Parker Hannifin Dynaserv G2 دليل المستخدم

دليل المستخدم للجهاز Parker Hannifin Dynaserv G2

جهاز: Parker Hannifin Dynaserv G2
فئة: محرك الكمبيوتر
الصانع: Parker Hannifin
مقاس: 6.57 MB
مضاف: 6/8/2014
عدد الصفحات: 189
اطبع الدليل


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Parker Hannifin Dynaserv G2 دليل الاستخدام - Online PDF
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ملخصات المحتويات
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1

p/n 88-020389-01 A

Dynaserv G2 Drive
User Guide
Effective: March 1, 2002

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Introduction Thank you very much for your purchase of the DD servo actuator DYNASERV. The DYNASERV is an outer rotor type servo actuator that has achieved high torque, high speed, and high precision. It can be used in a wide range of applications in the FA device-related fields, such as industrial robotics and indexing. This technical manual explains the DYNASERV DM/SR series motors as well as its combinations with the DrvGII drivers. Please refer to this technical manual thoroughly when you use

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Regarding the safe usage of this device Warnings ! This product has been marked with and signs so that it can be used safely. Ignoring precautions and !!!! !!!! prohibitions related to these signs and using this product in an incorrect way may cause danger to the life and body of the operator. Always follow the precautions and observe the prohibitions explained below. ! Please make sure to understand the information given below completely before you start reading the technical manual

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Precautions !! !! !! !! ! This product has been marked with and signs so that it can be used safely. Ignoring precautions and prohibitions related to these signs and using this product in an incorrect way may cause danger to the life and body of the operator. Always follow the precautions and observe the prohibitions explained below. ! Please make sure to understand the information given below completely before you start reading the technical manual. ! Please keep the technical manua

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Handling Precautions 1. Do not install the motor in reverse direction in such a way that the rotor of the motor is fixed and the stator rotates. 2. Make sure to turn the power off before removing the side panel of the driver to set jumpers, etc. Touching the high voltage part inside the driver is dangerous. 3. This motor rotates at a high speed and with a high torque. Take the rotation radius into consideration and pay special attention to the prevention of any dangerous situations that may occu

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13. Never attempt to disassemble or remodel the motor and driver. If such service is necessary, please contact us. We assume no responsibility for products that have been disassembled or remodeled without permission. 14. For the DYNASERV DR series motors, a coating has been applied on the load attachment surface of the upper surface of the motor and the stator on the lower surface in order to prevent rust. When starting to use the product, wipe off the coating completely with cloth or paper soak

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16. Do not perform a withstanding voltage test on this device. If such a test is performed without discretion, the circuits may be damaged. If such test must be conducted, make sure to contact us. 17. When connecting the motor with a load, the centerlines of both cores should be aligned to a sufficient degree. Please note that if the deviation between the two cores becomes 10 µm or more, the bearings inside the motor may be damaged. The core deviation should be 10 µmm or less. -6-

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Table of Contents Introduction..........................................................................................................................1 Chapter 1 Overview of the Product 1-1 1.1 About the DYNASERV DM/DR Series ................................................................... 1-2 1.2 About the DrvGII Type Driver ................................................................................. 1-3 1

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4.8 Performing the Basic Settings of Pulse Commands ............................................... 4-18 4.8.1 About Position Command Pulse Input.........................................................................................4-18 4.8.2 Example of Operation..................................................................................................................4-19 Chapter 5 Functions

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6.5 Other Inputs .............................................................................................................. 6-9 6.5.1 Pulse Weight Selection PLS_DIRECT ..........................................................................................6-9 6.5.2 Position Control Bandwidth Selection FN.....................................................................................6-9 6.5.3 Velocity Control Bandwidth Selection GAIN.....................................................

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Chapter 9 Operation Display Pendant ........................................................................... 9-1 9.1 Overview................................................................................................................... 9-2 9.2 Features and Part Names .......................................................................................... 9-2 9.3 Switching Displays ................................................................................................... 9-3 9.

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Chapter 1 Overview of the Product 1.1 About the DYNASERV DM/DR Series 1.2 About the DrvGII Type Driver 1.3 Product Configuration 1.4 Model Names and Codes 1.5 Name and Function of Each Part 1.6 System Configuration Diagram 1-1

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Overveiw of the Product 1 1.1 About the DYNASERV DM/DR Series The DYNASERV servo motor, is a high speed, high torque, and high precision outer rotor type direct drive motor. The DM series motors are contained in an aluminum chassis and have a built-in optical encoder. There are four models in the A series with output torques of 50 to 200N⋅m and five models in the B series with torques of 15 to 75N⋅m. The outside diameters are 264 mm for the A series and 160 mm for the B series. Each has a shaft

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1.2 About the DrvGII Type Driver The DrvGII type driver is a digital servo driver with a RS232 communication, developed as the successor to the conventional SD/SR/TM type driver. Not only have the functions been improved, but also the driver box volume has been made smaller, and it can support the DYNASERV rotation type motors, as well as the LINEARSERV series motors that are of the direct drive type. The features include the following: (1) The size of the driver is reduced to approximately half

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Overveiw of the Product 1 1.3 Product Configuration The following shows the configuration of this product. Upon unpacking, please check the model name and code of the product’s main unit, whether or not all the standard accessories are included, and also the quantity supplied. Part name Number Notes The external appearance varies depending on the model Motor part 1 name/code. Main body The external appearance varies depending on the model Driver part 1 name/code. Connector for Made by Honda Tsus

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1.4 Model Names and Codes There are restrictions on the combination of specifications. Please check with our sales staff before determining the specification. (1) Motor □□□□□□□□□-□*1 !Motor series name (DM or DR) !Design version (1: standard/5: high-speed) !Maximum output torque (N-m, three-digit number) !Motor type/outer diameter (A:φ264/B:φ160/C:φ116/E:φ205) !Destination (0: domestic) !Motor part special shape (0: standard/B: light-weight/C: with flange/ D: with mechanical brake/F

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Overveiw of the Product 1 1.5 Name and Function of Each Part (1) Motor Part Encoder cable Load installation screw Shaft hole Motor cable Rotor Stator installation screw Stator Bottom cap Rating nameplate DM (Bottom surface) (Upper surface) series Load installation Load installation screw Shaft hole Load installation surface Shaft hole surface Rotor Base part (stator) Rating nameplate Motor cable Encoder cable (DM1004C) (DM1004B) Motor cable Load installation screw Encoder cable Stator inst

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(2) Driver part ! 500W level (A model with regenerative terminal is shown) Mounting bracket RS232C connnector Setting switch and status LED display part Sensor brake terminal Connection of power Contact I/O connector 1 supply and motor cable Analog monitor connector Mounting bracket Encoder resolver connector 1 ! 2kW level (A model with a regenerative terminal is shown) Heat sink Regenerative unit 1-7

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Overveiw of the Product 1 (3) Details of the Front Panel of the Driver !500W level !500W level (with regenerative terminal) (without regenerative terminal) Regenerative terminal Power supply terminal Power supply ground terminal Motor cable phase A terminal Motor cable phase B terminal Motor cable phase C terminal Motor cable ground terminal Regenerative error connector !2kW level Signal ground terminal ZERO signal terminal Settling signal terminal Note: (1) All the items shown are of the

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4 3 2 1 [Details of Setting Switches and Status Display LEDs] Status display LEDs CRDY CPU ready Indicates that the driver finished its initial processing and went into its normal status. SRDY Servo ready ERR Error status BUSY Busy Indicates that the driver is currently operating. AXIS Axis is operating Indicates that the axis is currently operating (dwell operation) COIN Settling status Indicates that the axis is in its position settling status. 0 CRDY RS-ID Rotary switch RS ID The communicati

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