Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1
6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7 K X \U VGD DQ -X DU \ $ 0
Introduction 2
Preliminary knowledge 5
Getting started 13
Basic operations 17
MODE PHONIC CANCEL RETURN Advanced operations 20
4 56
7 89
10 0 +10
Initial settings 35
4 SKIP ¢
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2
6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7 K X U\ VGD QD -X DU \ $ 0 Warnings, Cautions and Others CAUTION: IMPORTANT for the U.K. • Do not block the ventilation openings or holes. DO NOT cut off the mains plug from this equipment. If the plug (If the ventilation openings or holes are blocked by a newspaper or fitted is not suitable for the power points in your home or the cloth, etc., the heat may not be able to get out.) cable is too short to reach a power point, then obtain an • Do not place
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3
6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7 K X U\ VGD QD -X DU \ $ 0 Introduction shsh EngliEngli Table of Contents sh Engli T o l o cate a d esi red sc ene b y s pec ifyi n g th e c ha pter sh Engli number C[ HAP .S ER ]CH ...................................................... 22 Introduction P age 2 T o l o cate a d esi red p o sit io n i n ht e c urren t titl e or track ... ..... ...... ..... 2 ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... atures ...... Fe ..... ...... ..... .... [TIME SE AR CH] .
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4
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RM-SXVB40A REMOTE CONTROL 4 7 1 PREVIOUS CLEAR SLOW– TITLE DISPLAY 3 HQ J I P 3 JD H ) UL \G D QD -X DU \ $ 0 Introduction Features Supplied accessories eo /vid Audio le ab c (x 1) Picture functions 7 obe St r f unct ion he T nit u an c play dis e nin uous ontin c till s sr
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5
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6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7 K X \U VGD DQ X- DU \ $ 0 Introduction shsh EngliEngli About this instruction manual sh Engli sh Engli s Thi tion struc in nual ma ally ic bas s plain ex ions perat o as ows: foll To playback in random order [RANDOM] These symbols indicate the types You can play titles or tracks on discs inserted in random of discs which the order by using the Random function. operation can be used for. Introduction OPEN STAN
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6
6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7 K X U\ VGD QD -X DU \ $ 0 Inoduc tr ti no Notes on handling Important cautions Safety precautions tion talla Ins of the unit oid v A e, ur t ois m r e at w and t dus t elec S a ce pla h wc ih s i l, ve el dry and her neit too hot Do t no ce pla the nit u n i st moi r o ty dus . es lac p o o o o r no too old c n (betwee 5 Cand 53 C, 41 F and 95 F). ve ea L nt icie f f su nce sta di twen bee e ht it un d an the . TV oid v A gh s e r e oD ot n e us
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7
6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7 K X U\ VGD QD X- DU \ $ 0 Preliminary knowledge shsh EngliEngli Names of parts and controls sh Engli sh Engli fer e R to the ding pon res cor s page d ate indic ni () for ls. etai d Front panel 1 STANDBY indicator 3 Remote sensor 5 0 (OPEN/CLOSE) button 2 STANDBY/ON 4 Disc tray button DVD/CD PLAYER knowledge STANDBY ryPrelimina OPEN/CLOSE 0 DVD/VIDEO CD/CD STANDBY ON SKIP STOP PLAY PAUSE 4 ¢
DOLBY 7 38 D I G I T A L 6 Display window 0 8 (PAU
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8
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6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7 K X \U VGD DQ -X DU \ $ 0 P reli m in ary kn ow led g e Remote control unit ! Infrated signal-emitting window @ STANDBY/ON button 1 OPEN/CLOSE button OPEN STANDBY/ON /CLOSE PLAY 3D # RETURN button 2 PLAY MODE button MODE PHONIC CANCEL RETURN 3 3D PHONIC button $ CANCEL button 123 4 56 owledgekn y 4 Numeric button Preliminar 7 89 % THEATER POSITION + 10 0 10 button 5 ANGLE button THEATER ANGLE SUB
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9
6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7 K X U\ VGD QD -X DU \ $ 0 Prel im i nary kn o wl edg e shsh EngliEngli 1 OSE N OPE/CL on t ut b ) 7 (1 ! ed r a nfr I ting mit al-e ign s w o ind w O pen s and c ol se s th e di sc . t ra y io tn P t hi s w i ndo w t owar d the r em o te s ens or on t he f r ont sh Engli pna le when pressing tonsbut. 2 Y LA P O DEM on t but , (22 , 26 , 27 ) 28 Dis pl ay s an no -s cr een d is pl ay f or c ont ro ll i ng th e sh Engli @ Y/O N ANDB T S no t but ) 7 (1 a
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10
6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7 K X U\ VGD QD -X DU \ $ 0 P reli m in ary kn ow led g e Display window 1 Disc indicator 3 Repeat mode indicators 2 Title/chapter/ track indicators VCDVD TITLE TRACK CHAP 1 A-B PROGRAM RANDOM 5 Multi-information window 4 PROGRAM/RANDAM indicators 1 sc Di ro t ca indi 4 ROGRAM/RAND OMP ors at indic In di cat es t he t yp e of t he di s c set in t he s el ec te d . t r ay eTh aprp ria po te ni id tac ro illuminates w ile h th e inu t i s i n Wh en tis
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11
6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7 K X U\ VGD QD -X DU \ $ 0 Prel im i nary kn o wl edg e shsh EngliEngli Operational Principles sh Engli sh Engli On-screen displays The t uni ides v pro ral eve s n ree n-sc o . ys pla dis With ome s s, play dis uo y n ca t se or t ec sel s nce refere p or s, tion func wle hi e th er oth s r ae . y -onl y pla dis Opening displays The ng Openi lay isp d ar appe s ally tic utoma a in ome s . ons nditi co Opening display At the m, to bot e th lowing fol ti
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 12
6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7K X UVGD\ Q -XD U D\ $ 0 P reli m in ary kn ow led g e Play mode displays ing ress P the Y PLA MODE ton ut b rings b up the lay p While stopped During DVD VIDEO playback e mod ay spl id n i h whic you n ca ontrol c k bac play DVD CONTROL s. tion func REPEAT PROGRAM RANDOM REPEAT A-B REPEAT TIME SEARCH CHAP. SEARCH nt fere Dif ys pla dis ar ppe a ng ndi depe on e th c dis pe ty nd a the s unit . tus sta During Audio CD playback During Video CD playback
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 13
6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7K X UVGD\ Q -XD U D\ $ 0 Prel im i nary kn o wl edg e shsh EngliEngli On-screen guide icons sh Engli During DV D DO IVE k, bac play you may e se ons ci de y pla dis r ve o the re. ictu p e hes T ave h sh Engli the wg folloni gs. anin me : de y pla Dis t a the ng inni beg of a ne ce s ed cord re from tiple mul . les ang ee (S page .) 29 : ed y pla Dis t a the ng inni beg of a ne ce s ed cord re with ple multi udio a . es guag lan ee (S age p .) 31 : de
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14
6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7K X UVGD\ Q -XD U D\ $ 0 P reli m in ary kn ow led g e About discs Playable disc types le yab Pla nd a ble aya on-pl n c dis pes ty are as :w sfollo Playable discs ioio AudAud CDCD CD-RCD-R DVDV DD VIDEOVIDEO deodeo ii VV CDCD WW CD-RCD-R e Th D V D VIDEO ogo L is a ark. dem tra CD-R dn a W CD-R cs dis d orde rec with e th dio au CD format n ca be pl , k c ab hgu hto y ma n be pl k c ba knowledge use ca be of e th sc id tics teris rac ha c or ng cord
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 15
3 HQ J I P 3 DJ H ) UL GD\ DQ X- U D\ $ 0 Getting started shsh EngliEngli Connections sh Engli sh Engli *In the gw infollo , ription sc de V T ay m e b d titute ubs s with itor mon r o . or ect proj fore *Be g sin u the , unit you e hav to t nnec co e ht it un to a TV r nd/o a . r lifie amp Before making any connections Do ot n ct onne c he t C A power ord c until all ther o tions ec onn c ve ha been de. ma e Sinc nt fere dif nents ompo c n te of ve ha n
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 16
6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7K X UVGD\ Q -XD U D\ $ 0 G etti n g starte d To connect to a TV with the SCART connector uo Y n ac joy en ng usi the it un by ply sim ting nec con it to your ion is elev t et s w ith a -pin 1 2 T SCAR ble. ac o T ar he dio au und so w ith r te bet , lity qua ct nne co e th udio a t outpu to our y udio a t. pmen equi SCART cable (not supplied) The unit DIGITAL OUT VIDEO OUT PCM / STREAM AV COMPU LINK VIDEO OUT COAXIAL OPTICAL AV Y/C COMP. RIGHT LEFT VID
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 17
6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7K X UVGD\ Q -XD U D\ $ 0 G etti n g starte d shsh EngliEngli To connect to an audio amplifier or receiver sh Engli ou Y n ca joy en ity qual high- udio a by ting nec con the nit’s u dio au utput o to our y er plifi am or . eir recve sh Engli The unit DIGITAL OUT PCM / STREAM AV COMPU LINK VIDEO OUT COAXIAL OPTICAL AV Y/C COMP. RIGHT LEFT S-VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO OUT AUDIO OUT Amplifier or receiver Red White IN White LEFT AUDIO RIGHT Red Audio cable (not su
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 18
6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7K X UVGD\ Q -XD U D\ $ 0 G etti n g starte d To connect the power cord n Whe l la the ideo io/v aud s tion nec con ave h n bee de, am t er ins the r alle sm g plu of e th ied uppl s C A row ep r cod ot e th s t uni C A IN , tor nnec co then t er ins the r othe end to the l la w let. out Mak e er us t tha gs plu are d te r nse i . ly firm The Y ANDB T S r ato indic ts ligh dn a p etu s is ted. mple co arning W t nec con Dis the power ord c f i you ar
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 19
6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7K X UVGD\ Q XD- U D\ $ 0 Basic operations In eh t llowing of tion, crip des the tons but on the remote ontrol c unit er a ainly m ed, us , er howev ou y ay m se u the shsh EngliEngli g ndin spo re r co ns to but on e th t fron el pan f o the unit if ble. aila av sh Engli Turning on/off the unit sh Engli ress P Y/ON A NDB T S on he t mote re trol con it un or ssr pe on e ht front el. pan DVD/CD PLAYER STANDBY OPEN/CLOSE 0 DVD/VIDEO CD/CD STANDBY ON OPEN
Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 20
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6 (1*ERRN 3DJ H 7K X UVGD\ Q DX- U D\ $ 0 B asic o p eratio n s Basic playback Now you n ca y pla a c. dis Fir st, s let oy enj le imp s k ac layb p rding co ac to lowing fol dure. roce p To start playback Press 3. The t uni st r sta k ac layb p from the ning. begi ES T NO W h en ht e resu m e po i tn i s m em oed ,riz p ress in g 3 ts star k p layb ac fro m th at po i tn i n stead DIGEST ZOOM of th e b eg inning. ee S p ag e 9 1 and 83. Ba