Bedienungsanleitung Outdoor Gourmet CompanyCG3023E

Bedienungsanleitung für das Gerät Outdoor Gourmet CompanyCG3023E

Gerät: Outdoor Gourmet CompanyCG3023E
Kategorie: Gasgrill
Produzent: Outdoor Gourmet
Größe: 2.15 MB
Datum des Hinzufügens: 10/2/2013
Seitenanzahl: 39
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Outdoor Gourmet CompanyCG3023E Handbuch - Online PDF
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Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1

A As ss se em mb blly y IIn ns st tr ru uc ct tiio on ns s
A As ss se em mb blly y IIn ns st tr ru uc ct tiio on ns s
L L L LP P P P G G G Ga a a as s s s & & & & C C C Ch h h ha a a ar r r rc c c co o o oa a a allll G G G Gr r r riiiillllllll
M M M Mo o o od d d de e e ellll # # # # C C CG G G3 3 30 0 02 2 23 3 3E
P P P Plllle e e ea a a as s s se e e e k k k ke e e ee e e ep p p p t t t th h h hiiiis s s s iiiin n n ns s s st t t tr r r ru u u uc c c ct t t tiiiio

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2

W W W Wa a a ar r r rn n n niiiin n n ng g g gs s s s F FO OR R Y YO OU UR R S SA AF FE ET TY Y: : F FO OR R Y YO OU UR R S SA AF FE ET TY Y: : 1.Read this Grill Guide before attempting to assemble or operate your grill. 2.Follow all safety instructions. 3.Check for leaks according to directions in this Grill Guide before operating your grill, even if you purchased this gril l assembled. 4.Keep this Grill Guide for future reference. 5.Contact 1-888-922-2336 sho

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3

W W W Wa a a ar r r rn n n niiiin n n ng g g gs s s s Safety Precautions Always read and follow all DANGER, WARNING, AND FOR YOUR SAFETY notices in this Grill Guide. Failure to follow these notices may result in property damage, bodily injury, or death. 1. Grill installation must conform with local codes, or in their absence, with either the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code, CSA B149.1, or Propane Storage and Handling Code, B149.2.

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4

Table of Contents • Tools and Parts • Hardware • Assembly Instructions • Care and Maintenance • Warranty Information 4

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5

T T T To o o oo o o olllls s s s R R R Re e e eq q q qu u u uiiiir r r re e e ed d d d 1 Description Adjustable wrench (not provided) 2 Description Screwdriver (not provided) 5

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6

P P P Pa a a ar r r rt t t ts s s s L L L Liiiis s s st t t t A Description Picture Qty B Description Picture Qty C Description Picture Qty D Description Picture Qty E Description Picture Qty F Description Picture Qty G Description picture Qty H Description Picture Qty 6

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7


Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8

Hardware H H Ha a ar r rd d dw w wa a ar r re e e 8

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9

A A A As s s ss s s se e e em m m mb b b blllly y y y IIIIn n n ns s s st t t tr r r ru u u uc c c ct t t tiiiio o o on n n ns s s s S S S St t t te e e ep p p p 1 1 1 1: : : : Assemble the two middle panels (16, 18) and four side panels (11,15, 27, 29). Make sure to assemble the two middle panels (16, 18) first. Assemble two middle panels using 8-M6x12 Bolts (B), and assemble side panels using 11-M6x12 Bolts(B) and 11-FLANGE LOCK NUTS (H).

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10

A A A As s s ss s s se e e em m m mb b b blllly y y y IIIIn n n ns s s st t t tr r r ru u u uc c c ct t t tiiiio o o on n n ns s s s S S S St t t te e e ep p p p 3 3 3 3: : : : Attach the ash pan to the front and back panels using 4-BOLT M6x12 (B) and 4-M6 FLANGE LOCK NUTS (H). See the illustration below. S St te ep p 4 4: : S St te ep p 4 4: : Turn over the grill body and assemble the left leg (38) and right leg (42) on

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11

A A A As s s ss s s se e e em m m mb b b blllly y y y IIIIn n n ns s s st t t tr r r ru u u uc c c ct t t tiiiio o o on n n ns s s s S S S St t t te e e ep p p p 5 5 5 5: : : : Use BOLT M6x50 (F) to attach the bottom shelf (44) to legs, attach the highlighted in red legs first. Assemble the cylinder hanger (35) to the top of left leg (38) using 2-BOLT M6x12 (B), as shown in the picture below. Using 2-BOLT M6x50 (F) and 2-FLANGE LOCK NUTS (H) to asse

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 12

A A A As s s ss s s se e e em m m mb b b blllly y y y IIIIn n n ns s s st t t tr r r ru u u uc c c ct t t tiiiio o o on n n ns s s s S S S St t t te e e ep p p p 7 7 7 7: : : : Attach the two triangular support braces (17, 26) connecting the legs to the back panel of the body using 8-BOLTS M6x12 (B). S St te ep p 8 8: : S St te ep p 8 8: : Attach short fence rail 2pcs and long fence rail 2pcs to the four legs, using 8-BOLTS M6x12 (B) to fix. 12

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 13

A A A As s s ss s s se e e em m m mb b b blllly y y y IIIIn n n ns s s st t t tr r r ru u u uc c c ct t t tiiiio o o on n n ns s s s S S S St t t te e e ep p p p 9 9 9 9: : : : Assemble the accessories shelf (36) to the charcoal section of the grill using 4-BOLTS M6x12 (B). S St te ep p 1 10 0: : S St te ep p 1 10 0: : Attach the control panel (32) using 4-BOLT M6x12 (B), attach the knobs (33) as shown below. Attach the firebox bracket (30) to the right

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14

A A A As s s ss s s se e e em m m mb b b blllly y y y IIIIn n n ns s s st t t tr r r ru u u uc c c ct t t tiiiio o o on n n ns s s s S S S St t t te e e ep p p p 1 1 1 11 1 1 1: : : : Attach the knob (33) and 4-BOLTS M6x12 (B) onto the body of side burner (12). S St te ep p 1 12 2: : S St te ep p 1 12 2: : Attach the side burner onto the body of the grill as shown below. 14

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 15

A A A As s s ss s s se e e em m m mb b b blllly y y y IIIIn n n ns s s st t t tr r r ru u u uc c c ct t t tiiiio o o on n n ns s s s S S S St t t te e e ep p p p 1 1 1 13 3 3 3: : : : Take the Heat Shield (53) upon the Firebox Lid (22). Then attach the Handle(Firebox) (24),using Firebox Lid Handle Base(small)-2pcs(54) and 2-BOLT M6X25(C) . Then attach the Firebox Lid(22) upon the body of firebox(23),using Hinges(Body)(13) and 4-BOLT M6X35(D)and4-NUT M6 F

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 16

A A A As s s ss s s se e e em m m mb b b blllly y y y IIIIn n n ns s s st t t tr r r ru u u uc c c ct t t tiiiio o o on n n ns s s s S S S St t t te e e ep p p p 1 1 1 15 5 5 5: : : : Attach the hinges bottom (14) onto the back of the grill (total four pcs) using 4-BOLTS M6x40 (D). Attach the Firebox Handle(24) onto the firebox using Firebox lid handle base (54) and Bolt M6X25(C). See the illustration below. S St te ep p 1 16 6: : S St te ep p 1 16 6: : At

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 17

A A A As s s ss s s se e e em m m mb b b blllly y y y IIIIn n n ns s s st t t tr r r ru u u uc c c ct t t tiiiio o o on n n ns s s s S S S St t t te e e ep p p p 1 1 1 17 7 7 7: : : : Attach the firebox to the main body of the grill, in the same manner that the side burner was attached in step 12. Using 4 additional BOLTS M6x12 (B), connect the firebox to the grill body from the inside of the grill body. Then use 2-NUT M6 FLANGE LOCK(H) to fixed. Once all bolts are in place and

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 18

A A A As s s ss s s se e e em m m mb b b blllly y y y IIIIn n n ns s s st t t tr r r ru u u uc c c ct t t tiiiio o o on n n ns s s s S S S St t t te e e ep p p p 1 1 1 19 9 9 9: : : : Using “R”PIN(I) and PIN Roll(K) to fixed the Hinges body(13) and bottom(14). As showen below. S St te ep p 2 20 0: : S St te ep p 2 20 0: : Attach 4-Hinges bottom to the grill body, using 8-BOLT M6X40(E) to fix. Then attach Extension Wire to the left side of grill body,using 1-BOLT M6X12(B

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 19

A A A As s s ss s s se e e em m m mb b b blllly y y y IIIIn n n ns s s st t t tr r r ru u u uc c c ct t t tiiiio o o on n n ns s s s S S S St t t te e e ep p p p 2 2 2 21 1 1 1: : : : Attach Hinges bottom(14) to the Lid Gas(5),using4- BOLT M6X40(E) and 4-NUT M6 FLANGEL LOCK(H) to fixed. Then attach 2-stack gas(3) to the lid gas(5),using 4-BOLT M6X20(B) and 4-NUT M6 FLANGEL LOCK(H) to fixed .Then attach the thermometer(4) to the lid gas(5).Last attach the

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 20

A A A As s s ss s s se e e em m m mb b b blllly y y y IIIIn n n ns s s st t t tr r r ru u u uc c c ct t t tiiiio o o on n n ns s s s S S S St t t te e e ep p p p 2 2 2 23 3 3 3: : : : Put the lid gas(5) and lid charcoal(6) upon the grill body . Using “R”PIN(I) and PIN Roll(K) to fixed the Hinges body(13) and bottom(14). S St te ep p 2 24 4: : S St te ep p 2 24 4: : Put the 3-burner(10) into the left side of grill body,then use BOLT M4X8 (A) to fixed. As showen below. 20

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