Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
cGPSmapper User Manual
First Published Date: 2005-04-01
Version: 2.1
Published Date: 2006-08-13
Total Page Count: 100
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
cGPSmapper Manual Contents 1 Contents 1 CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................2 2 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................5 2.1 PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT ..................................................................................5 2.2 BASIC CONCEPTS............................................................................
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cGPSmapper Manual Contents 4.5.2 Concepts and Terminology...........................................................................45 4.5.3 Using Dictionary ..........................................................................................45 5 CREATING CUSTOM TYPE FILE ........................................................................47 5.1 CREATING THE SOURCE FILE..................................................................................47 5.2 CUSTOM TYPE DEFINITION
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cGPSmapper Manual Contents 4 of 100
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5
cGPSmapper Manual Introduction 2 Introduction The latest version of this document can be found at Feel free to e-mail your comments / contributions to the present document to 2.1 Purpose of this document ® This manual explains how to create vector maps and then upload them to your Garmin GPS receiver (or see them in the MapSource software), utilizing the cGPSmapper / sendmap software. 2.2 Basic Concepts 2.2.1 What is Polish Format (P
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cGPSmapper Manual Introduction preceded by a pair of statements with # metavariables, the whole pair should be repeated (see specific statements for examples). Text in orange colour (e.g. Name=) are mandatory statements in the given section. Text in olive colour (e.g. Label=) are optional statements. 2.3.2 cGPSmapper versions The table below contains the meaning of the different symbols used in this document to represent the cGPSmapper Version to which a certain concept applies. Symbol
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cGPSmapper Manual Overview 3 Overview Creating a map to be uploaded to a GPS receiver may be compared to programming: you write a program (i.e. a map) in the programming language (i.e. in PFM) and then compile it. Alternatively - just as with programming - tools exist to generate the source code visually or semi-automatically or to assist in other ways in the code preparation. The source code format used by the cGPSmapper compiler is referred to as PFM (Polski Format Mapy - Polish Map
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project 4 Map Project 4.1 Map Creation You write the source file in the PFM format (the .mp file) using any text editor. All map- related information is provided in relevant statements. Then the map is compiled with the cGPSmapper compiler and the resulting .img file is uploaded using sendmap or MapSource. The PFM format is described section 4.2 (PFM syntax Description), on page 8. When you have finished your map (or at any time during the map creation process), yo
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project Section Type Identifier(s) Body (Objects) [POI] [POLYLINE] [POLYGON] [PLT] [WPT] [DBX] [SHP] [FILE] [RGN10] [RGN20] [RGN40] [RGN80] The header section is mandatory and must appear as the first section in the source file. All other sections are optional. Declaration and advanced sections (if any) must appear after the header section, in the order specified here. These sections cannot be repeated. Objects must appear after declaration and advanced
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project Codepage=xx 0 full-byte (8-bit) character coding with the specified codepage is used (depending on the GPS firmware) 0 single-byte coding Note: All labels must be written in CAPITALS if a codepage is used Note: The delimiters for road numbers ( refer to section 4.2.6, on page 30, for details) are different if full-byte coding is used. Note: Special codes are different for 8-bit coding! Default = 0 Datum=xxx W84 WGS-84 Custom Cu
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project Lock=x Final IMG file will require unlock code specific for each GPS device. Y Yes N no Default = N ProductCode=x Subfamily identifier used for locked IMG files only – value between 1 and 255. Each subfamily can be unlocked with universal unlock code or separately with individual unlock code. Default = 1 CopyRight=xxxxxxx Text visible in welcome page of GPS. t Refer to section 7.1 (on page 65) for details. p 80 characters maximum
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project DefaultRegionCount Should be used in conjunction with s ry=region_name DefaultCityCountry. t Defines the default country name for automatic city p indexing. If not defined, cities will be indexed only if city index info is explicitly provided. 80 characters maximum. TreSize=n Maximum allowed region size. A higher value increases the allowable region size, but may decrease the map performance; a lower value may increase the map size. Suggested va
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project PreProcess=x Kind of pre-processing: G generalization only (faster method, but 'crossroad' nodes might be removed). Also the nodes from intersections may be removed. Data will be simplified using Douglas-Peucker polyline simplification algorithm which will ensure that the output is not jagged. F (or Y) full generalization + intersection detection. Unnecessary nodes are not removed if there are intersections (this is important for more advanced m
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project Preview=x Refer to section 6.2 (Creating preview map files), on page 61, for details. N map designated for use with GPS will be created Y map designated for use as preview map for MapSource will be created Default = N AlignMethod No longer used / supported. BlockSize No longer used / supported. LevelFill No longer used / supported. LevelLimit No longer used / supported. WorldMap No longer used / supported. DrawPriority=# Value bet
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project CountryIdx#=countr The country_index represents the number in the y_index corresponding Country# statement. The first # (CountryIdx) must always be one. 3 Subsequent # must be in ascending order. If included, there must be at least 1 region per country. In theory, the limit is 13,107. E.g.: CountryIdx1=1, means that the current region is located in country 1 (right side of the equals sign). ... The statements above can be repeated as needed. [END] Se
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project DeltaSN=### Longitude Delta. DeltaWE=### Latitude Delta. IALA=x IALA system. The areas that use the 'B' system are the Americas, Japan and the Philippines. The remainder of the world uses the 'A' system. A B Default = A Print=mmyyyy Paper chart print date. Note that MapSource will show the day as "01" (the day field is not available in the GPS). Edition=mmyyyy Paper chart edition date. Note that MapSource will show the day as "01" (the
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project ReferenceEllipsoid Reference Ellipsoid. =### 0 Krassovsky 1 Airy 2 Modified Airy 3 Australian National 4 Bessel 1841 5 Bessel 1841 (Namibia) 6 Clarke 1866 7 Clarke 1880 8 Everest (Brunei) 9 Everest (India 1830) 10 Everest (India 1956) 11 Everest (W Malaysia 1948) 12 Everest (W Malaysia 1969) 13 Modified Everest 14 Fischer 1960/Mercury 15 Modified Fischer 1960 16 Fischer 1968
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project Level#RGNnn=bitmas Refer to section 4.5 (on page 44) for details. k bitmask mask used to show / hide the objects. # level on which the bitmask is applied. nn type of object to which the bitmask is applied. [END] Section terminator. Highways This section will be further documented in a future version of this manual. [HIGHWAYS] [END] Section terminator. ZIP Codes Although this section is obsolete, it is still supported.
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project City=x Indicates if the POI is a city. Only used if the [POI] alias is used. N or 0 not a city (instead of [RGN10]) Y or 1 city (instead of [RGN20]) Default = N Label=object_name Name of the object to be shown on the map. 80 characters maximum. EndLevel=# Refer to section 4.4 (on page 39) for details. The coordinates in the lowest numbered Data# line apply up to the specified EndLevel=#. Data#=(lat,lon) Origin#=(lat,lon) may be used i
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cGPSmapper Manual Map Project CountryName=xxx Name of country to which the object belongs. s Can be used only together with keys RegionName and t CityName. p 80 characters maximum. Zip=xxx Object Zip Code. s 80 characters maximum. t p Exit#=(type_of_exi Applies to [RGN10] only. t_facility),(direc Additional facilities available at the exit. tion_to_facility), + type_of_exit_facility (facilities),(labe + direction_to_facility l) + facilities + label Integer hex or dec