bottom of the sub-window. After clicking the “Show all MS” button, the “Message View” window shows two available buttons: “Current MS” and “Save”. The “Current MS” button functions as showing the availab
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Figure 2.10 Available NMEA messages. NOTE: The output NMEA messages will be discarded or not transmitted if the values of the baud rate is not sufficient to transmit the desired messages. Also, the discarded part won’t be output in the next epoch. NOTE: The maximum update rate is 4 Hz. 2.2.6 GPS Satellite Information Figure 2.11 shows the observable GPS satellite information, which includes SV PRN numbers, the corresponding values for elevation, azimuth, and SNR, and indication for
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Figure 2.11 GPS satellite information. 2.2.7 Receiver Information Figure 2.12 describes the receiver information. They are: UTC Date: day/month/year; UTC Time: hour:minute:second; Lat: latitude xxyy.yyyy xx: degree, yy.yyyy: minute, -: southern hemisphere; Lon: longitude xxxyy.yyyy xxx: degree, yy.yyyy: minute, -: western hemisphere; Alt: altitude (meter); SVs(Used/All): (number of satellites used for position calculation) / (number of the observable satellites); Mode: 2D or 3D