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All-in-one USB adapter for
communication via CAN, RS-232, and USB
User Manual
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual Products taken into account Product Name Model Item Number PCAN-USB Hub IPEH-002004 CANopen® and CiA® are registered community trade marks of CAN in Automation e.V. All other product names mentioned in this document may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. They are not explicitly marked by “™” and “®”. © 2010 PEAK-System Technik GmbH PEAK-System Technik GmbH Otto-Roehm-Strasse 69 64293 Darmstadt Germany Phone: +49
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual Contents 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Properties at a Glance 4 1.2 Prerequisites for the operation 5 1.3 Scope of Supply 5 2 Installing the Software and the PCAN-USB Hub 6 3 Connectors on the PCAN-USB Hub 9 3.1 Upstream Port (USB Cable) 9 3.2 Power (Voltage Supply) 9 3.3 CAN 10 3.3.1 Supplying External Devices via the CAN Connector 11 3.4 RS-232 13 3.5 USB Ports (Downstream) 13 4 Operation 14 4.1 Status LEDs 14 4.2 Removing the Hub Safely 15 5 CAN Software
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual 1 Introduction The PCAN-USB Hub provides several hardware interfaces via a USB connection. The device has connection facilities for one CAN bus, two serial RS-232 connections and two additional USB devices. Software interfaces exist for different operating systems, so programs can easily access a connected CAN bus. Tip: At the end of this manual (Appendix B) you can find a Quick Reference with brief information about the installation and operation of the PCA
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual Device drivers and programming interfaces for operating systems Windows (from XP onwards) and Linux, for earlier Windows versions and other operating systems on request Note: This manual describes the use of PCAN-USB Hub with Windows. You can find CAN drivers for Linux and the corresponding application information on the provided CD in the directory branch Develop and on our website under www.peak-system.com/linux. 1.2 Prerequisites for the operation A va
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual 2 Installing the Software and the PCAN-USB Hub This chapter deals with the software setup for the PCAN-USB Hub under Windows and the connection of the hub to the computer. Drivers for the CAN interface as well as the RS-232 interfaces are installed. All drivers are installed from the provided Product CD. Setup the driver for the CAN interface before connecting the PCAN- USB Hub to the computer for the first time. Do the following to setup the driver for the C
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual Do the following to connect the PCAN-USB Hub and carry out the initialization of the CAN driver and the installation of the drivers for the RS-232 interfaces: 1. Connect the PCAN-USB Hub to a USB port at the computer. The computer can remain powered on. Windows notifies that new hardware has been detected. 2. Only Windows XP: A Wizard dialog box appears guiding through the CAN driver initialization (“PCAN-USB device”). Follow its instructions. Deny the searc
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual The Device Manager of Windows contains the following new entries: 1 Ports (COM & LPT) > USB Serial Port (COMn ) and USB Serial 1 Port (COMn ) CAN-USB-Hardware > PCAN-USB Device Universal Serial Bus controllers > Generic USB Hub Universal Serial Bus controllers > USB Serial Converter A Universal Serial Bus controllers > USB Serial Converter A Universal Serial Bus controllers > USB Composite Device
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual 3 Connectors on the PCAN-USB Hub 3.1 Upstream Port (USB Cable) The cable with the USB plug is used for connecting the PCAN-USB Hub to a computer. When a high-speed USB connection (USB 2.0) is established, the LED at the upstream port is on. For a full-speed USB connection (USB 1.1) the LED stays off. The Upstream Port can be used for voltage supply of the PCAN-USB Hub (see the following section 3.2). 3.2 Power (Voltage Supply) The voltage supply of the PC
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual If the permissible current delivery value is exceeded by connecting additional USB devices to the PCAN-USB Hub, Windows shows a respective warning and deactivates the related components. Figure 1: Power socket at the rear of the PCAN-USB Hub for the external voltage supply (self-powered operation) The connection of an external power supply at the Power socket is done with the supplied mating connector for fastening cable strands. 3.3 CAN A High-speed CAN
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual Tip: You can connect a can bus with a different transmission standard via a bus converter. PEAK-System offers different bus converter modules (e.g. PCAN-TJA1054 for a Low-speed CAN bus according to ISO 11898-3). 3.3.1 Supplying External Devices via the CAN Connector By setting solder bridges on the PCB of the PCAN-USB Hub (casing opened) a 5-Volt supply can be routed to pin 1 and the external voltage supply, if available, can be routed to pin 9 of the D-Sub
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual Figure 3: Positions of the solder fields JP103 and JP104 on the PCB of the PCAN-USB Hub 5-Volt supply → None Pin 1 JP104 None Pin 9 External supply → JP103 Attention! Risk of short circuit! If the option described in this section is activated, you may only connect or disconnect CAN cables or peripheral systems (e.g. external bus converters) to or from the PCAN-USB Hub while it is de-energized (the hub is not connected to the computer). Consid
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual 3.4 RS-232 An RS-232 connection is done via a 9-pin D-Sub connector. Figure 4: Pin assignment RS-232 A/B (view onto connector of the PCAN-USB Hub) 3.5 USB Ports (Downstream) Further USB devices can be connected to the USB ports 1 and 2. Figure 5: USB ports at the back of the PCAN-USB Hub When using the USB ports, we recommend the voltage supply of the PCAN-USB Hub via the Power socket (self-powered operation). See also section 3.2 Power (Voltage Supply
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual 4 Operation 4.1 Status LEDs The PCAN-USB Hub has several status LEDs. Figure 6: Arrangement of the LEDs on the back side, USB Upstream / Power socket Power Green: Supply via Upstream port Red: external voltage supply USB Upstream (red) On: High-speed USB connection (USB 2.0) with a computer Off: Full-speed USB connection (USB 1.1) with a computer 14
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual Figure 7: Arrangement of the LEDs on the front side, CAN / RS-232 A/B CAN (red) On: The CAN interface is initialized. There's a connection to a driver of the operating system. Slowly flashing: A software application is connected to the CAN interface. Quickly flashing: Data is transmitted via the connected CAN bus. RS-232 A/B (green) Flickering: Transmission on TxD or RxD 4.2 Removing the Hub Safely Obey the notes about removing hardware safely, if
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual Figure 8: Icon for removing hardware safely 2. After clicking on the icon select the command Remove PCAN-USB Device. 3. Proceed similarly with further USB devices that are connected to the PCAN-USB Hub. 4. When the CAN LED on the PCAN-USB Hub is off, you can remove it from the USB port of the computer or switch the external voltage supply. 16
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual 5 CAN Software This chapter deals with the provided software and the programming interface for the CAN interface of the PCAN-USB Hub. 5.1 CAN Monitor PCAN-View for Windows PCAN-View for Windows is a simple CAN monitor for viewing and transmitting CAN messages. Figure 9: The main window of PCAN-View for Windows Do the following to start and initialize PCAN-View: 1. If PCAN-View is already installed on the hard disk, open the Windows Start menu, go to Progr
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual The dialog box for selecting the CAN hardware and for setting the CAN parameters appears. Figure 10: Selection of the CAN specific hardware and parameters 2. From the list Baud rate select the transfer rate that is used by all nodes on the CAN bus. 3. Under Message filter you can limit the range of CAN IDs to be received, either for standard frames (11-bit IDs) or for extended frames (29-bit IDs). Finally confirm the settings in the dialog box with OK. The
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual 5.2 Linking Own Programs with PCAN-Light On the provided CD you can find files for software development in the directory branch Develop. They exclusively serve the linking of own programs to hardware by PEAK-System with the help of the installed device driver under Windows. Further more the CD-ROM contains header files and examples for creating own applications in conjunction with the PCAN-Light drivers. Read the detailed documentation of the interface (API)
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PCAN-USB Hub – User Manual 6 Technical Specifications Supply Supply voltage 5 V DC via USB port (bus-powered operation) 9 - 36 V DC via Power socket (self-powered operation) Current consumption At 5 V via USB port: max. 300 mA At 12 V via Power socket: max. 150 mA (each time without connected USB devices) Connectors Computer USB plug type A CAN D-Sub (m), 9 pins Pin assignment according to specification CiA® 102 RS-232 2 x D-Sub (m), 9 pins USB 2 x USB socket type A USB U