Bedienungsanleitung Sound Performance Lab Parametric Equalizer

Bedienungsanleitung für das Gerät Sound Performance Lab Parametric Equalizer

Gerät: Sound Performance Lab Parametric Equalizer
Kategorie: DJ-Anlage
Produzent: Sound Performance Lab
Größe: 0.5 MB
Datum des Hinzufügens: 3/18/2014
Seitenanzahl: 27
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Sound Performance Lab Parametric Equalizer Handbuch - Online PDF
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Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1

parametric equalizer
©1994 SPL electronics GmbH

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2

OPTIMIZER Owner´s Manual: Operation, Applications, Measurements, Specifications Written by Paul White and Hermann Gier Manual version 1.1/94 The information in this document has been carefully checked and is assumed to be correct. However Sound Performance Laboratory (SPL electronics GmbH) reserves the right to modify the product described in this manual at any time. This document is the property of SPL electronics GmbH and may not be copied or reproduced in any manner, in part or full without t

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3


Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4

I IN NT TR RO OD DU UC CT TI IO ON N Congratulations on purchasing the Optimizer, one of the most advanced and musical sounding parametric equalizer currently available. The Optimizer is a highly specialized and creative equali- The OPTIMIZER is zer. In addition to familiar parametric functions, it features designed for both corrective and creative a range of modes that enable it to perform Band-pass, High- applications, producing pass, Low-pass and Notch filtering. As you would expect effect

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5

changing the filter settings. When broadening the band- width, the boost or cut will be reduced proportionally, so that the subjectively perceived loudness remains constant. The proportional-Q principle operates according to the way our hearing system perceives sound. With constant-Q equalizers there is often only a limited range of useable settings. Sometimes this is so narrow, you may wonder why the Q-control was not permanently fixed at the point it sounds really good. Above that position it

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6

I IN NT TR RO OD DU UC CT TI IO ON N addition each filter is equipped with a notch-filter. Selecting the Notch mode overrides the mode switch selector. So com- The depth of the Notch is in excess of 60dB plex combinations of filter types can be used in the same sig- nal path. For example, a parametric filter could be combi- ned with a High- and Low-pass and Notch filter. When working in Notch, Band-pass, High-Pass or Low- Pass modes, you have a choice of roll-off characteristics which greatly e

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7

tion as each filter is added to the signal path. The Optimizer I IN NS ST TA AL LL LA AT TI IO ON N overcomes this fault by using controllable all active output stages resulting in a significantly improved phase response, even when all four filters are linked up. The Output control allows level adjustments to compensate for level changes due to dramatic boost or cut adjustments. The Optimizer is designed for standard 19” rack moun- C C O ON NN NE EC CT TO OR RS S ting and occupies 2U of rack s

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8

I IN NS ST TA AL LL LA AT TI IO ON N ce is not driving Optimizer´s filters sufficiently with the pro- P PO OW WE ER R S SU UP PP PL LY Y viso that the Peak LED on the front panel is not continually flashing. This will achieve equalization at a lower signal level and will result in a more intensely processed sound. Note: this level change also effects the signal when the filters are in bypass, so you will loose direct comparability as the listening level changes. A Ground Lift switch is provi- d

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9

R RE EA AR R P PA AN NE EL L Input- & output specifications XLR - balanced: Inputs: Electronically balanced (differential) transformerless Impedance: = 20kOhms Nominal input level: +6dB Input level selector: HIGH (0dB) LOW(-10dB) Maximum input level: +22dBm Input peak: LED indica- tes potential peak 3dB before actual clipping. Outputs: Electronically balanced (differential) transformerless Impedance: < 75 Ohms Nominal output level: +6dB Minimum load ohms: 600 Ohms Connectors: Type: Neutrik N

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10

PARAMETRIC SET-UP: To use the Optimizer as a dual- S SE ET T- -U UP P & & channel, parametric equalizer proceed as follows:  Set all filters to PARAMETRIC A AP PP PL LC CA AT TI IO ON NS S  Set to DUAL mode and ensure MASTER BYPASS is out.  Use filter ACTIVE control to set up one equalizer sec- tion at a time.  Select appropriate frequency range for each filter.  Set Q initially to midway point. SETTING UP PROCEDURE: When trying to locate the pre- For precise location of the fre- quency

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11

ons as a general studio equalizer, it is particularly effective at treating stereo programme material - either at the mixing The Optimizer can produce results as dramatic as sub- stage or during post-production. The special characteristics bass synths or harmonic of the Optimizer allow you to add weight and punch to the generators, but without side effects. bass end of a mix or to lift harmonic detail out of the top end of a mix, without inadvertently adding harshness or muddiness to the sound.

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 12

Start C CO ON NT TR RO OL LS S positions: Peak-LED illu- minates 3dB before clip- ping F FR RO ON NT T P PA AN NE EL L Freq. range (1. or 4. Boost/cut band) (+/-)/ Roll-off (0) Filter mode Bandwidth switch choose (1) parametric The OPTIMIZER is equipped with four filter bands which can be used eit- her in a 4-band mono or dual 2-band stereo configuration. Dual depress for stereo applications Frequency (center) All controls and switch func- tions are incorporated into each of the four filter

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 13

All four channels of the Optimizer are identical. The cen- D DU UA AL L trally mounted Dual switch selects between stereo 2-band and mono 4-band operation. In Dual mode, a green status LED illuminates. For use with stereo signals such as complete mixes or sub-mixes, the Optimizer should be switched to In mono mode the signal is Dual mode and both sets of channel controls set to the same routed from output 2 to the position. Equalizers 1 and 2 work as a pair as do 3 and 4. input of 3, this places

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14

C CO ON NT TR RO OL LS S The Boost/Cut control (+/-) is has two functions depen- B BO OO OS ST T/ /C CU UT T ding on the mode you are working in. If the rotary switch is set to Parametric, the control acts as a conventional & & Boost/Cut control providing a range of plus or minus 12dB. R RO OL LL L- -O OF FF F In Notch, Band-pass, High-Pass or Low-Pass modes, the control determines the roll-off characteristics of the filter res- ponse. The Boost/Cut controls has In the fully anti-clockwise posit

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 15

B BA AN ND DW WI ID DT TH H The Q control sets the bandwidth of the Parametric, Notch or Band-Pass filters. In the context of the High and " "Q Q" " Low-Pass settings, the Q control influences the cut-off cha- racteristics of the filter. Q is variable from 1.5 to 0.2. The Q is set to "high Q" (1.5) when turned fully counter clockwise. The influenced range covers approximately 0.75 octaves. Turning the Q control fully clockwise selects "low Q" values (0.2) covering approximately 5 octaves. The OP

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 16

C CO ON NT TR RO OL LS S F FR RE EQ QU UE EN NC CY Y & & F FR RE EQ Q.. R RA AN NG GE E The frequency control (Hz) varies the filter frequency over the range selected with the Frequency Range switches. The two Frequency Range switches are used in combina- tion to select four frequency ranges. The switch positions are shown clearly on the Optimizer’s front panel. The ranges There is a huge overlap in the are: frequency range to really allow you 1. 10Hz to 2.4kHz 2. 16Hz to 3.3kHz to zoom in.

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 17

Fig. 6: 3. frequency range from 34Hz to 7100Hz at +/-12dB The frequency control (Hz) will set the center-frequency Fig. 7: 4. frequency range from 112Hz to 23000Hz at +/-12dB when working in Parametric, Band-pass and Notch mode where-as in Low-pass mode it will determine the upper, and in High-pass the lower corner frequency. Below is a chart for pinpointing the exact frequencies. The scale has 11 marks. The center position (12 o´clock) is Chart for precise adjustment number 6: of frequenc

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 18

C CO ON NT TR RO OL LS S 10 2045,1 2990,7 6180,6 20185 O OU UT TP PU UT T 11 2380,5 3481,7 7096,3 21677 All frequencies in Hertz (Hz). The output control sets the output level of the filter sec- A unique feature is the indi- tion. You can adjust the gain from -80dB to +5dB. vidual filter output control. Output operates in all filter modes and can be used to You can set up the individual filter exactly, then feed in correct the signal level if the next equalizer section is being just the right

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 19

level changes due to dramatic boost or cut adjustments. N NO OT TC CH H T Th he e N No ot tc ch h f fi il lt te er r p pr ro ov vi id de es s a at tt te en nu ua at ti io on n o of f m mo or re e t th ha an n 6 60 0d dB B p pe er r f fi il lt te er r s st ta ag ge e.. I It t i is s v va ar ri ia ab bl le e i in n Q Q a an nd d r ro ol ll l- - o of ff f.. The Notch switch puts the filter into notch filter mode. It provides a deep cut of over 60dB which can be varied in fre- quenc

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 20

C CO ON NT TR RO OL LS S Fig. 11: Notch: Curve 1: Q = 1,5; Roll-Off = steep Curve 2: Q = 0,2; Roll-Off = steep Curve 3: Q = 1,5; Roll-Off = gentle Curve 4: Q = 0,2; Roll-Off = gentle a notch across the audio spectrum. A further creative use is to create a pseudo stereo image from a mono signal by split- ting the signal and applying different notches to each of the two channels. If these two channels are then panned left and right in the final mix, it creates an illusion of space. The

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