ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
User’s Manual / 使用手冊
Model: NST-D150SU-BK
www.vantecusa.com SATA to eSATA & USB2.0
All Registered Trademarks Belong To Their Respected Companies Copyright © 2010 Vantec Thermal Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. System Requirements 3 3. Specifications/Features 4 4. Installation 5 5. Removal 8 6. Driver Installation 10 Windows ME/2000/XP/VISTA 10 Windows 98SE 10 Mac OS 9.0 or later 11 Mac OS 8.6 11 7. Warranty 12 1
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傳輸方塊 2.5/3.5 吋雙用高速傳輸硬盤外接座 目錄 1. 產品敘述 13 2. 系統需求 13 3. 產品特色/規格 14 4. 產品裝置說明 15 5. 移除硬盤 18 6. 驅動程式安裝 20 Windows ME/2000/XP/VISTA 20 Windows 98SE 20 Mac OS 9.0 含以上 21 Mac OS 8.6 21 7. 聯絡我們 22 2
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1. Introduction The Vantec NexStar Hard Drive Dock is a complete and easy way to add or swap hard drives to your computer. It gives you the flexibility of connecting any SATA I/II hard drive to your compu- ter via USB 2.0 or eSATA connection without opening up your computer case or installing into an enclosure. Simply just insert any 2.5” or 3.5” SATA I/II hard drive into the NexStar Hard Drive Dock and you are ready to transfer, copy, or backup files. Quick and easy, the Vantec NexStar Hard
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3. Specifications Features: Package Includes: Install And Access Hard Drive in Seconds. NexStar® Hard Drive Dock Simple to Use Design; No Need to Add Enclosure or USB Cable Open Case. Power Adapter Eject Button for Easy Removal of Hard Drive. Power Cable Supports 2.5”/3.5” SATA I/II Hard Drive Up to 2TB.* User Manual Add Storage to Any System with USB or eSATA. CD Driver Plug & Play. Specifications: Attractive Blue LED Power & HDD Activity Light. Model : NST-D150SU-BK Transfer Rates Up to 48
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4. Installation 1. Connect the power adapter to the NexStar® Hard Drive Dock. 2. Connect the USB or eSATA Cable to the NexStar Hard Drive Dock and attach the other end to your computer. 5
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3. Insert 2.5” or 3.5” SATA HDD into the slot. 6
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3-1.When the eject button is upright, the NexStar® Hard Drive Dock is ready for use. 7
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5. Removal Warning, please push power button & turn off unit before removing the hard drive! 1. Remove the HDD safely from your computer system. 2. Push down the button to eject the HDD. (Stabilize the HDD with your hand). 8
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3. Remove the HDD from the Hard Drive Dock. 9
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6. Driver Installation Windows ME/2000/XP/VISTA No drivers are necessary when using Windows ME/2000/XP/VISTA. If the hard drive does not appear under My Computer, be sure to partition your hard drive. Windows 98SE 1. The first time you plug in the NexStar Hard Drive Dock into a USB port of your computer, the [Add New Hardware Wizard] dialog box will appear. 2. Click on [Next]. Check the [Search for the best driver for your device] and click on [Next] again. 3. Insert the device driver CD into yo
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Mac OS 9.0 or later No drivers are necessary when using Mac OS 9.0 above. If the hard drive does not appear on the desktop, be sure to partition your hard drive. Mac OS 8.6 1. Unplug the NexStar Hard Drive Dock if you currently have it connected. 2. USB Mass Storage Support 1.3.5 must be installed on your system. If it is not, you can download the USB Mass Storage Support 1.3.5 from the Apple Software Updates website: http://www.apple.com/support. 3. Follow the direction associated with the USB
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7. Warranty The NexStar® Hard Drive Dock comes with a 1 year limited warranty (90 day parts). If your unit become defective within that time frame, please go to http://www.vantecusa.com for information on how to receive warranty exchange or repair. Cosmetic defects and missing parts are not covered under this warranty. Please check the contents of the unit to make sure you receive all parts. Also, check for any cosmetic flaws. If any parts are missing or if there are cosmetic defects, Please con
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傳輸方塊 2.5/3.5 吋雙用高速傳輸硬盤外接座 1 . 產品敘述 凡達克科技為滿足外接式儲存週邊裝置使用的市場需求,正式推出「傳輸方塊-2.5/3.5吋雙用硬盤外接 座」。人性化的科技考量,減除繁瑣的硬盤安裝程序動作,資料傳輸及檔案交互備份快速又便利。 「傳輸方塊-2.5/3.5吋雙用硬盤外接座 」透過USB或eSATA介面傳輸,提供更靈活地連結外接裝置到您 的電腦,無論是2.5吋或3.5吋SATA裝置均可適用,不需繁瑣的安裝,直接將硬盤插入槽中即可使用,且 支援隨插即用熱插拔。產品內附電源供應器,便利供應裝置所需的獨立電源,讓您免除對於電源供應的 疑慮,同時滿足您求新求變與精進講究的功能使用需求。凡達克科技傳輸方塊絕對是您資料儲存的最佳 工具。 2 . 系統需求 Intel Pentium II 350 MHz-compatible 或Mac G3 processor 含以上 Microsoft Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP/VISTA 或MAC OS 8.6 含以上或Linux Kernel 2.4.18 含以上. 硬體配備支援USB及eSATA介面 USB2
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傳輸方塊 2.5/3.5 吋雙用高速傳輸硬盤外接座 3 . 產品特色/ 規格 產品特色: 包裝內附: 簡易插拔安裝設計,不需使用工具拆裝硬盤,迅速好用。 傳輸方塊-2.5/3.5吋雙用高速傳輸硬盤外接座 貼心退出鍵設計,輕易移除硬盤裝置不費力。 使用說明書 透過USB介面,可輕易連接儲存設備至任何電腦存取資料。 USB 傳輸線 藍光LED硬盤讀取/電源指示燈,可有效監控硬盤讀取動作。 eSATA 傳輸線 適用於市面上所有2.5/3.5吋SATA硬盤(支援SATA2向下相容 SATA到eSATA接頭連接檔板 SATA1硬盤)。 專用變壓器 USB傳輸介面符合USB 2.0標準規格,最高支援480Mbps傳輸 產品規格: 速度。 型號:NST-D150SU-BK eSATA傳輸介面,最高支援 3Gb/s 傳輸速度 支援硬盤裝置:SATA I/II 硬盤 經典時尚霧面黑色烤漆,極簡風格更勝別家。 硬盤裝置規格:2.5吋/3.5吋 隨插即用,支援熱插拔。 內部連接介面:SATA 外部傳輸介面:USB 2.0 & eSATA * 硬盤支援:最高支援2TB 電源供應:12V 2A 外觀材質:塑膠
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傳輸方塊 2.5/3.5 吋雙用高速傳輸硬盤外接座 4 . 產品裝置說明 步驟 1. 使用USB介面,請先確定USB 1.1/USB 2.0裝置是否已經安裝驅動程式,確保USB 1.1/USB 2.0裝置能正常運作。 步驟 2. 將USB或e-SATA的傳輸線,連接到傳輸方塊的USB連接埠。 步驟 3. 將USB或e-SATA的傳輸線,連接到您電腦的USB連接埠。 步驟 4. 將電源線連接到傳輸方塊的電源連接埠,並將電源開關打開,傳輸方塊即可以開始使用 15
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傳輸方塊 2.5/3.5 吋雙用高速傳輸硬盤外接座 步驟 5. 將2.5吋或3.5吋SATA硬盤插入傳輸方塊插槽內。 16
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傳輸方塊 2.5/3.5 吋雙用高速傳輸硬盤外接座 步驟 6. 當退出鈕向上彈起,代表硬盤已正確安裝,即可開始傳輸及使用您的資料。 17
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傳輸方塊 2.5/3.5 吋雙用高速傳輸硬盤外接座 5 . 移除硬盤 步驟 1. 滑鼠雙擊在工具列的綠色小箭頭,然後選擇您想要移除的設備。 步驟 2. 關閉傳輸方塊電源並按下退出鍵移除硬盤。 (按下退出鍵時請輕扶硬盤) [注意]當系統正在對USB 2.0硬碟執行資料拷貝或應用程序調用硬碟資料時, 程序未執行完畢或結束時,請勿將硬碟拔除,中途拔除硬碟將會導致檔案遺失或損壞。 18
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傳輸方塊 2.5/3.5 吋雙用高速傳輸硬盤外接座 步驟 3. 安全的從傳輸方塊中移除硬盤 。 19