Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
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C i n e m a t o g r a p h e r’ s
Field Guide
© Eastman Kodak Company, 2000
ISBN 0-87985-749-8
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 97-77797
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 2 Cinematographer’s Field Guide Seventh Edition, November 2000 © Eastman Kodak Company, 2000 ISBN 0-87985-749-8 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 97-77797
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033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 3 C O N T E N T S Page No. I N T R O D U C T I O N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i v K O D A K MOTION PICTURE CAMERA FILMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M P F - 1 I n t ro d u c t i o n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M P F - 1 Color T e m p e r a t u re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M P F - 2 KODAK Motion Picture Camera Films. . . . . . . . M P F - 4 Film Data (for each camera f
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033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 4 I N T R O D U C T I O N This pocket-sized publication provides up-to-date and easy- to-use information about all K O D A K Motion Picture Camera Films and several important related subjects. We designed the book to help you choose and order the right films for your needs, and to help you use the films most e ffectively. The guide is divided into five major sections for easy re f e re n c e : Motion Picture Camera Films Filter Inform a t i o n Tips and T e c h n
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033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 5 u n d e re x p o s u re latitude, wider speed ranges, and impro v e- ments in grain structure, sharpness, continuous-tone r e p roduction, and color saturation. An edge-numbering system for all K O D A K M o t i o n P i c t u re Camera Films features both electronic- and o p e r a t o r- read characters. The digital numbers, called EASTMAN KEYKODE Numbers, are in the form of a m a c h i n e - readable barcode. This feature opens up the potential for automate
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033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 7 K O D A K MOTION PICTURE CAMERA FILMS I n t ro d u c t i o n This section provides pertinent information about all c u r rently available K O D A K Motion Picture Camera Films. For information on future film updates, see page 40. A quick re f e rence chart of all the films is on page MPF-4. Page r e f e rences for the individual fi l m - i n f o rm a t i o n sheets as they appear in this guide are included at the right of the chart. The detailed descriptions
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033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 8 Technical Infor m a t i o n For technical information in the United States, call the Kodak Information Center (KIC), 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Eastern time), Monday through Friday, at 1 (800) 242-2424. In Canada, call 1 (800) 465-6325, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ( E a s t e rn time). Outside the United States and Canada, contact Kodak or a distributor in your country. A Note on T-Stops and F-Stops When discussing lens aperture size, c
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033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 9 wavelength-by-wavelength comparison of film sensitivity and spectral output of the lamp can determine the exact filters re q u i red to balance the light to the film r e s p o n s e . K O D A K Motion Picture Films have a photographic latitude that makes it unnecessary to use unusual fi l t r a t i o n , except for special visual effects. Filter recommendations in this publication, for most normal photography, are capable of producing excellent-quality pictures
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033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 10 KODAK Motion Picture Camera Films Code No. Exposure Index (DIN) See Film Name Tungsten 35 mm 16 mm super 8 Type Daylight Page (3200 K) 12 (12) with EASTMAN EXR 50D 5245 7245 — Color Negative 50 (18) KODAK WRATTEN MPF-6 Gelatin Filter No. 80A 64 (19) with EASTMAN EXR 100T 5248 7248 — Color Negative KODAK WRATTEN 100 (21) MPF-8 Gelatin Filter No. 85 125 (22) with KODAK VISION 200T 5274 7274 — Color Negative KODAK WRATTEN 200 (24) MPF-10 Gelatin Filter No. 85 1
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033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 11 KODAK Motion Picture Camera Films Code No. Exposure Index (DIN) See Film Name Tungsten 35 mm 16 mm super 8 Type Daylight Page (3200 K) 12 (12) with EASTMAN EXR 50D 5245 7245 — Color Negative 50 (18) KODAK WRATTEN MPF-6 Gelatin Filter No. 80A 64 (19) with EASTMAN EXR 100T 5248 7248 — Color Negative KODAK WRATTEN 100 (21) MPF-8 Gelatin Filter No. 85 125 (22) with KODAK VISION 200T 5274 7274 — Color Negative KODAK WRATTEN 200 (24) MPF-10 Gelatin Filter No. 85 1
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033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 12 COLOR NEGATIVE FILM 50D ™ ™ 5 2 4 5 / 7 2 4 5 (35 mm, 65 mm/16 mm) EASTMAN EXR 50D Fi l m Daylight EI 50 (18) E x p o s u re Indexes and Filters K O D A KC a m e r a E x p o s u r e Light Source F i l t e r s Index (DIN) Tungsten 3000 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 12 (12) No. 80A Tungsten 3200 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 12 (12) No. 80A Tungsten Photoflood 3400 K WRATTEN Gelatin 12 (12) No. 80A Daylight 5500 K No n e 50 (18) Metal Halide H.M.I. N o n e 50 (18
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033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 13 5 2 45/ 7 2 4 5 Process: ECN-2 U s e : E A S T M A N EXR 50D Film 5245/7245 is a camera film intended for general motion picture production. The wide exposure latitude of this negative film makes it especially suitable for outdoor photography under normal daylight conditions. General Pr o p e r t i e s : EASTMAN EXR 50D Film 5 2 4 5/7245 is balanced for daylight. The emulsion contains a colored-coupler mask to achieve excellent color r e p roduction in p
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033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 14 COLOR NEGATIVE FILM 100T ™ ™ 5 2 4 8 / 7 2 4 8 (35 mm, 65 mm/16 mm) E A S T M A N EXR 100T Film Tungsten EI 100 (21) E x p o s u re Indexes and Filters K O D A KC a m e r a E x p o s u r e Light Source F i l t e r s Index (DIN) Tungsten 3000 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 64 (19) No. 82B Tungsten 3200 K N o n e 100 (21) Tungsten Photoflood 3400 K N o n e 100 (21) Daylight 5500 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 64 (19) No. 85 Metal Halide H.M.I. W R A T T E NG e l a
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033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 15 5248/7248 P rocess: E C N - 2 Use: E A S T M A N EXR 100T Film 5248/7248 is intended for general motion picture production. The wide e x p o s u re latitude of this negative film makes it especially suitable for indoor and outdoor photography under a wide variety of conditions. General Properties: E A S T M A N EXR 100T Film 5248/7248 is a medium-speed film balanced for tungsten light and for daylight with appropriate filters. The emulsion contains a colore
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033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 16 COLOR NEGATIVE FILM VISION 200T ™ ™ 5 2 7 4 / 7 2 7 4 (35 mm, 65 mm/16 mm) KODAK VISION 200T Color Negative Film Tungsten EI 200 (24) E x p o s u re Indexes and Filters K O D A KC a m e r a E x p o s u r e Light Source F i l t e r s Index (DIN) Tungsten 3000 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22) No. 82B Tungsten 3200 K N o n e 200 (24) Tungsten Photoflood 3400 K N o n e 200 (24) Daylight 5500 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22) No. 85 Metal Halide H.M.I. W
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033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 17 5274/7274 P rocess: E C N - 2 Use: KODAK VISION 200T Color Negative Film 5 2 7 4/7274 features very high sharpness, fine grain, accurate flesh-to-neutral r e p roduction, and wide under- and over - e x p o s u re latitude for indoor or outdoor photog- raphy. Enhanced shadow detail provides crisp, rich blacks. General Properties: KODAK VISION 200T Color Negative Film 5274/7274 is a medium-speed film balanced for tungsten light. It cuts seamlessly with other Ko
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033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 18 COLOR NEGATIVE FILM 200T ™ ™ 5 2 9 3 / 7 2 9 3 (35 mm, 65 mm/16 mm) E A S T M A N EXR 200T Film Tungsten EI 200 (24) E x p o s u re Indexes and Filters K O D A KC a m e r a E x p o s u r e Light Source F i l t e r s Index (DIN) Tungsten 3000 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22) No. 82B Tungsten 3200 K N o n e 200 (24) Tungsten Photoflood 3400 K N o n e 200 (24) Daylight 5500 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22) No. 85 Metal Halide H.M.I. W R A T T E NG e l
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033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 19 5293/7293 Use: EASTMAN EXR 200T Color Negative Film 5 2 9 3/7293 is intended for general motion picture p roduction. The wide exposure latitude of this negative film makes it especially suitable for indoor and outdoor photography under a wide variety of conditions. General Properties: EASTMAN EXR 200T Color Negative Film 5293/7293 is a medium-speed film balanced for tungsten light and for daylight with appro- priate filters. The emulsion contains a color e d -
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033text_c 1/16/02 11:07 AM Page 20 COLOR NEGATIVE FILM SFX 200T (35 mm) KODAK SFX 200T Color Negative Film Tungsten EI 200 (24) E x p o s u re Indexes and Filters K O D A KC a m e r a E x p o s u r e Light Source F i l t e r s * Index (DIN) Tungsten 3000 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22) No. 82B Tungsten 3200 K N o n e 200 (24) Tungsten Photoflood 3400 K N o n e 200 (24) Daylight 5500 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22) No. 85 Metal Halide H.M.I. W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22) No. 8