Texas Instruments Evaluation Module TVP5158 دليل المستخدم

دليل المستخدم للجهاز Texas Instruments Evaluation Module TVP5158

جهاز: Texas Instruments Evaluation Module TVP5158
فئة: أجزاء الكمبيوتر
الصانع: Texas Instruments
مقاس: 3.22 MB
مضاف: 11/16/2014
عدد الصفحات: 46
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ملخصات المحتويات
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1

TVP5158 Evaluation Module
User's Guide
Literature Number: SLEU108
November 2009

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2

2 SLEU108–November 2009 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3

1 Description ......................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 Functional Overview .................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Notational Conventions ................................................................................................. 6 2 Board Level Description ..................................................................................

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www.ti.com List of Figures 1 TVP5158 EVM Block Diagram ............................................................................................ 7 2 TVP5158EVM System Level Block Diagram............................................................................ 9 3 Location of TVP5158EVM Video/Audio Inputs ........................................................................ 11 4 TVP5158EVM Software Setup Wizard .............................................................................

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www.ti.com List of Tables 1 TVP5158EVM Jumper Descriptions...................................................................................... 8 2 Jumper Settings for Stand-Alone Configuration....................................................................... 11 3 Hardware Modifcation for I2S Audio to DM6467 ...................................................................... 12 4 Jumper Settings for DaVinci HD EVM as TVP5158 I2C Master ...................................................

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User's Guide SLEU108–November 2009 TVP5158 Evaluation Module 1 Description The TVP5158EVM evaluation module is a printed circuit board designed for evaluation of the TVP5158 Four-Channel PAL/NTSC Video Decoder. The TMS320DM6467 DVEVM (digital video evaluation module) can be used with the TVP5158EVM as a back-end video processor. This user guide outlines the necessary hardware and software setup required to provide full evaluation of the TVP5158. 1.1 Functional Overview TVP5158EVM is powered by a

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www.ti.com Board Level Description 2 Board Level Description Figure 1 shows the various features available on the TVP5158EVM. Figure 1. TVP5158 EVM Block Diagram 2.1 Analog Video/Audio Inputs The TVP5158EVM makes use of all the available inputs on the TVP5158 decoder, including four CVBS video inputs and four analog audio inputs. Connector J1 has four analog video (CVBS) inputs (yellow RCA jacks) and four analog audio inputs (white RCA jacks). 2.2 Analog Video/Audio Outputs The TVP5158EVM has a

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Board Level Description www.ti.com 2.3 Digital Video/Audio Outputs to DaVinci HD EVM The TVP5158EVM has two dedicated connectors which match the digital video/audio input connectors on the DaVinci HD EVM. Connector J9 includes a 16-bit video data bus (buffered data from DVO_A and DVO_B of TVP5158), OCLK_P, OCLK_N, I2C and interrupts. The connector J10 includes BCLK, LRCLK and SD_R/SD_M outputs from TVP5158. Samtec HQCD cables are required to connect TVP5158EVM digital video and audio signals to

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www.ti.com System Level Description Table 1. TVP5158EVM Jumper Descriptions (continued) Jumper Description of Function Default Designator Clock source selection W5 1-2 1-2: Crystal 2-3: Clock from another EVM for cascade mode I2C EEPROM W6 ON ON: Use EEPROM (MUST ALWAYS BE ON) W7 I2C SCL connection for audio DAC ON W8 I2C SDA connection for audio DAC ON I2S input selection for audio DAC W9 2-3 1-2: TVP5158 mixing output to audio DAC (SD_M) 2-3: TVP5158 record output to audio DAC (SD_R) 3 System

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Required Hardware and Equipment www.ti.com 4 Required Hardware and Equipment The required hardware and equipment are as follows: • Windows-based PC with Windows XP or later • Video sources (security camera, pattern generator, DVD player, etc.) • Display monitor that supports – 1080i component YPbPr video (50 and 60 Hz) – 480i and 576i component YPbPr video • Audio amplifier/speakers or headphones • TVP5158EVM (provided) – Cables to provide up to four composite video and up to four audio line inp

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www.ti.com Hardware Setup Video Inputs Audio Inputs CH2 CH4 CH2 CH4 CH1 CH3 CH1 CH3 Figure 3. Location of TVP5158EVM Video/Audio Inputs Table 2. Jumper Settings for Stand-Alone Configuration Jumper Function Setting Comment Designator TVP5158 I2C address W2, W1, W0 1-2, 1-2, 1-2 Slave address 0xB0 (1011 LLL0) selection W3, W4 I2C master selection 1-2, 1-2 PC USB port controls TVP5158 I2C W7, W8 I2C connection to audio DAC ON, ON Connected W9 I2S selection to audio DAC 2-3 or 1-2 Monitor record I2

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Hardware Setup www.ti.com 5.2.1 Additional Setup when DSP Processes Video Only In this configuration, digital video goes to the DaVinci HD EVM. Digital I2S audio goes to the TLV320DAC32 Audio DAC on the TVP5158EVM. Stereo audio output can then be taken from the TVP5158EVM headphone jack. Make the following additional connections: 1. Samtec HQCD ribbon cable from TVP5158EVM DaVinci Video connector to the DaVinci HD EVM DC_P2 Video Expansion connector. 2. TVP5158EVM headphone jack to audio amplifi

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www.ti.com Hardware Setup DaVinci HD EVM as TVP5158 I2C Master Table 4 describes the jumper settings to set the DaVinci HD EVM as I2C master for the TVP5158. In this case, the Linux application and driver software control the entire system. Audio can be output from the TVP5158EVM or from the DaVinci HD EVM. See Section 5.2.1 and Section 5.2.2 for audio configurations. Table 4. Jumper Settings for DaVinci HD EVM as TVP5158 I2C Master Jumper Function Setting Comment Designator TVP5158 I2C

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Software Installation www.ti.com Table 6. Jumper Settings for a Cascaded TVP5158EVM Jumper Function Setting Comment Designator W2, W1, W0 TVP5158 I2C address selection 1-2, 1-2, 2-3 Slave address 0xB2 (1011 LLH0) W3, W4 I2C master selection OFF, OFF Stage 1 TVP5158EVM controls TVP5158 I2C W7, W8 I2C connection to audio DAC OFF, OFF Disconnected W9 I2S selection to audio DAC 2-3 Not used 6 Software Installation If the TVP5158EVM Software has previously been installed on the PC, it is necessary to

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www.ti.com Software Installation Figure 5. Select Installation Folder Figure 6. Confirm Installation 15 SLEU108–November 2009 TVP5158 Evaluation Module Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated

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Software Installation www.ti.com Figure 7. Installation Complete 16 TVP5158 Evaluation Module SLEU108–November 2009 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated

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www.ti.com TVP5158EVM Evaluation Procedures 7 TVP5158EVM Evaluation Procedures 7.1 Stand-Alone Operation - Non-Interleaved Digital Video Output Modes The following is the procedure for evaluation of TVP5158 for non-interleaved modes. The digital video output from TVP5158 is converted to analog component YPbPr video using a THS8200 Video/PC Graphics Triple DAC: 1. Double-click the TVP5158EVM Software icon on the Windows desktop to start the VCC application. 2. The VCC Configuration dialog box app

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TVP5158EVM Evaluation Procedures www.ti.com Figure 9. Specifying Cascaded Devices Figure 10. USB Device Not Found Error Message Figure 11. Real-Time Polling Enable 18 TVP5158 Evaluation Module SLEU108–November 2009 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated

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www.ti.com TVP5158EVM Evaluation Procedures Figure 12. VCC Main Window - Set for Communication to All Decoders Figure 13. System Initialization for Analog Component YPbPr Video Output 7.2 Evaluation Using the DaVinci HD EVM 7.2.1 Setting DM6467 ARM and DDR2 Memory Clock Rates For maximum performance, in a system using DM6467 and TVP5158(s) in the line-interleaved video modes, the DM6467 clock frequencies should be set as specified in Table 7. Table 7. Recommended DM6467 Clock Frequencies ARM Clo

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TVP5158EVM Evaluation Procedures www.ti.com Since the DaVinci HD EVM is not packaged with the TVP5158, it is usually necessary to program its NAND flash memory to the recommended clock frequencies, as described by the following procedure: 1. Unzip the UBL_DM646x_NAND_675_324.zip archive file onto the PC’s local hard drive. Suggested location is C:\UBL 2. Connect a null MODEM 9-pin serial cable from the DaVinci HD EVM UART connector to the PC COM1 serial port. 3. Close any open program that is us

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