ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
Mass Storage
3 diskette I
3 diskette
1 Computer Specifications 1
3 hard a
CPU and Memory
16 or
3 hard a
8 MHz
frame). storage
through a or
address and data bus
On-board memory RAM on main system board;
Detachable, three
expandable 256KB or IMB
sculpted keys
to 6MB.
speed or
Four levels
Math co
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
EQUITY 386SX Serial Port Connector 1 Switch Settings 1 1 I DalaeanlardMwt 2 SIN I 0 3 4 DTR 0 s-ground 5 & There are no DIP switches on the Equity 388!X 6 However, there is a CPU SPEED switch on the front of 7 RTS b Requeettosalnl 6 I aarlosald the unit in the lower left hand corner. 9 RI I Indhmr The CPU SPEED selects between and power light is orange, and at the light is green. Keyboard Connector 1 PIN 1 2 Parallel Port Connector 3 4 5 13 0000000000000 000000000000 25 Mouse Connector 1
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3
EQUITY 386SX I/O Port Addresses ADDRESS FUNCTION I Interrupt Controller 1 Timer/Counter 08M8F Keyboard controller and Port B Interrupt Mask Interrupt Controller 2 Controller 2 Numeric Coprocessor Hard Disk Controller Parallel Port 1 1 Parallel Port 0 Parallel Port 2 (on some video boards) floppy Disk Controller Possible Eqwy 386xX SlMM con~alirnls Serial Port 0 Jumper Settings DMA Channels CHANNEL 0 1 2 floppy disk transfers 3 Spare (Hard disk drive) 4 Cascade of data from channel O-3 5 8 7
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 4
EQUITY 386SX Hardware Interrupts CnRl clLR2 FUNCTION Timer Output 0 Interrupt from CTLR2 serial port 2 serialport floppy disk interrupt Ma8 Parallel port 1 RTC interrupt Software redirected to Reserved Fall Reserved Mouse, pointing device Coprocessor Hard disk controller Reserved Equity Series Computers EQ386SX-4 Ilw15 IRQ14 IRQ13 IRQ12 IRQlO IRGIg NW2 IRQ5 IRca7 IFKX port 2 parallel IRQ4 IRQ3 iRo2 K@yboard IRQl IRQO
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 5
EQUITY 386SX Rope Installation/Support Tips Power surethatthedrhatypehasbmcorrectly a power supply is switchable in SETUP. in other countries. The voltage switch is located at been installed correctly. the rear of the CPU between the AC inlet and the AC Installing Hard Disk Drives It is recommended that a AT-type hard lf the AC inlet and the AC outlet. If the CPU is you are installing a that cannot make use for in order to function in Europe, only for use at should be plugged into
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 6
EQUITY 386SX switching to for the you still unable to the at aa fl Make sure that you do not forget the Password should you one up. If you do, it will jumper 2 on the main board to the l-2 position. If you enable network server mode after installing a password, the prompts you for that password before allowing you to However, if you install MS-DOS on the hard disk and boot from that the prompt no longer appears. The computer the EQ386SX-6 9/22/89 Equity Series Computers mode. 8erve
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 7
EQUITY 386SX Hard Disk Drive Types - IJly rypc no. ~IlllW8 IMdl MB lrlm Mm8 - - 00 J O 01 31-506 306 4 17 10.2 128 305 Used by ESDI) 02 jl-506 615 4 17 300 615 20.4 1) 03 3-506 6 17 615 300 615 a.6 04 17 X-506 940 8 512 940 24 05 31-506 940 6 17 512 940 468 - 06 ST-506 615 4 17 615 20 4 07 31-506 462 8 17 511 256 ul.7 - OB 17 3'1-506 733 5 733 30.4 - 15 17 09 X-506 900 901 121 - 17 10 ST-506 820 3 820 204 - 11 ST-506 a55 5 17 a55 35 5 - 12 3-506 655 7 17 49 7 055 13 ST-506 306 8 17 128 20.3 319
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 8
EQUITY 386SX - Typo no. I MB Drlvo iumr Two - r- - 54 967 9 36 967 153.0 CDC94166-182 - 55 ESDI 1022 7 34 1022 1186 Mcropolrs 1354A - 56 ESDI 967 5 34 967 80.3 CDC 94:66-10113) - 57 ESDI 967 7 34 967 1124 CDC94166-141 (3) - 56 ESDI 967 9 34 967 1445 CDC94166-162(3) - 59 AT 980 5 17 979 405 CONNERCP-344 - 60 AT 776 6 33 775 100 CONNERCP-3104 - 4 61 AT 745 26 744 405 Mmt 6051Analrvemode - 17 62 AT 965 5 Auto 40 Ouantum 4OAT (6) - 17 63 AT 965 10 Auto 60 Quantum pro 6OAT (6) 64-255 none - - - - 1 M
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 9
EQUITY 386SX Information Reference List Engineering Change Notices None. Product Support Bulletins None. Related Documentation Equity User’s Guide Equity MS-DOS 4.01 Manual Equity Shell User’s Guide Equity 386s Command Summary Y194991axw Equity Service Manual Equity Technical Reference Manual Technical Information Bulletins None. Equity Series Computers EQ386SX-9 List Parft, 396SX Equity MPL-EW66SX 386SX MPMEQ386SX 396SX MTMEQ396SX Guide installation 38&3X Equity Y194991w4cm 386SX Y194991