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SECTION 4 : RECOROING 1 4-6. Postroll Time Settino 4-7. Copyino Tracks The DA-38 is factory preset to play for 3 seconds after The DA-38 has a track matrix and you can assign any dropping out of record. You can change the time up to 59 sources (tracks or inputs as discussed below) to any loca- minutes 59 seconds at a menu, in 1 second steps. tions, that is, to any tracks. So, for instance, you can record input 1 on track 2 and copy track 8 to track 5, simultaneously. Out Point - Here
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SECTlON4: RECORDING (1) Copying in Stereo Pairs 5 Now, let’s proceed with source track selection. As an example, let’s copy tracks 3 and 4 to tracks 5 and 6 Each time you press the A key, the rightmost display will change in sequence, like this (” t ” for input, and in stereo. “t ” for track) : The V key generates them in reverse order. Since track 3 is one of the source tracks in our exam- ple, have the display show “t 3”, like this : 9 18 46 1 Press SHIFT and the associated LED will
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SECTION 4 : RECORDING (2) DA-38 example, M’s 2 1 9 8 275 . a &vo system. necessary, 6 2 the A and V Section (Remember, the are ‘inputs’ the l connect the the optional PW- 88D dubbing you the A the rightmost display sequence, for and ” for : WARNING The 7 key genera& reverse 1 the DIGITAL the The indicator DIGITAL the display. l you the A the V key and the the display switched the default @4w selection t our example). l 2 the The associated LED blinking all the function ar
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SECTlON4: RECOROING (3) Using the Track Copy Capability as a Patch 5 Select input 2 (the source to record on track 1 in our example) by means of the A and 7 keys. Bay The track copy capability allows you to select sources and Each time you press the A key, the rightmost display tracks to record on, so you can record a specific input to will change in secluence like this (” S” for input, and any tracks without going to the trouble of repatching the “t ” for track) : input. , ;-,2-(._)- ,T
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SECTlON4: RECORDING (5) Track Copy Settings Backed Up (4) To Switch Off the Track Copy Mode Your settings for track copy are automatically saved to a backup memory and are not erased when turning off 23 power : they become the default. Also, if you press and hold the TRK COPY key (for 1 second or more), the display will show the current track copy settings as follows : Display Setting for l T%e tens of hours column Track I Track 2 l The units of hours column Track 3 l The tens of
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 20
SECTION 4 : RECORDING Access the dither n~enu by pressing MENU as many 2 1 4-8. Ditherina the Re-wantization Noise 1 times as necessary, which looks like “d t k h. off “. The DA-38 has a 18 bit A/D converter, a quantim for Press either the A or the V key and the “0 f F ” will 3 changing analog data into its digital equivalent, change to “0 n “. The DA-38 can also receive digital data of up to 24 bits, but it records and plays using I6 bit patterns, which means that it is necessary to
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TEAC Professional Division
Digital Multitrack
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
SECTION1 : Thank you for the TASCAM DA-38 Digital Multitrack The DA-38 a product the the successful DA-88 and w&designed the needs video/film production, production, project and the Among the DA-38 are the : 0 Menu-selectable machine JD, pre-/postroll time, and l Syncing units for 128 l Syncing the DA-88 0 Can clock 0 for rocking . Z-point autolocator without preroll 0 Trial punch and out l punch and out l Track delay correct the timing discrepan- between 0 Digital between DA-3
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3
SECTION 1 : INTRODUCTION I Table of Contents I Section 6 : Convolling the DA-36 from Menus.. .... 8 * 1 Important Safety Precautions .......................................... 2 8.1. General.. .......................................................... 8 . 1 8.2. Using the built-in oscillator.. ........................... 8 * 2 Safety Instructions ........................................................... 3 8.3. Initializing the backup memory ...................... 8 * 3 8.4. Selecting a
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SECTlON3: FORMATTINGATAPE Audio can be recorded while formatting a tape (discussed l Unless you perform the next step (5) within five later). But it’s wise of you to format the tape from the seconds, the formatting mode is disabled and the beginning all the way to the end before recording audio. FORMAT indicator turns off. Should this occur, press the FORMAT/Fs witch again, The tape formatting process writes sub-code data such as 7 0 ABS time and satup data such as ATF (Automatic Track
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5
SECTION 3 : FORMATTING A TAPE 4 Enter the desired machine ID number by pressing the 1 1 3-2. Real-time. Simultaneous Tane Format A and V keys. In some cases, when recording a live concert using multi- l Enter ” /” on the DA-38 you intend to use as the ple DA-38s for instance, you may want to format tapes master machine. while at the same time you record audio on them, for later master/slave sync play. 0 Enter other numbers (“2 ” to ” \ 6 “) on each of the slave DA-38s. I 481 IMPORT
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SECTION 3 : FORMATTING A TAPE 12 Put the tracks to record on into Record Ready mode by pressing the tracks’ associated REC FUNCTION switches, Their LEDs will start blitiing. 13 On the master DA-38, hold RECORD and press PLAY, and botb the audio recording process and the tape formatting process will start on all the DA-38s (RECORD LED lit). When the end of the tapes is reached, they will auto- matically rewind, stopping at “~6!~~~ c:c “. IMPORTANT f0 Press the FORMAT switch once more o
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7
SECTlON4: RECORDING This section of the manual provides information on basic 2 In%17 a pre-fomatted new Hi8 tape into each DA-38. recording procedures, punch-in/out procedure and others. While the tape is being loaded the display will show f!..Lgflol__u, 4-1. Recording Analog Input (basic operation) IMPORTANT NOTICES There are three ways to start recording. Use whichever l The DA-36 is designed to operate on/y with Hi8 one is most suitable to you. video cassette tapes You cannot use a
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SECTlON4: RECOROING (2) REC FUNCTION-triggered Recording Suggestion : Each time you start recording, that point is automatically stored into nwnory, erasing the previous one. You can prognzm the DA-38 to punch in l For the hookup, refer to a diagram shown in Section l if at that point, as discussed later, psgs 4 - 7, paragraph necessary. -, (4). l Understand the Important Notices on the previous page. 7 To tenninate recording, press STOP. 0 Adjust the mixer’s level controls or the out
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4 : RECOROING (3) Footswitch-controlled Recording Recording you are recording alone and are too busy playing The procedure similar that for Recording instrument push the switches, the use the with these exceptions : footswitch l Press the DIGITAL switch. The indicator DIGITAL This recording especially for will light the and out record. The dare explained under the 0 the most the DA-38 referenced the same clock the unit, : 0 Plug the clock from the unit into the WORD SYNC jack the
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SECTION 4 : RECORDING Rehearsal 1 4-3. Punch In/Out Editing I This section of the manual provides information on rehearsal or trial punch in/out and actual punch in/out procedures. Quite often, it becomes apparent that the recorded mater- ial contains a mistake or could be improved. One obvious way to correct this problem is to x-record the entire track, but, if the mistake is minor, this is not practical or neces- sary. You can use the technique known as Punch-in or Insert recording
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SECTlON4: RECOROING 6 When the point where yo” want to punch out of (2) Setting Punch In and Out Points record is reached, press PLAY. You cm set the punch in and o”t points in my of three ways : That point is saved to memory ; and the RHSL LED that was blinking glows solid to show that the “nit is now in Rehearsal mode,, A. Perform a trial punch-in recording in Reheaal mode, as explained above. B. Key in the desired points at men”s in Rehearsal mode. C. Perform a normal recording (as
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SECTiON4: RECORDING l When no period in any column is blinking, the hours, minutes, seconds and frame number change all at once as you press the A or the V key. l Toclearthedisplay to”~~~~~~~~“,hold~e V or the A key and press the other. . You can enter any time from zero up to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds, 33 frames. ” u s F 3 Press MEMO I and the display will momentarily read 7 To exit the punch in/out point setting mode, press like this before indicating the current punch in poi
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SECTlON4: RECOROING Autolocation (3) Auto Punch In and Out 0 Pressing the LOC I key autolocates the tape to a point 5 When you perform the following steps, the original take is seconds (or user selected time) lower than the punch in permanently lost.. Repeat the rehearsal until yoke are sure point. your performance and the in/out points are correct. 0 Pressing the LOC 2 key autolocates the tape to a point 5 The DA-38 has an Auto punch in/out function and it drops seconds (or user sele
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14
SECTION 4 : RECOROING 1 4-4. Crossfade Time Setting 1 4-5. Preroll Time Setting I Seamless punch in and out of record is ensured by a The DA-38 is factory preset to offer 5 seconds of preroll crossfade action which is factory preset to 10 millisec- up to punch in points. You can change the time up to S9 onds. You can change this time up to 90 ms at a menu, in minutes 59 seconds, in 1 second steps, if you want to, as 10 ins steps. Pm Point In Point ‘U Preroll Time 1 Press SHIFT and the